Wednesday, July 1, 2015

How Charedi publications often get it wrong when it comes to Lubavitch news...

Hi Hirshel 

Maybe you can post the attached with a comment, something like this: It's strange how some publications never get the facts correct when it concerns Lubavitch. I just read the story in Binah of 2 weeks ago, 25 Sivan 5775, by Suri Epstein, about a couple, where the wife studies medicine, who do so much kiruv work in Debrecin (or Debrecen), Hungary. Really unbelievable. But since I visit that city almost every year for Kivrei Avos, let me fill in some minor facts. The couple has left the city, I believe last year. So if you got the impression that you are reading a report about current life there, then you were fooled. The "Chabad couple" mentioned in the article is Rabbi Shmuel and his wife Rebbetzin Feigin. Rabbi Feigin is practically the Rov of the City, in charge of anything that has to do with Yiddishkeit. He has been there already for a few years with the typical Chabad Mesiras Nefesh. The picture in the article about the "first Hachnasas Sefer Torah since before the Holocaust" is in the Beis Chabad. The unidentified sofer in the picture is Rabbi Feigin's father from Kfar Chabad. The meals for the students mentioned in the article relate to the Seudos Shabbos that Rabbi Feigin and the rebbetzin organize for the Israeli and Hungarian students. So in short, most of the facts are correct, all that Binah missed out is to identify who is behind all this work. Rabbi Feigin and his wife are really doing a great job. Tremendous Kiruv. And I didn't even mention the Drashos in Hungarian that Rabbi Feigin give to the Baalei Batim in the Shul, that's a story in its own...

Thanks for listening.


  1. " didn't even mention the Drashos in Hungarian"


  2. מאדיאר עמבער, עס איז נישט דא היינט אין גאנץ אינגערן ווער עס נאך אידיש, אויב אזוי איז בעסער די שארית פליטה אידען זאלען נישט לערנען?!

    1. איך בין קיין מורה הוראה איבערהויפט וויא דער מהר"ם שיק האט שוין גיפסקנט, אבער ווער איז דער בעל אחראי אויף די טויזענטער קונדער פון די שליחים וואס זיי לערנען אין די לאקאלע שולעס, אין ווערן אויפגיצויגן צווישן גוים אין פרייע יודען וואס תוצאתיו מי ישרנו, עס איז יצא שכרו בהפסידו כידוע

  3. Did any frum publication ever write history the way it really was? Doesn't seem like it.


  4. במדרש: לשעבר הי' אדם עושה מצוה והנביאים כותבין מצוה, עכשיו שאין הנביאים מי כותבן, אליהו ומלך המשיח והקב"ה על ידיהם, שנאמר (מלאכי ג') אז נדברו יראי ד' איש אל רעהו ויקשב ד' וישמע ויכתב "ספר זכרון" לפניו ליראי ד' ולחשבי שמו

  5. They get it wrong about everything

  6. שכל הישר said...
    מאדיאר עמבער, עס איז נישט דא היינט אין גאנץ אינגערן ווער עס נאך אידיש, אויב אזוי איז בעסער די שארית פליטה אידען זאלען נישט לערנען?!
    what does that mean,?
    a Ben Hanidah is not a jew anymore?

    1. "what does that mean,?"

      cheese, you sound like a mouse kat?

  7. דאס ציגעלע האט גיזעהן וואס האט פאסירט מיט בלעם'ס אייזל האט ער זיך באהאלטן עד שיעבור הזעם. . ווייל יותר ממה שהעגל רוצה לינוק הפרה רוצה להניק, ער וועט אפירקריכן באלד

    חבו כמעט רגע עד שיעבור הזעם. -נביא

  8. אנטשולדיקט מיר אלע, איין ווארט איז אראפגעבליבען
    מאדיאר עמבער, עס איז נישט דא היינט אין גאנץ אינגערן ווער עס רעדט נאך אידיש
    יעצט וועלן שוין אלע פארשטיין וואס איך האב געמיינט.

    1. .ישר והפך, בקנה אחד עולים

  9. "לאקאלע שולעס" מה הוא מדבר! כל ילדי השלוחים לומדים בבתי ספר חב"ד במקום, או דרך חדרים על טהרת הקודש דרך האינטרנט.
    אין אף ילד שלומד ב"לאקאלע שולעס". זה דוגמא על שמתקיפים בלי לדעת את העובדות

    1. the proof is in the pudding .


    2. .ערבי ערבי צריך, ואכמ"ל

    3. זיי לערנען אין די לאקאלע שולעס, אין ווערן אויפגיצויגן צווישן גוים אין פרייע יודען

      ר' יקוב, השבתי על טענות השולעס ובדוחק יש לישבו, אבל מה תוכל לומר על טענות השני שגדילים ונראה להם תרבות הרפרפ והגוים שכינם שמזיק מאוד לילדים כידוע

  10. Ok,
    Tried my best to make heads or tails of what the fellow who sent you the article wants.
    Firstly, the article is about a young Chareidi non Chabad couple, where the wife is in medical school.That is very unusual and quite interesting.
    The article is NOT about Chabad in Debrecen.
    I"m not sure what he wanted Bina mag to write? They named the Chabad couple and the facts appear correct.
    Additionally, I"m not sure that mr anonymous is himself the big "maven" on Debrecen:"But since I visit that city almost every year for Kivrei Avos" He visits "almost" every year? Wow! For a day or two.Please.
    The point he makes that its actually the Chabad shaliach hosting the meals? Does not appear to be a stira to the "facts".Maybe the young couple AND the rabbi hosted people in different venues.
    He starts the message about how "how some publications never get the facts correct when it concerns Lubavitch. " than he says :"So in short, most of the facts are correct"
    Which one is it?
    My question is really to YOU:Why don't you edit your posts? It's clear that this fellow is totally wrong about his taynes against Bina, yet you back him up and even post this?

  11. To yom tov in der vochen
    What's so hard to understand? I will explain in simple words.
    Binah writes an article about kiruv work in Debrecin. Very interesting.
    Now for the facts:
    The only kiruv presently in the City is done by the Chabad Rav.
    The only organized Shabbos meals are organized by Chabad.
    The couple who was studying medecine there last year or before also attended the Chabad meals.
    The only Hachnasos sefer torah was in the Chabad House.

    So Binah got the facts write: Kiruv is being done, there is a Rav there, Shabbos meals are being organized etc. etc.

    Binah only missed ONE tiny bit of information: CHABAD!

    Go ahead and enjoy the magazine...

  12. yom tov in der vochen:
    Regarding "most of the facts are correct" - it was sarcastic.
    But truly I got different impression from the article.
    Seems to imply that the chabadniks are running the whole show and that the arrival of that couple was very useful for the chabadniks in promulgating yiddishkeit too and that they B"H helped to make difference.

  13. Simple reading,
    Do me a favour a reread Binas article, without jumping in like "a katz in zauer milech"
    The article was NOT about Chabad.
    Do you get that?
    Does every article need to be about Chabad??
    Do you claim that Bina lies when they say the frum couple, the wife studying medicine in college there , had acquaintances from her school and others over for shabbos?
    Why does every single non Chabad magazine need to be about Chabad?
    Do you guys not toot your own horn enough?
    I don't feel like getting into a silly disagreement over such nonsense during the 9 teg

  14. chabad inc. of today is a theme park, spread out on continents you can't fight success especially when they unfold as a traveling circus coming to a 'small minded' town with ho kus pokus, true to their brand.

    It took a long time for the circus to abandon their flag ship the Elephants! it may take awhile for them to to run out of tricks, but it will they always do.


Please think before you write!
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ביטע נוצן עפעס א צונאמען כדי דער שמועס זאל קענען אנגיין אויף א נארמאלן שטייגער

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