Friday, March 6, 2015

Friday Links

Tablet Mag analyzes the CC clip
Menashe Unger started out as a good Galitzyaner Rebbishe Yingel
Returning to his elter zeide's North Dakota town


  1. כדאי לציין שמנשה אונגר בזיוו"ר היתה חתן הרב מסקאווין חתן הרב מקשאנוב ולאחר גירושו נשא הרב לאו מפיעטורקוב אשתו בזיווג שני

  2. מה קרה לאשתו הראשונה של הרב לאו?

  3. Why don't you explain what the pic is?

    Re Tablet, have you noticed their chutzpah? They charge to COMMENT! Hostigehertamaseh?

    I see that article you linked to has ONE comment. It would have 50 at least if they didn't charge. A meshigas. They're cutting off their noses to spite their faces... Shotim!

  4. really? charge to comment? takkeh a modneh manseh!

    the pic is from an asifas haRabbonim. Maybe in regards to gezeiras haSh'chitah in Poland.

  5. Tzig,

    Could you please elaborate on the gezeiras hashechita in Poland?


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