Thursday, January 14, 2016


(l-r Rabbi Morris Sherer, Rav Yitzchok Hutner, Rav Yaakov Kamienecki, Journalist R' Gershon Ber Jacobson.)  Sruli Besser says: "There are many things about Rabbi YY Jacobson that are special; it's an honour to tell the story of a chassid who's capturing the hearts & minds of all sorts of listeners. The backstory of his father is incredible - this picture, of Reb Gershon Jacobson with Rav Hutner, Rav Yaakov and Rabbi Sherer, is thrilling; it captures the flavor of a different time."

Source 1
Source 2: Menachem Butler/FB

Rabbi Goren was some 12 years younger than Rav Hutner, but they were acquaintances. The latter only leaving the Holy Land in approximately 1930. The former already being a talmid in the Chevroner Yeshiva at that time. And RYH again spending a year or so in the Holy Land some years later. Maybe they attended Rav Kook's shiurim together? The man in the middle is hitherto unknown. At least to me. UPDATE: Friday. Reb YD Miller tells us that this is Rabbi Menachem Tzvi Eichenstein, (1910-1981) Chief Rabbi of St. Louis.


  1. looks like rav hunter went around the globe, wonder if he knew where he was..

  2. all pomp and circumstance, they left not much revelations or spirit behind. תנצב"ה

  3. הירשל זוך און מיין פענטרי וועסטו בעסערס טרעפ'ן

  4. "bertza schlagefeld said...
    all pomp and circumstance, they left not much revelations or spirit behind"

    I see you dont go for the mamorim in Pachad Yitzchok
    did you try at least to read it

    1. ר' נחמן בליקוטי מוהר"ן ז"ל אמר: א ספר וואס איז ניט געשריבן מיט טרערן איז קיין ספר ניט. וד"ל

    2. coming from the ost I stay with the basics,
      חומ"ר, חוק, קוצש"ע, חיי אדם, חכמת אדם, מסילת ישרים

  5. Replies
    1. דער טאטע פלעגט זאגן א קעלבעל וואס זייגט פון צוויי קוען ווערט קרעציג

  6. ווערט קרעציג אדער בלייבט דורשטיג?

    1. במסכת חגיגה (דף ה, א): רבי יוחנן כי מטי להאי קרא בכי והיה כי תמצאן אותו רעות רבות וצרות... מאי רעות וצרות? אמר רב: רעות שנעשות צרות זו לזו, כגון: זיבורא ועקרבא

    2. כהאב נאך גיזאגט דעם לשון פון טאטן, די ווייסט דאך אוודאי בעסער ציג. אין חכם כבר נסיון

  7. רב הוטנער ז"ל, בא לפעם להדבר"י בערוב ימיו, וישב לפניו לזמן ולא דיבר כלום, רב אשכנזי שאל אותו מה זה ההסתכלות, וענה אני מסתכל על הארי האחרון אשר כמוה עוד לא תהיה

    1. בשוב ד את שובת ציון היינו כחולמים?צ"ל חלמא טבא חזיתא, ובפרט שלא היה מהרהורי דיומי

  8. Hershel,

    I think the man in between RS Goranchik and Rav Hutner is Rav Eichenstein of St. louis

    Is it possible?

  9. I'm reminded of the joke, I think it goes like this:

    Rav Goren encountered Rav Hutner on the street after many years, having known each other many years back in E"Y.

    Rav Hutner says "Reb Shloimeh, ven gevornstu a chayal?"

    Rav Goren responds "Reb Yitzchok, ven gevornstu a rebba?"

    If anyone has a different nusach, please share it.

    1. he walked shabos on the street with a dog, he asked him is this your gabei? he answered no, it's the rebbe.

    2. אן איילעמעשער.Monday, January 18, 2016 9:04:00 PM

      ווען געווארנסטו?

      איך גלויב אז זיי האבען גערעדט א בעסערען אידיש.

  10. One has a story to tell and looking for a photo to compliment the tory, here the photos make the stories, just observed.

    1. ער טרעפט א קנעפעל, און נייט דערצו א מאנטעל

  11. "נראה בחלומי said...
    רב הוטנער ז"ל, בא לפעם להדבר"י בערוב ימיו, וישב לפניו לזמן ולא דיבר כלום, רב אשכנזי שאל אותו מה זה ההסתכלות, וענה אני מסתכל על הארי האחרון אשר כמוה עוד לא תהיה"
    how many version will this lie be told?

    1. for those who believe that reb chaim oizer would of supported the heresy of today's aguda! are prone to believe any version of any lie, as long as it suits their needs.

    2. אלו ואלו דברי א' חיים, כולם על "רואה" אחד נאמרו

    3. gb: "how many version will this lie be told?"

      as many versions "your truth" has.

  12. How true is the Jacobson interview in Mispacha? Did the LR really quote Rav Chaim Brisker in the summer of 1991? I've gone through plenty of Likkutey Sichos and don't see the LR quoting non Chabad sources nearly as frequently as Jacobson claims.

  13. berel
    likotei sichos is compiled according to topics.
    you need to go through sichos kodesh and hisvados to get a picture

  14. Geler Badchan, whydo you say it's a lie? (Incorrect version, indeed). The correct story is that he went to the levaya and was asked afterward why he went (apparently the shoel felt that their theological differences were enough reason for RYH not to attend). To which he responded (something along the lines of) "There is a famous medrash about Noach getting bitten by the lion in the teva because his food was not served on time . But why is it that the lion bit Noach? There was a teva full of animals that needed to be fed and for coming late just one time the lion feltnis necessary to bite him? The answer is that the lion is the king of all animals. And this specific lion was the last of its kind. Therefore he deserved kavod melachim at every occasion, without fail. The same can be said for the SR. He was the last of the lions........"

    1. sushi, sorry this story was mentioned by kaminetzki, I think by the shloshim, either way it doesn't matter.

    2. 99.9 of stories are either out of context or plain false.


  16. הערשל בימי השובבי"ם ת"ת איז עוסק בשקו ותעניתו, אז אפילו דע ציגעלע ציטערט שוין וואס זאלן מיר פערד וואס דרייען זיך אין די אוטערשטע שטאלן זאגן

    1. הירשל זאגט פאר דעם פערדס קאפ, היינו דאמרי אינשי אז פערד בלייבט פערד


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