Thursday, January 8, 2015

שיעור בהלכות בחורים וסבון

There was a time when issues like these were discussed behind closed doors. You didn't publicize it, and if you were asked about by a stranger you told to butt out, and דער וואס פארשטייט דער פארשטייט. All the rest figure it out for yourselves. Like the Gerrer Takonos... Now, the younger generation doesn't seem to get that; they just babble to anybody that asks and don't consider the consequences. This Tzadikkel may have meant well, but he sounds like a caveman, although he looks quite neat and put together. Maybe he's married, so he used soap... I also don't think that this is the case anymore with many Chassidishe Yeshivos. And besides, there's unscented deodorant for a reason.


  1. The truth is I know guys like this and the smell is so bad and intense. How do their wives deal with it?

  2. Once upon a time Shovevim was also not posted on every street corner and once upon a time tznius wasn't a madness even while those promoting it are busy covering up on the other end.

    If the system wishes to push its agenda they shouldn't complain when other offer a slightly different viewpoint.


  4. WHere can I see this FILM?

  5. I hope you realize its an ad, maybe even making fun of chareidim. I heard that one of the things the "maloch" didn't like at the time about the frierdiker rebbe, was that when the frierdiker rebbe came back from a trip in askonus to a big city, he would bring back soap.... He thought it was too modern

  6. anon
    how old was the Frierdige rebbe when the Malach left Lubavich?
    what did the Reshab hold about soap?

  7. how did Rabbi Levin know what the FR brought back from his travels? He poked through his luggage?

  8. Odorized shampoo and cologne is beged isha. I think the fruit scented ones are the problem but 'mens' scented shampoos are ok.

    You know in oriental kehillos the men would wear mascarra, event he gemara talks about it and uses the same word "mascara". So will we see people shrei gvald if I wear mascara?

  9. The maloch left תרס'ב, the frierdiker rebbe was born יב תמוז תר'מ, so the FR was about 21,22. His askonus started officially יב תמוז תרנ'ה.
    I don't know why the maloch knew, could be it was a big thing for a place like lubavitch... But my uncle heard it from the old rabbi Simpson, who was around in lubavitch right afterwards


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