Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Tuesday Links

Rabbi Avraham Aron Price z'tl (1900-1994)
Fole Wilschanski's Holocaust Testimony (click link)
Rymanow to Kenosha, WI. Hear Manny Chulew's story
Mitch Morgenstern, G7, tells us about Kotzk
Rakeffet's talking about the Rebbe's wedding now


  1. did the rebbe came to his wedding toghether with the kallah or separate ?

  2. תורה הוא ונלמוד אני צריך

  3. i watched the film very nice clean orthodox jews, although they seem chasidic to, a dying out breed today.

    what's up with the picture showing the rebbe in rebel fatigs

  4. Hirshel
    Thanks for the video
    on the big goan Rav Price Zt"l
    one of the talmidim say that Rav Price met the Lubavicher Rebbe in Berlin,
    Its my assumption that it would new for the chabad historians
    i loved the original vort of Reb Chaim Heller on the Tosefto

  5. exploring kotzk in boca raton, who wants to miss that wow!

  6. is their a kotzker or p'shisca rebbe mushroomed anywhere today?

  7. regarding manny chulew's facinating story, very similar to my father's story, he also got into the furniture business after liberation, anyway since rymanov is close to z'ditshov i wonder to wich chasidus your family rooted, we are z'ditshov.

  8. I watched this tape with tears in my eyes, אוי וועי אוויא נעמט מען די צייטן פאון אמאל, פאר די גרינע חיות האבן פארכאפט דאס יודישקייט אין אמעריקא

    על אלה אני בוכיה עיני עיני ירדה מים כי רחק ממני מנחם משיב נפשי היו בני שוממים כי גבר האויב

  9. Hirshel, did you view Grodzinski Bakery? ממש א מחיה i wish i can order some goodies there online, is the hecsher good? or some mizrachi ou type, anyway it may be un relevant because i have bad teeth (my mom was a holocaust surviver and she didnt care much for my teeth (she claims i didn't, ok mom) anyway sugary things not good for my teeth, but i would chap arein a few if presented with the נסיון and deal with the consequences later, thanks for posting it.


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