Monday, May 2, 2016

Chernobyl. (תתחדש to Reb Yitz Twersky on the Shtreimel)


  1. are you supposed to say tischadesh?
    furry animals were harmed in production

    1. ויעש ה' אלוקים לאדם ולאשתו כתנות "עור" וילבישם. הם החיות ברא לשמשוני

    2. "are you supposed to say.."

      יהי רצון שנהיה לראש ולא לזנב! ברכה על השחיטה בהמה, חיה ועוף, או הוידי בשעת הקרבות קרבנות

  2. Chernobyl Twersky a self propelled wind mill..

  3. Hirshel
    in the video, Reb Yitz describes a Karah(seder plate) of reb Mottelle Chernobler that had inscribed descriptions of all the palaces of his 8 sons.
    did all the sons lead their own courts, while there was alive?
    even the younger ones were so established ?
    Was reb Mottele Chernobler the first rebbe that took Pidyonoth?
    something is wrong......

  4. here is another Twersky, R'Neal, with a slightly different point of view
    Join PORAT at Its Inaugural Event

    My grandfather, Menahem Nahum of Chernobyl, was one of the youngest students of the Baal Shem Tov. As an itinerant preacher in the 18th century he espoused a philosophy of tolerance and acceptance. For the Jews of the Ukraine who were searching for meaning and as a reply to those who opposed Hasidut, his message of “derachecha darchei noam” brought hope.

    I wonder at times if we as a Jewish community have lost our way of our appreciation that every Jew is created in the image of God. I therefore come to my Judaism as a pluralist, not validating the paths that all Jews take, but with the understanding that the ways of Torah are transcendent and pleasant. All Jewish discourse should be directed by choice, civility and pleasantry. In a particularistic way, Modern Orthodoxy should reflect a pleasant Torah. The Modern Orthodox community has reached a crisis point. We would be fools if we did not recognize that there are marked differences in the spectrum of left and right of Modern Orthodoxy. There are some in our community who are quick to push out those whose opinion may be somewhat or radically different in how halacha is interpreted. It would be naive of me to expect easy solutions to all issues of Jewish law. However, the discussions that ensue as a result of disagreement need to be pleasant, text based and respectful.

    Issues regarding the role of women in the community, agunot and personal status are complex. In a community of Jewishly well-educated men and women, voices need to be heard and understood, the issues need to be studied and discussed, and left open for critical review. Institutions have been founded to answer the needs of both men and women. In response to those voices, agencies like Giyur k’halacha and the International Bet Din are seeking answers to the complex agunah and conversion issues that face our community. What has the response been by the establishment? Instead of sitting down at the table, these institutions have been brandished as invalid. Organizations in Israel like Beit Morasha and Beit Hillel are paradigms of civility and openness and there are voices of moderation in the RCA as well as at the Center of the Jewish Future of Yeshiva University.

    It is in the spirit of “darachecha darchei noam” that I want to call attention to a new organization that has been formed by concerned individuals in the Modern Orthodox community. The formation of PORAT is inspired by the principles of open dialogue, inclusivity, tolerance, thoughtful halachic observance and progressive education. PORAT’S inaugural event will take place this Sunday evening at Congregation Kehillat Jeshurun in New York City at 7 p.m. Featured speakers will be Rabbi Benny Lau, Rabbi Chaim Steinmetz, Ann Pava and Steven Bayme. More information can be found on the website:

    I want to urge all Modern Orthodox Jews regardless of if they see themselves as left, right or center to attend this event. I hope that the establishment of PORAT can bring us together to discuss issues of concern to all of us who identify with Modern Orthodoxy.

    Neal Twersky


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