Friday, October 23, 2015

שלוחי אדונינו - אור לגויים

Young shliach Mendel Hurwitz speaks about growing up Jewish. The fact that this light unto the nations is emanating from Hungary, and is the product of the hard work of a Chossid מיוצאי אונגארן, only adds to the nachas. At least for me. We wish the Hurwitzes much continued nachas from Mendel און אלע אנדערע קינדער. On a technical note, if you're using the IE browser and are prompted to either see all or only secure content, click "show all content." That will bring the videos to your screen. With Google Chrome it does not seem to appear, hence the need for the links.

If the video does not show up in your browser click here for the link

If the video does not show up in your browser click here for the link


  1. big Kidush hashem
    Saw lately reb Chaim Kanievsky quoting a Midrash Tehilim 44 that it his a honor for hashem when his kids (jewish nation) praise him by the gentiles
    thanks hirshel

    1. אין למדין מקיינוביסקי דרשות

  2. Is there any accounting transperancy in the world wide chbad Inc. ?

  3. there's no such thing as world-wide Chabad, Inc. each location is basically independently owned and operated.

    1. "independently owned and operated."

      as a franchise..

  4. שלוחי אדונינו - אור לגויים

    ! מנוחה ושמחה אור לגויים

    How naive does one get, beaming with pride of bringing Jewish enlightenment to mager embers!

  5. א.ב. פריעדמאן, מדפיסSunday, October 25, 2015 10:28:00 AM

    Thanks to Steinsaltz and artscroll etc. we now have talmud studies in Theran to the cradle of the ralmud. A large Hebrew books seller in Miami once told me that most of his artscroll shas etc. he sells to evangelical-goyim Latin and South americans. chilul hashem galore!

    מלכה ושריה בגויים, אין תורה, גם נביאיה לא מצאו חזון מה´. במדרש איכה ב י"ג. אם יאמר לך אדם יש חכמה בגוים תאמן, (ואם יאמר לך אדם) יש תורה בגוים אל תאמן?! דכתיב: מלכה ושריה בגוים אין תורה

  6. First I saw the article I thought it's a great hit then I saw the clip the boy says he is asking questions and his father is agreeing I'm sorry that's not chabad it's a chilul hashem Hollywood loves it they are all about questioning Faith and religion

  7. evangelical-jews (chasidim) ohr l'agoym indeed.!

  8. "Thanks to Steinsaltz and artscroll etc. we now have talmud studies in Theran to the cradle of the ralmud. A large Hebrew books seller in Miami once told me that most of his artscroll shas etc. he sells to evangelical-goyim Latin and South Americans. chilul hashem galore! "
    how many sets did your Miami friend send to evangelicals? 3? 4?
    the real reason they are doing it, that the gentiles should see the 3 oaths in the end of Kesubos, which is the new natronoai 7 nohaide laws.....The gentiles have to be notified that they did not kill the 6 million, the 3 oaths killed them, that's why the Germans are so successful because they were the good Samaritans

    1. א.י. פריעדמאן, מדפיסMonday, October 26, 2015 3:01:00 PM

      "how many sets did your Miami friend send to evangelicals? 3? 4?"

      100's maybe 1000's he had to rent adjacent lot for additional parking for "goyishe" teaffic. fact.

    2. "nohaide laws.."

      bist a farden doctor?

    3. "gentiles should see the 3 oaths"

      Dr Thinair, you sound like a wild oat.

  9. Anon
    "First I saw the article I thought it's a great hit then I saw the clip the boy says he is asking questions and his father is agreeing I'm sorry that's not chabad it's a chilul hashem"
    in chabad there is no mitzvah of the 4 seder question??? whats the chilul Hashem???

    1. "in chabad there is no mitzvah of the 4 seder question??"

      is it because one of the 4 bunim is missing? and the rebbe said just like it must be matza i'muror in front of you, there must be 4 bunim to, therfore it's an existential question? or is there a more metaphysical reason to it, hard to explain even to one of the 4 bunim.

  10. Reb yisocher dov of belz says a nice vort, what's the difference between the question of the chochem and the roshe both want to know what is this, he says, the roshe doesn't want an answer, the difference between us and the goyim is, we ask questions but at the end of the day we are mekabel b'ahava "ein reshus leharher" reform jews and others are always busy they don't understand this or that, that mitzvah doesn't make sense, the point is, the emphasis should be on the answers not the questions in which case Hollywood is not interested


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