Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Is Ezra Friedlander selling us out for his client Jerry Nadler's sake?

See his op-ed here.

Some surprisingly sensible comments there too.

We don't do politics here much, but this is different. I understand the Satmarites saying stuff like this, the whole baloney "loyal to the government" shtick they do. But Ezra? Does he not worry about our good fortune?! In Jerry Nadler we trust, is it? Just because? Is the Chasidic garb to make me feel better when he says trust Jerry? Or is the "grandchild" of Holocaust survivors" line supposed to calm me down? Maybe some people are just plain alarmists. Granted. Maybe Dov Hikind falls under that category. And then there are those that always take the Ipcha Mistabra route. The one guy in shul. But to do this just to please a client is ewwwwwwww.


  1. dear hirshel, as someone said all politics are local, Nadler and Friedlander included, and foremost Netanyahu's, it's all agenda driven, logically it doesn't make sense, modern israel is a client State always was and always will be independent on the USA physically and morally, (except on gefilte fish) you can't bite the hand that feeds you, beggers are not choosers, if god forbid the USA is mischievous in their intentions or erroneous as in WWII towards us, well the almighty is stronger than the USA too.. and his will, will be done. However when the whole world literally is against you, and you fight the one and only friend left with an unprecedented audacity, for personality reason O vs Y you will be bitten! why didn't we hear all this outcries in all these years when Netanyahu was lecturing pres. Obama on the world stage with unprecedented chutzpah! I do not think for a second that the president is out to harm Israel, but I do think that he wants to relegate them and take away their Reins of selfish and irresponsible leadership which may be a good thing.


  2. History 101: "Arthur Balfour anti semite, vehamently opposed alien jewish immigration to England from czarist Russia, in 1917 to stop the influx of jews to England he signed the balfour declaration, to ship them off to palestine, The british cabinet at the time had one jewish member Edwin Montagu, he was passionately opposed to the declaration on grounds A) it was a capitulation to anti semitic bigotry suggesting that palestine is the natural destination of the jews, B) it would be a grave cause of alarm to the muslim world.!" (vf/ch) .

    In a Shakespearean stage crafted world we live in, we see balfour the "anti semite" as the savior of cheridi zionism! and Montagu the Jewish "visionary" is not even an afterthought. 

    fast forward today's president Obama (like him or not) may well be the saviour! of the millions of middle east jews concerted under the evil eye of its neighbours. and sen. Schumer a political operator, just an afterthought a remnant of the embarasing bibi regime shenanigans .

  3. "the whole baloney loyal to the government shtick"

    מסכת אבות: רבי חנינא סגן הכהנים אומר הוי מתפלל בשלומה של מלכות שאלמלא מוראה איש את רעהו חיים בלעו. בירמיהו כט:  ודרשו את שלום העיר אשר הגליתי אתכם שמה והתפללו בעדה אל ד' כי בשלומה יהיה לכם שלום! הנודע ביהודה, עשה תפלה למאריע טערעסע, ר' מרדכי באנעט עשה תפלה לפראנץ יוזעף הראשון

    ! חכמים הזהרו בדבריכם

  4. חיים זנוויל

    גמרות איז גוט און פיין. אבער למעשה איז עס באלאני

    1. האט אמונה, האט אמונה אין בוכ"ע

    2. "באלאני"

      רב הירשל, איז דאס וואר אז איהר האט אייך פארופן אויף די שיטה הקדושה פונם בעל ויוא"מ, דבר"י, עה"ג ועוד ועוד אלטץ באלאני? דוקא אצונדער ווען מען זעהט שוין באשיינפערליך אז יעדעס אות איז געשריבן אין גיזאגט גיווארן מיט רוה"ק, ביטע אויף קלערן. א פארווייטאגטער יוד

    3. It's baloney because they don't believe what they are saying. It is part of their religion of austritt, which has taken a life of its own. If Jews are against it, it must be a good thing.
      Fwiw, I have no opinion about this deal, I have not read it, nor have I heard from someone who did.

  5. כתיב ישעיהו מג: מי זה בא מאדום חמוץ בגדים מבצרה! זה הדור בלבושו צעה ברב כחו אני מדבר בצדקה רב להושיע

    רש"י: מי זה בא מאדום - נתנבא הנביא על שאמר הקב"ה שעתיד לעשות נקמה באדום! (זו הפרסיים) והוא עצמו בכבודו יהרוג את שר שלהם תחלה כענין שנאמר (לעיל ל"ד) כי רותה בשמים חרבי ואחר כך על אדום תרד ונכר בזעם פניו שהרגם הרג רב. --- "מבצרה" - אמרו רבותינו שתי טעיות עתיד שר של שעיר לטעות כסבור הוא שבצרה היא בצר במדבר שהיתה עיר מקלט וטועה משום שאין קולטת אלא שוגג והוא הרג את ישראל במזיד

  6. tzig, it's not Friedlander or Nadler you should fault, rather The esteemed secretary of the Treasury Jack Lew, who read in "yiddish" Der Yid weekly while in the white house, and related the contents to the president.

  7. Israel/US had a chance to make peace with it's neighbors for years, but it failed, blame it whom you must but it's reality, the pendulum shifted, to Iran/US perhaps this Alliance will have a better chance to restore order in the middle east, America is invested there, besides the 100's of billions it spends there annually, in every other possible way, after all America is the leader of the free world and the responsibility falls on them, and it's time to accelerate the peace process in to the home run, it is not sustainable the status quo, as is. you can always get back to the current chaos if this to fails.


  8. ראיתי בהגדה ש"פ עם פירוש מעשה נסים מהחות דעת ר' יעקב מליסא ז"ל. והוא מובא שם פי' ישן על החד גדיא, וז"ל: ואתא תורא, זה ישמאעל דאיתא במדרש תור זה ישמאעל כי מן אדום לקחו ישמאעל! (א"י), ואתא השוחט, זה משיח בן יוסף שישחט ויכלה כולם כי לעתיד יקח מישמאעל משיח בן יוסף. ואתא מלאך המות, כי משיח בן יוסף יהרג ע"י מ"ה. ואתא הקב"ה, כי לעתיד הקב"ה בעצמו יבוא ויפדנו. ובלע המות לנצח.

    שמעתי מאיש מהימן ששמע מפ"ק של החזון איש ז"ל, "משיח וועט פון זיי ניט איבערנעמען, עפעס וועט זיין אינמיטין" אח"כ

  9. "the whole baloney loyal to the government"

    I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God,indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

  10. גור אריה יהודאThursday, September 03, 2015 6:41:00 AM

    אתמול חי אלול! יום הילדת של האדמו"ר הזקן, אשר מתנגדיו הומסר אותו למלכות הצאר כי בלבול עליו שהוא דבר סרה עליהם, ביום זה אתה כותב סרה על מלכות של חסד דאמעריקא! אתמהה? מאוד

  11. ! יום המר והנמהר

    בביטאון 'בית משיח' מתפרסמת מתקפה חריפה במיוחד נגד מינויו של ליצמן לתפקיד שר הבריאות בכתבה מצוטטים דבריו של הרבי מחב"ד: דעתי ברורה, שההשתתפות בקואוליציא ועל אחת כמה וכמה, במשרת מיניסטר אסורה בהחלט על פי שולחן ערוך


  12. The opponents of the Iranian nuclear deal lost because they fought the wrong front of the war! the danger of the deal wasn't the nuclear proliferation into the mix of the mid east conflict, which is rather a deterrent to real conflict, as in the wars between the west and east, North korea and South korea, or Pakistan and India, but rather the alliance between Iran and America, as I suspected in all this time of the peace negotiations, Iran was assured by the USA that in the event Israel will attack them, America will come to their rescue, and fight with them the Israelis! edom and esov aligned against Israel! that's the outcome of this 'peace agreement'. nowhere in the polemics of the discussions was this dangerous alliance placated, and therefore I conclude that the anti nuclear side fought the wrong front, should this point of being placated time and again, the chances to trump the deal would of had a much better chance of defeat.

    למה רגשו גוים ולאמים יהגו ריק, יתיצבו מלכי ארץ ורוזנים נוסדו יחד על ד' ועל משיחו,  ננתקה את מוסרותימו ונשליכה ממנו עבתימו, יושב בשמים ישחק אדני ילעג למו. והבן כי קצרתי

  13. hirshel, all the heretics who used to frequent this site moved to the hertzkas moralless site, why because he as a rule accepts only heretic comments, so they flatter each other, but still proffeses to be open minded, what a paradox! keep up your good work, tolerance is a virtue.


  14. There is a big bruhaa! in England, and by the self hating jew read: hertzka moralless and his ilk, about some cheridi school that supposedly teaches kids to be aware of gentiles hating jews, first lets be clear the definition of "goy" is not gentile! but rather it means "nation" (see below) but besides the natzis that persecuting jews, not only the natzi government itself, but the Jews friends, neighbors, associates all or most of them collaborated in the hate of the Jew, and collaborated with the church or governments to rat on the Jew continually. but beside the Nazis, didn't England itself expuled at one time all the jews!? even in these troubled times isn't anti semitisim a growing problem with our peaceful Jew loving neighbors in Europe? so the question is why shouldn't the Jew be aware of these loving Gentiles!?

    I'm aware that the english dictionary translates goy as gentle but in the Hebrew language goy means 'nation' as in below.

    או הנסה אלהים לבוא לקחת לו גוי מקרב גוי. שני גויים בבטנך. גוי וקהל גויים* יהיה ממך.

    רש"י ד"ה גוי: "בנימין". ד"ה גויים: מנשה ואפרים שעתידין לצאת מיוסף והם במניין השבטים...גוי וקהל גויים, שגויים עתידין בניו להעשות, כמניין הגויים שהם ע' אומות..

    read on to see the English love for the Jews, click here:


    1. I read in current events, someone scolding Spain and Germany, they persecuted and killed 6 million intelligent successful Jews, and now they are getting them replaced with 50 million Arab... (fill the blank) what a deal!

    2. hey turk, here you go.


  15. Ezra Friedlander Group scam alertThursday, September 03, 2015 3:34:00 PM

    Ezra Friedlander is a Chasidic Uncle Tom.

    He is ready to dance Mah Yufis for his ultra liberal bosses like Mark Green, Christine Quinn, Brad Lander, and Jerry Nadler. Did he ever meet a liberal he didn't like?

    He attended the Democratic convention, works with the Obama White House, then goes to events with Republicans like Rick Perry, Rand Paul, John Kasich. Does anyone know how to spell Chutzpah? Chameleon? Opportunist?

    "Is Ezra Friedlander selling us out for his client Jerry Nadler's sake?"

    He doesn't own you to sell you out. He is not our elected representative. He is a self appointed leader.

    The word needs to get out that that he does not represent us, that Ezra Friedlander and his so called Friedlander group is a fraud created by some clever PR and the help of his associate Zev Brenner who gives him so much airtime and publicity on his radio waves.

    Listen up NYC and DC. Don't get scammed by Ezra Friedlander.

    1. scam artist, is there any personal vendetta you have against ezra, sounds like it.

    2. "He is ready to dance Mah Yufis"

      lol, and what dance and song are the Israelis doing begging in the tune of 10 billion a year in their schnorr campaigns from Washington DC, they will find out soooon that beggers can't be choosers.

    3. "Does anyone know how to spell Chutzpah? Chameleon? Opportunist?"

      yes I do, in short hand it's spelled chaim weizman, who sold out 6 million Jews for a bag of beans.

    4. ...."But there is something wrong, terribly wrong, tragically wrong, in assuming that anyone who dares to see the positive as outweighing the negative is ipso facto “anti-Israel” or, if Jewish, a “traitor” or “sellout.” That opinions other than one’s own are not just misguided but evil.

      And there is something particularly ugly about ads – like those that an unnamed person or persons placed in several Orthodox newspapers – that stoop to the basest sort of character assassination"But there is something wrong, terribly wrong, tragically wrong, in assuming that anyone who dares to see the positive as outweighing the negative is ipso facto “anti-Israel” or, if Jewish, a “traitor” or “sellout.” That opinions other than one’s own are not just misguided but evil.

      And there is something particularly ugly about ads – like those that an unnamed person or persons placed in several Orthodox newspapers – that stoop to the basest sort of character assassination..."


    5. Rational Shtinker writes:

      "It's just awful. You would never hear a charedi denigrating Reform, C, or secular/atheist jews. He would never permit anyone calling Herzl, Lapid and others* reshoim or worse. 
      You poor, poor charedim are always being victimized."


      Nuremberg Justice,
      presiding, the honorable fascist
      Judge Huge Slimeball
      "my way or the highwway"


  16. צבי וחמיד ורגיג, בענין שאתם עוסקים פה היום, ראית לנכון להעתיק מה ששמעתי בשם האי גאו"ק הבעל דבר"י ז"ל. עה"פ בראשית מ"ו,

    והי' כי יקרא לכם פרעה ואמר מה מעשיכם, ואמרתם אנשי מקנה הי' עבדיך וכו' כי תועבת מצרים כל רועה צאן. והקשה הלא המצריים השתחו לצאנם! ומשו"ז הי' להם למנוע לומר להם רועה צאן הם, שזה בוודאי יכאבו להם כי תועבה להם כל רועה צאן? ואמר שרצה לרמזו להם בתחילת ההתיישבות ביניהם שאין בכך כלום שהמצריים לא יאהבום כ"כ, כדי שלא יתערבו בגויים וילמדו ממעשיהם. והבן

  17. גלות איד

    from the hyterics of al hageula you see that there was 0 ruach hakodesh- he wouldnt of panicked otherwise

    1. the false neviem didn't panick either only yermiyaoo hanavie did, let's see how this Iranian peace process works out, it may hit your panick button too.

    2. "0 ruach"

      another tVapor brought to you by tHagodol for the high holidays.

    3. Here it is mission accomplished. after Israeli/zionists poisoning the nations of the world with open and unfortunately legitimate anti-semitism, through zionisim, it finally arrived to the nation of the free the USA, they can now preach all Jews immigrate to Israel the least safe place for a Jew to be, and join their in mass masada complex, so much for the hysteria and paranoia of the al-haguela!


  18. I honestly never heard of this Friedlander until about a month ago...he seems to be trying to take positions on big issues these days...
    Is there any reason to pay attention to him? He seems like "Just some guy trying to make waves"
    An opportunist in other words

  19. Ezra Friedlander group controversyFriday, September 04, 2015 5:11:00 PM

    David Greenfield's criticism of Friedlander here is that he can take any position he wants. However, if he is being paid (by Nadler in this case), that needs to be disclosed. Otherwise it is a breach of ethics.

    To pose as an independent op ed writer supporting a politician, when you are on his payroll, is not right.

    Also, another of Ezra's great accomplishments was left out above. He worked to get the Congressional Gold Medal for Shimon Peres not long ago. That is putting Peres in the same category as the Lubavitcher Rebbe, who got it years before. How appropriate.

    1. your kach friends with their masada complex the real culprits of the problem, they are more dangerous than the Arabs, worry about them, politics is not for you, bist tzi fargrabed.

    2. bostoner hassid from bostonWednesday, September 09, 2015 6:11:00 AM

      hey grouper, are you the one who preaches satmar are haters? oh wow! I'm speechless.

    3. Thanks to Councilman David G. Greenfield’s funding, the NYC Department of Transportation (DOT) finished paving the most dangerous roads of Borough Park and Midwood last week.

      omg, it's like so nice. thnks D

    4. EFGC, Out of 11 jewish demo senators 9 voted for the iranian peace proposal, you can't fight city hall they say, bibi made this issue as a partisan war siding with republicans, so the democrats pay him back in kind.

      hey, your ma yufis dancer bibi'la is coming to washington to collect his 10 billion! schnorr package for this year, and soon enough he will do a mea culpa! dude stop pissing against the wind.

  20. chaim Zanvel
    "ל said...
    "the whole baloney loyal to the government shtick"

    מסכת אבות: רבי חנינא סגן הכהנים אומר הוי מתפלל בשלומה של מלכות שאלמלא מוראה איש את רעהו חיים בלעו. בירמיהו כט: ודרשו את שלום העיר אשר הגליתי אתכם שמה והתפללו בעדה אל ד' כי בשלומה יהיה לכם שלום! הנודע ביהודה, עשה תפלה למאריע טערעסע, ר' מרדכי באנעט עשה תפלה לפראנץ יוזעף הראשון"
    Did the Noda Byehuda and Reb Moredachai Banet live in democracy? Did they have a say who is president?
    after all the praying for the European czars and dictators where did it take us?

    1. "where did it take us"

      and where did Medina get us, thosands upon thousands getting killed over it for over 70 years, not including the 6mill, it became the source of UN precedented world wide anti semitisim, and I'm afraid you haven't seen nothing yet.

    2. "Did the Noda Byehuda and Reb Moredachai Banet live in democracy? "

      probably not, but it wasn't a fascist country either like the Medina shel gihenem .

    3. "Did the Noda Byehuda and Reb Moredachai Banet live in democracy?"

      YWN: hate news today!

      70 Percent of European Jews Conceal their Jewish Identity & Only 15 Percent Will Attend Shul during Rosh Hashanah

      what they failed to mention by omition is: that around 80% of Israeli Jews identify as secular, and of the 20% who identity as religious, 6% are Haredi. A study in israel claimed that just over a third of Israelis considered Haredim the most hated group in Israel. chew on this!!!

      The moral: what's in hiding (the hate in europe) is in the open in israel! wow what an accomplishment in deed!



  21. Shuchmacher
    "zig, it's not Friedlander or Nadler you should fault, rather The esteemed secretary of the Treasury Jack Lew, who read in "yiddish" Der Yid weekly while in the white house, and related the contents to the president."
    where did u hear that?

    1. "where did u hear that?"

      in the mikvah.

  22. Reb Nuta
    "שמעתי מאיש מהימן ששמע מפ"ק של החזון איש ז"ל, "משיח וועט פון זיי ניט איבערנעמען, עפעס וועט זיין אינמיטין" אח"כ"
    this ish Mehemoin was maybe honest till he invented this fabrication....

    1. JO, r u six or eight years old ?

    2. "till he invented this fabrication"

      hey screwball, we miss you come back, we are under siege again..

    3. keep your opinions to yourself, it's not your forte observer.

    4. "till he invented this fabrication"

      It figures!

      : היינו דאמרי
      דע מה שתשיב לאפיקורוס, אמר ר' יוחנן לא שנו אלא אפיקורוס עובדי כוכבים, אבל אפיקורוס ישראל כל שכן דפקר טפי

    5. hey JOB r u the same atheist spewing ur venom on all the Jew hating blogs i.e. VIN YWN etc. btw is there any difference if you "believe or not" ?

    6. "this ish Mehemoin"

      I happen to believe this ish mehemoin, and it's in line with what the rabbi from Lisa writes years before the hertzal state was conceived. However for you to say that "he didn't say it" that's for sure a blatant and grotesque un questionable LIE logically and factually you're a fool and a Liar.

  23. Francis Bellamy said...
    "the whole baloney loyal to the government"

    I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God,indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
    in another week or two they will remove he word GOD from the pledge say it as long its there

    1. "they will remove he word GOD"

      fool, and where will they put GOD after removal on the "meglat atzmuos" ?


  24. emet le'amito
    (transliteration: congenial liar)

    "a real life situation. Parents divorce. one parent is frum but has severe psychological issues; the other parent is not frum but "normal." What do you think a posek suggested wrt custody?"

    מטה לוי, שחרית א' דר"ה. הקודם שמ"ע: טרף נתן ליריאיו ממליך כל מלך, הקב"ה שהוא נותן "טירוף" ליראיו בעוה"ז הוא, ממליך כל מלך, ממלכי אדמה לנסות בם את ישראל ובזכות שהם מקבלים עליהם "הטירוף מאהבה" לכן יה"ר יזכור לעולם בריתו וכו'. שיזכור המלך הקב"ה את בריתו לעולם ויגאלנו. ע"כ והמב"י

  25. The tzigel'e is in hididing for fear of the Iranian nuclear deal, don't despair all isn't lost yet..

    "The Israel lobby isn’t done. Opponents of the Iran deal already have plans B, C and D."


    !  והנה איל אחר נאחז בסבךבקרניו


  26. This week Christians in medinat israel protested the government which tried to cut part of their subsidies in their 47 schools with 33,000 students! This after they already eliminated the Yeshiva subsidies in the last government!!!

    רמב"ם הלכות עבודה זרה פרק ז

    מצות עשה היא לאבד עבודה זרה, ומשמשיה, וכל הנעשה בשבילה, שנאמר "אבד תאבדון את כל
    המקומות", ונאמר כי אם כה תעשו, להם, מזבחותיהם תיתוצו. ובארץ ישראל, מצוה לרדוף אחריה עד שנאבד אותה מכל ארצנו!!! אבל בחוצה לארץ, אין אנו מצווין לרדוף אחריה

    אוי לאותו בושה וכלימה! ארץ ישראל נזדעזעה ארבע מאות פרסה על ארבע מאות פרסה! ואין פוצה פה ומצפצף


    x -litzmans agudath Israel.

    ! משרד הדתית

  27. emet le'amito
    (congenial liar)

    said: "in a majority of cases, chumrot had anything to do with religious motivations, this essay would be more useful. Chumrot are practiced because they are easy ways to exhibit religiosity, necessary for shidduchim or often provide a good cover to hide other less than honorable activity, in areas like government/financial fraud*. For a minority, the post contains food for thought."

    * read madoff and co. very "haredi"

    The truth: neo charedi Judaism emerged in response to the sweeping changes brought upon the Jews in the modern era: of emancipation, enlightenment and the Haskalah movement derived from it, acculturation, secularization, religious Reform in all its forms, Jewish nationalism i.e. modern israel etc., and by hertzka moralles kind.. preachings.

  28. אליעזר ליימזידער מוהל מומחהWednesday, September 09, 2015 11:52:00 AM

    "New York City’s Board of Health says signed consent forms won’t be required for people who perform Metzitzah B’peh (MBP).'

    You will not hear a sound now from all the defeated barking dog blogs! the self hating jews, like hertzka moralless, and the likes.

  29. Shereklich! chtiti shecvah.

    BERLIN (AP) — A 3,900-kilogram (8,600-pound) head of Vladimir Lenin that was removed from a Berlin square in 1991 has been unearthed for a new exhibition.


  30. "Hundreds of Rabbis, Synagogue Leaders on Capitol Hill to Urge Congress to Reject Iran Deal"

    another massive abrogation created by the shameless self appointed OU the zionist mizrachi org. of america!


  31. Now when according to the much trumpeted pew poll, that modern orthodoxy is in steep decline, the OU witch floods the jewish markets with cholev akim OUd, and and half treif OUm and OUp products, they declare themselves, their OUr (rabbis) as the orthodox rabbis of America! they who have 'yevanite' the klal with their phylosophical 'yevanite' herertics, are now in the forefront of spreading so called religious zionisim! acting as agents of the zionist propaganda organ, against the interest of their host country, and of charidi jews worldwide.

    טבעתי ביון מצולה ואין מעמד
    מלבי"ם: הטיט שתחת רגליו הוא "יון מצולה", שוא "יון" טיט! נדבק שקשה להוציא רגליו משם, והטיט עמוק מאד עד "שאין מעמד", אין שם תהום שיכול לעמוד עליו ברגליו

     כי הנה אויביך יהמיון ומשנאיך נשאו ראש. מלבי"ם: "כי הנה אויביך יהמיון" אלה ההומים! הם אויביך, ונגדך הומים, ענה אותם, "ואל תשקט" כי "משנאיך נשאו ראש" הנושאים ראש להרע בפועל הם משנאיך, ועליך באו, וצריך אתה לעשות להלחם נגדם

  32. to all the dumb-ass-losers the institutionlized haters on steroids from the NK to POTUS blind hate will destroy you, give it up, live and let live.

    sober assesment :


  33. העיר תל אביב הם נגד הכפרות והרב לאו, ער טויג ניט אמאל אויף כפרות, שותק

    the city of NY is "Pro Kapuras" said The honorable NY Supreme Court Justice, Debra A. James ! ירום הודה

  34. Reb amram chasida
    "This week Christians in medinat israel protested the government which tried to cut part of their subsidies in their 47 schools with 33,000 students! This after they already eliminated the Yeshiva subsidies in the last government!!!

    רמב"ם הלכות עבודה זרה פרק ז

    מצות עשה היא לאבד עבודה זרה, ומשמשיה, וכל הנעשה בשבילה, שנאמר "אבד תאבדון את כל
    המקומות", ונאמר כי אם כה תעשו, להם, מזבחותיהם תיתוצו. ובארץ ישראל, מצוה לרדוף אחריה עד שנאבד אותה מכל ארצנו!!! אבל בחוצה לארץ, אין אנו מצווין לרדוף אחריה

    אוי לאותו בושה וכלימה! ארץ ישראל נזדעזעה ארבע מאות פרסה על ארבע מאות פרסה! ואין פוצה פה ומצפצף

    Bibi had 2 options to fund the Christians and transgress on 1 small Issur, and on the other hand he learned in Veyoel Moshe that rather bow to 7 Tzelomim, then transgress on the 3 oaths.
    He asked Reb Chaim Hershele the Zali rebbe son, which path to choose,
    Obviously Chaim Heshele told Bibi that the 3 oaths is the real idol worshiping of our generation so he should fund them, in order not to transgress the sin of Hisgaruth Beumoith

  35. ekanot ezra said...
    "scam artist, is there any personal vendetta you have against ezra, sounds like it."
    Were u in Mikvah today???
    show me the receipt of the Shames...
    scam artist


  36. ראה ראיתי את עני עמי ואת צעקתך שמעתי מפני נוגשיו זו הלחץ אשר הם  לוחצים אותך.. אף שאפילו לחם צר ומים לחץ, תגובה אחת, אינם נותנים לך פה. רק מפני שאתה היחידי בהרשת שנשמעת פה הקול ד' בכח!.. וד"ל. על חומתיך ירושלים הפקדתי שומרים כל היום וכל הלילה תמיד לא יחשו אתם המזכרים את ד' אל דמי לכם!!!. אל תשתקו רגע רק תצעקו ותזכירו אותו, כאיל תערוג על אפיקי מים! והמב"י

    ישעיהו: מכנף הארץ זמרת שמענו "צבי לצדיק" ואמר רזי לי, רזי לי, אוי לי בגדים בגדו, ובגד בוגדים בגדו 

  37. Finally some good news from Israel and the U.N. hopefully next year we can shlug kapuras with them to.

    "UN Ambassadors from over 10 countries joined some hundred community leaders, dignitaries and diplomats to conduct the first-ever ceremony of ‘Tashlich’ held at the UN Monday evening.
    Ambassadors from France, Australia, Brazil, Ukraine, Canada, Micronesia, Tanzania and Sierra Leone, mingled with the crowd in the Rose Garden overlooking the East River,
    The event, organized by the Israeli mission at the UN."

  38. שה אחד בין ע' זאביםTuesday, September 22, 2015 12:26:00 PM

    סוד השעיר לעזאזל, שאלו עשוהו האדם עצמו הי' עובד ע"ז גמור והוא לא יהי' שהוא יסוד כל המצות ל"ת וכל העבירות וההסרות מרצון הש"י. רק שהשעיר הוא ע"י רצון הש"י שהוא מצוה לשלחו לו, נעשה עוד מצוה ולא עבירה, עיין פרדר"א מ"ו, עיין רמב"ן פ' אחרי שאנו נותנים חלק לעזאזל מצד מה שהש"י צוה לתת לו.. ואכמ"ל

    אם העוו פני מלכם בעזות פנים ומצח, נא כל מדה נכונה אתחנן לו בפצח, ונפשי שפכי כמים לבך נוכח אדום וצח, למה א' זנחת לנצח

    גמר חתימה טובה. שנת תשוע"ה ברב יועץ

  39. בדין טבילת עזרא לבעל קרי

    ראיתי כתב מהגה"צ ר' משה שטרן ז"ל אב"ד דעברעצין, שהתיר לשוחט אחד שהי' במרחקים לעשות טבילת עזרא במקלחת. -שויער בלע"ז

    וכ"כ ראיתי תשובה ארוכה מהר"ר משה גרשון גאלדצווייג ז"ל אב"ד בעיר שיקאגא איל. בתו"ד.. הן אמת שמטפטפים המים לאט לאט מהקלחת, ואחרי ששיעור ט"ק בדיוק הם 3838 דראהם, ובמשקל מדות ירושלים תובב"א הוא 4/12 רוטל, שהן מים הרבה לטפטף טיפין קטנים ולהצטרף לשיעור זמן אכילת פרס, לפיע"ד צריכין לחפש אחרי מקלחת שזורמין מים במהירות.. ע"כ בקיצור

    1. הייסער ברעסלאווערThursday, October 01, 2015 10:47:00 AM

      בשו"ת דברי יחזקאל מהגה"ק משינאווא ז"ל

      בא"ד.. טבילת עזרא הוא רק מדרבנן אפי' בדורות הראשונים, מכש"כ לגבי דידן דהוא רק למהדרין, בוודאי שפיר לסמוך על הצדיקים שהקילו בשיעורא דרביעית בשלשה מאות ליטער מים, שהם ש"ך 320 קווארט (פוליש?) ( בחביות עם נקב-כמו אמבטי') .. ואין שום פקפוק על טבילת אנשים, רק נשים לא יטבול רק במקוה הנעשית עם הכשר בלי פקפוק..ע"כ

  40. another piece of 1st grade apikorses by thr infamous:

    Rational Thinker
    (congenial liar)

    "It's odd for Avraham to be considered the height of chessed. His treatment of Haggar and Yishmael was arguably quite awful. And then this sentence :

    " The Akedah where Avaraham was willing to sacrifice his beloved son Yitzchak shows just how selfless he was."

    His willingness to go ahead with it is the opposite of chessed. What gave him the right to sacrifice Yitzchak? He thought G o d spoke to him? Even if he did, if that G instructed him to harm any innocent child , let alone his own, he should have refused even if it meant he'd lose his own life."

    Not less odd than than yitzchok considered the height of emes, or satmar rav considered the height of yidden lover! That goes to show you have no inkling of what's chesed or emes. or of any drashas chazal on these subjects, other than the demomogogary thoughts of your teachers m.kahan and a.j. weberman. feh!

  41. bostoner hassid from bostonFriday, September 25, 2015 3:15:00 PM

    "yitzchok considered the height of emes,"

    you must of meant yakov.

    תתן אמת ליעקב


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