Saturday, October 31, 2015

מוצ"ש לינקס

Chaim Weiss murder case still open
Yair Hoffman schools Yitzchok Frankfurter
The Jewish Bernie Sanders only Vermonters know...
Your job is literally killing you!
חיים וולדר מזועזע


  1. גארנישט אויף מאה שנה פון יציאת ליובאוויטש? (יד או יז חשון תרע"ו)

    1. יציאת מי גלות רוסלאנד לגלות אחר? זה נקרא עליה לצורך ירידה ח"ו ולאו יציאה ממש הוא

  2. "Investigation continues for 1986 Halloween murder on L.I."

    hmm wonder if this should of happen in new square (a real murder!) if the investigation would of be dropped for twenty years!

  3. "A Response to Ami Magazine’s Assertion that an Early Amorah Was Mentally Ill"

    The emphasis should be of frankfurter and hoffmans state o of mind, not reb elezer's.

  4. "the Jewish sanders"

    To expose his religion early in this campaign is a negetaive, politicans do it when there is something to gain, (or loose, when the opponent sees fit to do it) .

  5. "Your job is literally ‘killing’ you"

    אליו הוא נושא את נפשו. ובנפשו יביא י ב י א! לחמו, שתי נפשות נפש אלקית ונפש הבהמיות

  6. chaim valder has a point this is not a cause of celebration. However their celebration seems to be because the squarer felled under siege by the media who portrayed them as hooligans and murderes, there was no murder or attempted murder in this crime, it was all a witch hunt produced by the garden varaity haters, and by an all willing press and bloggers.

    1. square can make their own rules as any corporate or association can, the issue is the hypocrisy of the rebbe, he courts (in his Lakeview villa) all kinds of mosaic yidden, with fantasy promises, chuck-full-of wishful thinkings.. for monetary exchanges mostly.. but in his home turf he wouldn't accept them as a 10th person, let alone mingle with their kids.


  7. ? מוצ"ש לינק

    ! מוצש"ק רעכטס

  8. Actually he cannot make whatever rules he wants. If he makes rules for his own purpose he is an egomaniac. Now he can be an egomaniac if he so chooses, or at least we cannot force him not to. But to misrepresent him as an acceptable jew, and even a 'tzadik' (!) is false advertising.

    1. "false advertising"

      says who Yankee doodle?

  9. Valder is right on the money here. This is not a witchunt against skver. Skver made the witchunt against Spitzer and protected an attempted murder. This is an outrage. I was shocked to see the official skvere beis din , and defend the arsonist, in the name of the "holy rebbe." This is so indifensible, that I am reconsidering, whether to eat from their hechsher.

    1. "I am reconsidering, whether to eat from their hechsher."

      Now that might be a blessing in disguise.. go for it!

    2. bostoner hasid from bostonMonday, November 02, 2015 11:33:00 AM

      "protected an attempted murder."

      was he convicted for murder or attempted murder! I think not, the mishklotzer tzadig is right, the messiah is here but צרת עין ו'מכה רעהו בסתר "character assassination" is the culprit that he is not reveling himself. get a grip on your anger, what's behind it Z"L ?

    3. zl: "protected an attempted murder"

      you're repeating this lie all over, there was no attempt to murder ever. stop spreading your own fabricated story as fact, you're LYING.

  10. כסיל גבאי ראשוןMonday, November 02, 2015 10:14:00 AM

    ! למען דעת כל ע"ה

    בשעה שהירשל מתאונן ומתעסק במת מצוה דלאנג ביטש, ובכמעט שפרחה נשמתם דחסידי סקווער. ב"ה שלא השבית לנו גואל! הדרך הבעל שם חי וקיים! במישקלאטץ. ולאלו הנדחים בארץ אמעריקא משוקעים בהבליהם אנו קוראים תקעו בשופר גדול "המשיח כבר בא!" (פעם ושתיים) המגיה

    בחדשות לדעת: 50 אלף איש בשמחת בית השואבה הגדולה בישראל

    על פי הערכת המשטרה למעלה מ- 50 אלף איש, מכל גווני הקשת הציבורית, השתתפו באירוע הענק "שמחת בית השואבה הגדולה בישראל' בחצר הקודש מישקולץ בפתח תקוה, בראשות מנהיג העדה כ"ק מרן האדמו"ר ממישקולץ שליט"א.

    שיאו של הערב היה נאומו המלהיב והמחזק של כ"ק מרן האדמו"ר ממישקולץ שליט"א, שדיבר מענייני החג והשעה. בין דבריו אמר האדמו"ר: המשיח כבר כאן!!! אבל הוא מחכה לאחדות בציבור החרדי. האסונות שנחתו לאחרונה בציבור, הוא מחוסר פרגון, צרות עין ו'מכה רעהו בסתר' !!!. בעל הבלגן נא לציין דברי הרב"י

  11. " Tevya said...
    square can make their own rules as any corporate or association can, the issue is the hypocrisy of the rebbe, he courts (in his Lakeview villa) all kinds of mosaic yidden, with fantasy promises, chuck-full-of wishful thinkings.. for monetary exchanges mostly.. but in his home turf he wouldn't accept them as a 10th person, let alone mingle with their kids."
    I dont see your argument.
    in his dalet amos he likes it one way, the way it was build, all gated communities and condo associations have rules and regulations. and out of his village he is not to enforce his beliefs.
    what is so hard to understand..

    1. "and out of his village he is not to enforce his beliefs."

      can I have a smart phone when I'm out of his village? or will he enforce his beliefs, and not letting my kids into school, there is only one torah, believe it or not.

    2. OK said "I dont see your argument."

      well, stop eating onion kugel, try peshvosker kugel, a whole new world may open for you!

  12. Bostoner hasid, you are living in dreamland. You call this character assassination? You ask why the hatred? A teenager comes with a firebomb and tries to burn down a whole house at 4am! What would you call that? Its a miracle that there was no death. And all this because what? Because one man decided to daven somewhere outside the helike shtetel. Because of that pirtzo, there was almost no minyon in the beis hamedrosh? Who paskened that hes chayov miso bidei odom? I dont hate anyone, but I am outraged that these rabonim turned him into a hero. I understand that the family would do everything to get their kid out of jail. But there is a big difference between ge6him freed, and turning him into a hero, which will encourage further acts like these down the road! They should have condemned his actions, instead of applauding them, and that's why I am angry. And if rabonim can support these type of actions, then their hechsher is worthless.

    1. "u are living in dreamland"

      I'll ask you one more time, was he convicted for attempted murder or murder? if not all your venom is misdirected anger, he paid the price on what he was convicted for. direct your anger closer to "your home" to reb chaim weiss הי"ד a real cold blooded murder happened there, by your kind, Stop eating their hecsher...!!!

    2. zl "What would you call that?"

      I would call that mind your own business, it should concern you much more that an attempted murderer, a real one, mr. Ben Carson the admired Republican is running to be our president.

    3. ז"ל "they should have condemned his actions"

      ונקלה אחיך כיון שלקה הרי הוא כאחיך דפטור מכרת

  13. Tevya,
    You are missing the point. First of all he made a plea bargain, so he wasnt convicted of attempted murder. However, that doesn't change what he did. Nevertheless, you are still missing my point. I am not advocating that he sit in uail for the rest of his life. I dont have a problem with his release. Read what I wrote. My issue is with the leadership and the rabonim, who applauded his actions and turned him into a hero, as per valders article. I dont think you get it at all.


    1. worry about the action of you bros in israel an institution of incitement.

      "IDF General Nitzan Alon, testified  in a trial involving two settlers accused of incitement for publishing the Kahanist-leaning Jewish Voice website."


  14. !!! ולדר חוזר בתשובה


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