Monday, January 12, 2015

From the mailbox: Hashem will forgive even מחללי שבתות


This Friday night I saw a sefer from Reb Usher Horowitz. בן האמרי נועם מדזיקוב, He was a Rebbe in Rimanov and passed away in 1935. Some Kushitzky family printed it. I went through the sefer from cover to cover. It was a long Friday night davening... He talks alot about Tzadikim, takes a stand against the Agudah because the גדולים aren't leading it, it's the Germans that lead it. He claims the Rebbes are powerful enough, let them lead, why the need for German ballebatim? There's also lots of Torah on התקשרות to צדיקים. My friend, a Rebbe in New York and a member of the family, told me that the עטרת יהושע was into building a רעביסטעווע, he has alot of Torah about התקשרות, the ראפשיצער in זרע קודש has a lot of Torah on צדיקים, but does not get into the detail of התקשרות. In the attachment here he has a Torah on the Zemiros, משוך חסדך ליודעיך, He's מליץ יושר on Mechalelie Shabosim that they will eventually bring קרבנות after Moshiach comes, and they'll be forgiven for all their עבירות, so they're good as of today as well. Kind of retroactively. This Torah has a lot of value, because it's from the Hiemishe Ropshitzer Cheder, not some Lubavitcher or Breslover Torah....He was probably a first cousin with the Ploncher Ruv, Sakmer Ruv's FIL.


  1. Read up about him before u think u found a metziah

  2. Freilach by der Litvishe

  3. His daughter married Koschitzky

  4. Rimenower
    in BP there was a Zhikever rebbe passed away last year, was he is einikel?

  5. ר' יהושע האראוויטץ ע"ה מבארא פארק הי' נכדו של ר' אלטר חתן האהבת ישראל מוויזשניץ

  6. so no horowitzes from the Madanie Melech?

  7. לכאורה שיטתו בענין האגודה דומה לשיטת רבוה"ק נשיאי בית ליובאוויטש, ניט אזוי?

  8. Why "some Kushitzky family"
    Why 'some Lubavitcher Torah"

    Kushitzky is choshuver family.

    Lubavitcher Torah is not "some"

  9. MIB
    is not the Bluzhever rebbe a Kushitzky?

  10. Many, perhaps most, of those who opposed the Agudah considered it an imperialist German-Yekke desire to rule over the masses of Eastern European Jews. And there was some truth to that. The plan to establish a new and improved Cheder system, called חדר המתוקן which others called חדר המסוכן and girls schools (first proposed by German Agudists in 1912 well before Soroh Schnierer gave it respectability) were examples of teh Torah im derech eretz part of Aguda plans. Jacob Rosenheim, was private secretary of Rav Shamshon refael Hirsch and his teachings were a core part of their vision. Therefore the opposition of Munkacz and Dzikov and others

  11. וואס איז שווער אויף דעם פונקט? . צדי'ק כתמ'ר יפר'ח פארשטייסטי בעסער?

  12. Correction his grandaughter not his daughter married Koschitzky


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