Sunday, October 25, 2015

Rabbi Shmuel Lew tells us about his life - from Torah Vodaas to London link


  1. זעליג פאן פראספעקט פארקMonday, October 26, 2015 3:50:00 PM

    שוין ווייטער מיט די ליבטוויטשע ליטראטור

  2. What is Chassidisher Derher magazine? Is it connected to Beis Hamoshiach?


  3.   ובלא לאו שכלליה, ובלא תששותא

  4. I did not get a chance to read the article yet - but I assume this is the Son in law of Zalmen Jaffe - Reading encounters with the Rebbe I was fascinated with the נשיאות חן he had by the Rebbe. Also interesting to read a different perspective on the Rebbe.

  5. Anon.
    Derher is not moshiachist at all, they despise it


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