Sunday, January 22, 2017

אמאליגע ליטווישע גדולים

So what did Kamenecki teach us in MOAG? That all the Litvishe Rabbonim were נתפס למינות ולציונות? And that Reb Chaim Brisker trusted none of them? I guess the only non-tziyoni was Reb Yitzchok Elchonon? The NeTZIV partially? Or do we just say that the Mizrochim hijacked the Gedolim like RYES and RNHB. Whatever. It's a nice bit of history any way you טייטש it.


  1. I don't know why you chose to post this assembly of gedolim, which not much is left from them to the benefit of our generation.

  2. אפיקורוס. צא - טמא.


    1. רמב"ן:

      והוצרכתי להאריך כדי לסתום פי צדוקים ימ"ש, כי בדברי תורה נאמר ענה כסיל כאיולתו, ואמרו הוי שקוד ללמוד תורה כדי שתשיב לאפיקורוס... - רמב"ן ויקרא ג ט

  3. Replies
    1. אספקלריא שאינו מאירהWednesday, January 25, 2017 4:42:00 PM

  4. I haven't heard of a מינות that the Litvisher Gedolim were nitfas to. MOAG hardly addresses Zionism.
    You should really read the books you quote.

  5. Interesting that Rabbi Yehuda Leib Zlotnick was considered as of the same caliber as the other rabbis pictured. He was not liked by the chassidim in Gombin, which is close to Gastinin, and so he came to Canada and later to South Africa.

  6. B"H
    Shalom Rav

    משה משיח
    Is not a king
    Ge is every one of us
    It is totally democratic
    Some dead examples
    רבי שלמה בן נפתלי קרליבך
    רבי מאיר דוד בן יחזקאל שרגא הכהן כהנא
    Some live examples
    מרת דבורה קיצעס גוטמן
    ישראל צבי יהודה שני-דר
    No special anything
    The person can look strange
    Wear strange clothing
    Act strange
    The question is
    Where is his head
    Your eyes
    Your ears
    Your heart
    כל טוב

  7. B"H
    Shalom Rav

    The סיימן מובהק
    Of the
    משיח משה
    Preson is that
    He all people
    He meets
    In the exact same
    He is not just
    A nice guy
    I think that
    The lubabacher rabbi
    Was a משיח משה person
    At a certain point
    He became
    משיח בן דוד
    That נשמה
    Was given
    To him

  8. B"H

    Shalom Rav
    With the permission
    Of my masters
    The moshe moshiach person
    Is not against anybody
    He is for something very specific
    It is not enough
    That he is
    A breslover
    A chabadik
    A vizhnitzer
    A chevroner
    A ponivezor
    No he needs something
    Of his own
    That he is working for
    In the 60's
    There were thousands
    Of hippy youth
    In San Francisco
    Church groups
    Were giving
    Free food
    And sleeping facilities
    Many of these kids
    Got tuned into j.
    Alot of them
    Were jewish
    Did mainstream jewish organizations
    Give a damn
    Sholomo - cared
    He opened
    The house of love and prayer
    To try to save
    A least some
    The jewish kids
    From xianity
    Patricia eilieen decaspers
    Daughter of a catholic italian man
    And a protestant english woman
    From pennslyvania
    Was married
    To jj rotenberg
    He was jewish
    But was not aware
    Of that fact

  9. Patricia - was studying
    In san hose university
    One her teachers there
    Had strings
    Hanging from his pants
    Patty - wondered what
    They were
    (He was a bt)
    That teacher
    Told the class
    That a certain folk singer
    Would perform
    In such and such a place
    At such and such a date and time
    They should all go
    It would be - great
    Pat anf her hubby jj - went
    Some strange charachtet
    Appeared on the stage
    He started to sing
    In strange langauge
    That they had never
    Heard before
    Both pat and hubby jj
    Suddenly - burst into tears
    Then the weirdo
    Starting to speak
    In english
    He told
    Some really
    Crazy, crazy story
    Then - there was intermition
    The meshugener
    Went down
    To the audiance
    And gave cards to some
    Of the peolpe
    He gave a card
    To pat
    The insane fellow
    - was shlomo
    The story he told
    Was part
    Of 7 bettlers
    Of rn
    The card
    Was - the address of hlp
    Pat and jj
    Went there
    And ended up
    Living there
    Sholomo told
    Jj - that he was
    A lost yiddesher kind
    He converted patty
    She became - tzi

  10. She became - tzyporah
    Sholmo married them
    The couple were part
    Of the first carlibach aliyah
    To the holy land
    The group lived
    For a while
    In migdal
    Near teveryah
    Later - they moved
    To sharey chesed
    In yerushalaym
    There tzuporah
    Sad for the first tine
    In her life
    Real live chassidim
    Reb velvel cheshin
    She ran the hlp
    Of jerusalem
    And cleaned
    The bathrooms
    In netzach yisroel yeshiva
    Eventually - tzypirah and yaacov yosef
    - were divorced
    Later she and yours truly married
    We gave 2 children together
    And 6 granchildren
    Kaib yerbu
    Thanks shlomo
    For caring
    You are a true
    Moshe mashich
    Let us - stop fighting
    Let us - help, do good
    Chodesh tov
    Vepurim samayach.

  11. ברוך השם
    בסיוע השמים

    וכל החיים - יודך, סלה
    ויהללו את שמך - באמת

    ברשות רבותי
    בענין משה משיח
    יצחק קדמון
    - הקים את
    ״האגודה לשלום הילד״
    כדי להגן על ילדים
    מהורים שעושים להם טרור
    נתן שרנצקי
    - עוסק בהחזרת עם ישראל
    כל ימי חייו
    באיטנסיביות עצומה
    שני היהודים הנזכרים
    - הם בבחינת משה משיח
    פורים - שמח לכולנו
    לכל עם ישראל
    ולכל העולם
    ובא לציון גואל
    עכשיו, עכשיו
    אמן ואמן ואמן
    וכן - יבי רצון.
    יצ״י ש.

  12. ברוך השם
    בסיוע השמים

    מודים אנחנו לך - אבינו
    צור חיינו, מגן ישעינו

    ברשות מורי ורבותי
    גם הרב הצדיק
    רבי עמרם בלוי
    היה בבחינת משה משיח
    שכן מסר נפשו
    וגוו למכים
    (עד שנעשה ספק םצוע דכה)
    בלחמו נגד חילולי שבת קודש
    וכל תופעות החילון
    שבמדינתו הקדושה המתחדשת
    הוא לחם בלי חת
    בלי תככים
    בלי תככים
    אשריו בעולם הזה
    וטב לו בעולם הבא
    נלמד ממנו
    לחיות חיים נקיים וקדושים
    והוא רחום - יכפר עון
    ובא לציון גואל
    עכשיו, עכשיו
    אמן ואמן ואמן
    וכן - יהי רצון,
    יצ״י ש.


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