Sunday, June 28, 2015

לכבוד חג הגאולה י"ב-י"ג תמוז

A letter to Mr. Felix Warburg by the Agudas Chassidei Chabad Nusach Ari organization in the US written on 7 Tammuz 1927/5687. Five (5) days before the Rebbe's release. He was then in Kostrama, Russia, where he was supposed to spend 3 years. After having his death sentence commuted to ten, five and then three years. In the end he was released on 12/13 Tammuz and left Russia on Motzoei Simchas Torah 5688.


  1. אמר דער זאגערMonday, June 29, 2015 1:37:00 PM

    יוציאם מחשך וצלמות -- יודו לד' חסדו ונפלאותיו לבנ"א

  2. Suprise
    The Malech one of the Nesieim on the stationary
    A lesson for colaborartion

    1. upper west side prof of theologyTuesday, June 30, 2015 8:49:00 AM

      "A lesson for colaborartion"

      the letter calls him דעם גרויסן רבין it seems like the opposite they the lubabs forced him away one, he was a threat, and two he wasn't going to compromise ...

  3. here goes the hypocrisy of the yellow bloggers. a one mr. levine turned out to be the famous

    הרה"ג וצדיק אברהם דוב לעווין, נשיא חב"ד דאמעריקא

    i should add in his merit the rebbe was freed!

  4. What is the legacy of the Malochim however?

    They were arausgevarfed fun Torah Vodaas, became Bnai Yoel type fanatics and thugs in the Willy Vaad "hatzniyus" (if there was ever a misnomer considering that Nechemya Weberman was sentenced to 54 years for shrecklicha menuvoldik crimes)

    1. "thugs in the Willy Vaad "hatzniyu" "

      better than having them roam the times squares of the world, or on kingston ave.

    2. "sentenced to 54"

      you couldn't find any real molesters in your neck of the woods, usually people who live in glass houses don't throw stones, but u guess שנאה מקלקלת את השורה a broch indeed.

  5. What nonsense
    He was not the nasi of chabad in America.
    He was a machutzef.
    He caused nesei chabad a lot of trouble.

    1. well read the letter, btw אשר נשיא יחטא can happen to the best, but repent he must even the nusi of chabad. .

    2. "machutzef"

      please define machutzef, also how what when and where ?!

    3. וואלשטיין, דא ביסט א מחוצף שאין לך תרופה למכתך

  6. the malech הנשיא דחב"ד worked to liberate the rebbe YY (who chabad claim the malech alieanated him, really. ) than the rebbe YY becomes נשיא חב"ד ! political chivalry, business as usual.

  7. ישמעאל כפר חב"דTuesday, June 30, 2015 8:38:00 AM

    מיהו הרב לאקשין מנשיאו חב"ד? דאמעריקא

  8. פארוואס איז ואלשטיין א מחוצף? ער נעמט זיך סה"כ אהן פאר זיין רבי'ן

    1. ער האט ניט קיין רבין היינט אין ניט אמאל, קיין שום בן תורה רעדט אזוי

  9. פריער גיי רעד מיט די וועבערמאנס אין וויליאמסבורג און אין מאנרא, דערנאך זאג מיר ווער ס'נישט קיין בן תורה

    1. כווייס נישט וואס די רעדסט, מיר אבער דיר לעבן אין א אלטערנעטיוו ריאליטי


    2. dear member, there are many shades of white, but each relates to the next, when you talk about the "plagues" i.e. satmar! to whom do you equate it? that's important! when you talk about a whole family like the webermans to whom do you equate them!? I chalange you to mention one entire family of the lubabs and compare it to the entire family of the webermans (picking just one member and hang him, that's what amelik did!) neither does it count when you compare apples to oranges .

      שאת או ספחת או בהרת.  שמות
      נגעים הם ולבנות זו מזו, וכן שנינו בתורת כהנים שתים שהן ארבע בהרת עזה כשלג שניה לה כסיד ההיכל, שאת כצמר לבן שניה לה כקרום ביצה

      תנחומא: אמר ר' חמא בר שקלא, וריב"ל ורבי יוחנן מה היו בית עמלק עושין, היו מחתכין מילותיהם של ישראל, וזורקין כלפי מעלה, ואומרים בזה בחרת טול לך מה שבחרת

  10. Replies
    1. כנראה איז א ספק דעמאלט פארוואס נישט ביידע

  11. Empire Kingston
    "who chabad claim the malech alieanated him, really. "
    is it only a chabad claim?
    are not his people badmouthing the last 3 chabad rebbes, and puling in the rebbe Maharash,
    you are a revisionist

    1. "are not his people badmouthing the last 3 chabad rebbes, "

      yes they do, chasidum have a history of bad mouthing each other, but no one annum called a godol like the malech a "mecutzuf" that's above all stuid, talk on their merit or lack off.

  12. Empire Kingston
    "better than having them roam the times squares of the world, or on kingston ave."
    Timesquare is impure even on dauys when the Malochim/Netural Karta are protesting with all faggot lovers leftist shikses who protest the holy land of Israel with her 7 million Jews.
    It his just as impure as the Bucherim that do Kiruv....

    1. קרבות יחפצוןThursday, July 02, 2015 9:50:00 AM

      "It his just as impure as the Bucherim that do Kiruv...."

      are they mingling with the rafraf, do they ask for their phone numbers, do they invite them to their houses, do they tell them how great they are, do they give them comfort food of thoughts so they can continue their vice perpetually! ? etc. etc. kuruv indeed.

      ! פדה עמך מעזים! צאנך מיד גוזזים

    2. sheker, you're true to your name sheker, sheked.

  13. "Suprise
    The Malech one of the Nesieim on the stationary
    A lesson for colaborartion"
    I think he was a different person in the Bronx in his kehilah then with his chasidim in the Willi

    1. must be something in the willi air, torah vdat left, the maluchem (all kinds of tov v'rah) are roaming the shuls and the streets, lubabs are kept in arms length ..
      אין פרץ ואין יוצא ברחובותינו No organized religion crimes committed there.

  14. Who can enlighten me as to whom Fogel/Cohen is ? Ive always wanted an in depth answer, not a single one line answer.

    I am sure some of the commentors can provide it. Shkayach

  15. איז דער רב לאקשין דער פאטער אדער דער זיידע פון הרב יוסף לוקשטיין פון די איסט סייד?

    1. יוסעלע פאנדראקThursday, July 02, 2015 6:02:00 PM

      ? מרי דעלמא, למי נפק"מ


  16. ? שטיינערע לאקשין, מיר זיפן דע מעהל

  17. "are they mingling with the rafraf, do they ask for their phone numbers, do they invite them to their houses, do they tell them how great they are, do they give them comfort food of thoughts so they can continue their vice perpetually! ? etc. etc. kuruv indeed.

    ! פדה עמך מעזים! צאנך מיד גוזזים"
    yes they do,
    they mingle
    they tell them how great they are?



  18. .. יובל הוא, וקראתם דרור בארץ לכל ישביה

    ! חג הגאולה


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