Monday, June 15, 2015

שוין לאאאאנג נישט געזעהן אזא מתנגדישע ישות

Seen on YWN

It's hard to tell what brought this on. Like, what made them decide to start this Yeshiva. Why now? Why Vilna. Why Rabbi Aderes and the American Wolpin. Why the need to shlep Reb Chaim into this? (that maybe can be explained) How will they guarantee that this goal is established and met? All that is partly beside the point. We wish them lots of success. But what got me was the ברייטקייט - putting it mildly, that this honored group has. That they will save the matzav, as if it needed to be saved. I thought we had more Torah than we could handle - כביכול. But listen to the good Rabbi at about 3:30 in, where he speaks about the other aspects that the Yeshiva will iy"h specialize in: namely, that it'll accept money only from Shomrei Shabbos, and from: You heard it, Shomrei HaBris.... Now, who's going to vouch for that? will there be a questionnaire? Maybe he meant Shomrei Torah? who knows. They seem confused by what they're planning here. But in my estimation, if it takes a whole year to learn 10 blatt b'iyun in a standard Yeshiva, imagine how long it'll take to learn Shas b'iyun! But, like the headline reads, what takes the cake here is the old fashioned Misnagdishe ישות  that beats its chest and says I'm here to save the world, שלא ישתכח תורה מפי זרענו ח"ו - and the only way to do it is by starting ישיבת וילנא.

גיי פארשטיי


  1. Bygone misnagdishe Yeshes , today it's chabad Yeshes you're kevetshing as if its copyrighted by the lubabs

  2. יש דורשין לשבח, יש דורשין לגנאי

  3. This is the regular nonsense you can hear at any Yeshiva dinner, hesped, yom hatzula etc. It is a chidush only because misnagdim were usually better than that.
    Whoops ...

    1. "misnagdim were usually better than that."

      says who?

    2. Whoever found this item newsworthy obviously felt that this was a chidush.
      But if you have such speeches from talmidei chachomim in the past, by all means post them.

  4. For whom did they 1)make the speeches in ivrit, 2)post to youtube, and 3)provide english subtitles? Certainly not for potential donors who are not shomer habriss!

    (not sure if #1 is my cultural bias. maybe over there the rosh yeshivas don't speak yiddish)

  5. "But in my estimation, if it takes a whole year to learn 10 blatt b'iyun in a standard Yeshiva, imagine how long it'll take to learn Shas b'iyun!"

    Where did the 10 blatt/year thing come from? Is that the derech of Rav Chaim? Obviously this Yeshiva does not do things that way. Also, in Eretz Yisroel especially, things move at a quicker pace. The old stereotypes invoked in your post are tired, and should be reexamined.

  6. it's a power point presentation for a schnorr campaign (proably without a yeshiva)

  7. these gedolim in eretz yusruel should start wearing labels with what party they affiliate, expiration date, etc.

  8. HELLO! the world is not divided between chasidum and misnagdum (that's a lubab thing, which suits them..) not even between hashkofas (each stumble by themselves) the real divide is varters (satmar) and their satlelites למחצה שליש ולרביע vs. yidelech non-varters, a new/old phenomenon .

  9. in English the translation of the above sounds like they are accepting money from those that aren't shomrei shabbos

  10. "the old fashioned Misnagdishe ישות that beats its chest and says I'm here to save the world, שלא ישתכח תורה מפי זרענו ח"ו - and the only way to do it is by starting ישיבת וילנא."

    What will save the world? Having horse jockeys שאינם מזרע ישראל visit your Rebbe at his Ayhel?


    1. עד מתי? עד שישמעו רחוקים ויבואו, ויתנו לך כתר מלוכה

  11. Ad Mosai
    "What will save the world? Having horse jockeys שאינם מזרע ישראל visit your Rebbe at his Ayhel?"
    we say 3 times a day that we are waiting to Vechol Bnie Bosor Yikroeen Beshmecho....
    the horse is Bosur the jockey is bosur, so that is the goal of klal yisroel....

  12. "the horse is Bosur the jockey is bosur"

    אשר בשרם בשר חמורים
    why be redundant .

  13. lets see a new vilnor goan, bring him on!

  14. Hesh,

    You can do better?

  15. yeah hirshel, what was takka the pshat that the goyish jockey was given a sefer tehillim beim oihel? could that ken zein be assur altz magid devorov l'yaakov?

    oh i forgot, chabad acts as if those claiming to be marranos zeinen shoin yidden and you do kiruv on them (even though the gedolei haposkim are against such kiruv)

  16. I am so 'sure' that Tzigela never met any Lubavitchers who think they are the only ones who are ausgehalten!

    Achar kach kshoyt acherim

  17. OTB Kingston
    "(even though the gedolei haposkim are against such kiruv)"
    according to the rambam in hilchas melochim you have to force the 7 nohaide laws on a gentile,and according to all poskim you could and you learn it eith them
    So what is this Gedolie Hapokim talk??????
    If you want to ridicule it by Kiruv so be it.

  18. There is a very innocent explanation for Vilna. Because of the shortlived Lithuanian independence, most of the Litvisher & some Poilisher yeshivos escape to Vilna from the Nazis, so it was the last bastion of Torah in the alter heim.

    Come on! Do you really see a Misnagdishe boogeyman under every NON-pinched Borsalino?

    You obviously have no idea who the adam gadol and nistar Rav Aderet is. He uprooted himself from the comforts of Monsey and went to Great Neck to work on making Iranians into bnei Torah since it was the only place in America with a large Jewish population and no yeshiva.

    I am pretty sure he has no problem with his oylam sending their kids to the Chabad Great Neck pre-school.

  19. Giving out shirayim?
    Oy vey
    Rabbi Aderet who has a kehilla in Great Neck, is into kabollah , mikva.He is a good man.
    Wish them hatzlocha.
    Rabbi Wolpin is an iluyishe fellow,son I believe of R'Nissen Wolpin editor offthe Jewish Observer, the Guda magazine.Uncle is rosh yehiva of Stolin

  20. so R Aderet is there to shlep the money? does he know Shas B'Iyun?

  21. "so R Aderet is there to shlep the money"

    ! האדרת והמאני - לחי העולמים

  22. Did the Chabadsker bochurim in Shangchai go to Vilna first?

  23. Chaim Berlin (suburban) TragedyThursday, June 18, 2015 3:42:00 PM

    It's grada huge mesiras nefesh to have a yeshiva in Great Neck.

    Great Neck is a village in the Town of North Hempstead which is hugely anti-Semitic and where Yidden have no clout.

    TNH Buildings Dept was roydef mimokom el mokom when Chaim Berlin opened a yeshiva in Great Neck. That yeshiva folded from all the gehackta tzorus & redifos. The Town's population is extremely high income so the Town govt has a negative view of renters who are treated worse than 4th class citizens. If you call in a complaint against a landlord the Town often joins the redifos of the landlord, and especially if the tenant is frum.

  24. not your average shpatzirThursday, June 18, 2015 3:53:00 PM

    As an item of interest, the Mirrer bochur en route from Vilna to Japan who was pulled off the train in Siberia by NKVD was never heard from again, but researchers at Stanford believe some of the accounts of people escaping Siberian gulags by walking all the way to Tibet, and even India.

  25. North Hempstead anti-Semitism comes dually fron the WASPs living there for 100s of years as well as the seculars ashamed they are Jewish. When you get further away from the Queens line where Great Neck is and deeper out on the island, you will see a sinah for bnei Torah from seculars that you probably won't see anywhere else besides Tel Aviv.

    At the JCC in East Hills if you so much as pull into the parking lot you get looks that are way beyond angry glaring, maybe almost murderous is more accurate. Try going inside to ask something and they chew heads off.

    Meanwhile there are a lot of wealthy immigrants from India working in tech or executive positions living there. Since they are not welcome at the WASPy yacht clubs, they go to the JCC who warmly embrace them with open arms. Rachmono litzlon there is intermarriage out there now with Indians because of this. The Indians are welcome but bnei Torah are worse than persona non grata.

    1. Upatate NY isn't better except it was poorer, now that it is prosperous their ugly underbelly is on display.


  26. אזא מתנגדישע ישות-

    אוכלין בעולם הזה, ונוחלין לעולם הבא, שנאמר: להנחיל אוהבי יש! ואוצרותיהם אמלא

  27. I must say I have no problem with this. Let them learn and let them strive. My hope is that their wives and children don't live in poverty. Regarding learning 10 dat B'Iyun, that was certainly the case in my day at Yeshivat Kerem B'Yavneh. Because I always refused help, I could sit on a 3 line Tosfos for a week. I didn't mind, and I think that Yegiah was good for me (although today I'm far from where I was then)
    There are plenty of Geonim at KBY still today. Start with Rav Mendel Blachman.

  28. "I must say I have no problem with this"

    i second you, it's a go lets have some modern day vulnor goan


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