Thursday, May 11, 2017

How DO we judge success? thoughts on the 50th anniversary of מבצע תפילין

Received via e-mail:

"We did not hear that there were some people abstaining from eating treife food or refraining from desecrating Shabbos or that they were educating their children in religious schools, not under the heretics; I only heard that they put on tefillin." These are the words of the build up to סאטמאר רב'ס condemnation (tirade) against the big התעוררות for תפילין in Israel after the miraculous 6 Day War. See "על הגאולה ועל התמורה דף ק"א, ברוקלין תשס"ו". The argument on its own is very weak; After all, did he hear how many people became נוטרי הברית after his annual שובבי"ם campaigns? since when does a התעוררות get measured by its success? He was leading an anti אגודה campaign smearing all גדולי ישראל who did not see everything going on in the Holy Land as heresy..... it was a big machloka and caused lots of infighting between frum Jews, who were thus being עובר on many איסורי תורה. (not some sins sourced in non halacha) Did he ever decide to close shop on his anti Israeli election campaign, since it got nowhere? Every year more than half a million frum Jews participate in the Israeli election and it's only growing... why does only מבצע תפילין need a consequential success statistic? All the above aside, what will we do if we will help him in his quest to find Jews that did change because of tefillin ? I think we may have done just that. Or rather we discovered it, the actual work was done by others. This פסח the Mishpacha magazine ran a long article on a popular right wing conservative talk show host, who is leading an Orthodox lifestyle, eating kosher, Orthodox schools for his kids and Shomer Shabbos, all because of his one act of putting on tefillin. It was the holy soul "Schwartzie" ע"ה,  the Chabad shliach Shlomo Schwartz at UCLA.  In Michael Medved's words "Tefillin is the key metaphor for his Judaisim." That was what started him on his path to a life of full Torah yiddsihkiet. This is not a 770 paid PR stunt. Will this story and thousands of other similar stories change a mind in that camp??? I do see that a harsh anti religious and anti Zionist Haaretz columnist who wrote an anti tefillin rant 9 years ago, did change his mind on tefillin, (See below)

 Maybe. Just Maybe our "frum" brothers will also get a הרהור תשובה.

לפני תשע שנים, כתב העיתונאי בני ציפר מאמר חריף נגד הנחת תפילין ברחובה של עיר
אלא שנראה כי מאז ציפר שינה את דעתו בעניין... הוא עצמו הגיע לא מכבר אל הכותל המערבי ונענה ברצון לפנייתו של אחד משלוחי חב"ד במקום שהציע לו להניח תפילין. התמונה שמפורסמת כאן, הינה באדיבות העיתון כפר חב"ד שמקדיש השבוע כתבה נרחבת לנושא מבצע 'הנחת תפילין' שאותו יזם והגה כ"ק האדמו"ר מליובאוויטש, לפני 50 שנים ערב מלחמת ששת הימים, ומאז ועד עתה הוא נחשב לאחת הפעילויות החשובות שמבוצעות ע"י חסידי חב"ד 

מאתר 'לדעת' פנו לבני ציפר בכדי לקבל תגובתו, ואפשר רק לברכו על המהלך וגם על תשובתו הקצרה והיא: כן, שיניתי את דעתי. אשריכם ישראל


  1. אמרתי מה רב גובריה (קטילא) אתה, להשיג על גדולי קדמונים אשר יצא טבעם בעלם ולהשיב (בהבל) על אריות אחר מותם

  2. I can make some very compelling arguments that these massive tefilin BT's influx, did un repairable damage to the core of Lubavitch, is it worth it? some say the score is in and..

  3. It could well be that the criteria of "who is a Jew" as well what Jewishness constitutes, what the meaning if Jew is, was different than yours.

  4. הרהור תשובה? from this drivel? pheh? guess success is defined in various ways. nauseating.

  5. "How DO we judge success?"

    The caterpillar became a butterfly and I like that, but the pickle became a cucumber and I don't like that (except in the falafel sandwich), so how do we measure success? what are we measuring! does size matter? do all pizzas taste the same?

  6. Pipe rabbi

    would you not comment on rav kook because he is not alive???

    1. is he than commenting on SR because he "is" alive? in spirit at least, that's noticeable .

  7. eMail blood bleed, Did Schwartzie became more Zionist or less, since his "redemption" .

  8. Dear concerned I would think that Lubavitch of today has much larger issues plaguing them these days than what SR said or thought on this or any other Lubavitch campaigns of yesteryear, your ship sailed off far away passed the "dire straits" and no one pays attention anymore it seems, to your echoed cry for help, just don't give up.

  9. Kuperman, Englewood NJFriday, May 12, 2017 2:17:00 PM

    How to judge success? The $159.99 dollar question, at Amazon you can get a pair of tefilin for 159.99 a shofar for 15. and a pop-up sukkoh for 59. to some that's success, to some a blat of Talmudic gyration instead of yoga, go figure.

  10. " Tevya said...
    I can make some very compelling arguments that these massive tefilin BT's influx, did un repairable damage to the core of Lubavitch, is it worth it? some say the score is in and.."
    so your argument is the opposite of reb yoelish
    that the tefilin campaign was 1005 successful it made thousands in to shomrai shabos but with a cost of them joining chabad
    with a result of chabad stopped being hiemish.......chabad dont feel like Krestir......

    1. I'll rest rest my case with you. too old for this Jew'ish pop maven.

    2. פלוני אלמוניMonday, May 15, 2017 7:16:00 AM

      חבדי, האם אתה יודע החילוק "בין היונים להמתיונים", בין ציונים ליהודים! או להנפש א' לנפש הבהמיות?. בין קודש לחול ובין אור לחושך הבדלת לנו

  11. Tevye

    I can make some very compelling arguments that these massive tefilin BT's influx, did un repairable damage to the core of Lubavitch, is it worth it?

    are you god??? to say on a jewish soul that you ar not welcomed in Klal Yisroel
    long time I haven't met so much arrogance and sinas Israel
    Behadhai Kavshie Derachmono Lomo Loch, Hashem told for Chezkiya hamelech, for not willing to get married
    hashem dont like when we meddle in his world

  12. It was just reported that there are 17,000 OTD (with tefilin) in Israel, 1,300 each year! and you talking about the success of Mivtza what!?

    your house is on fire!


  13. הורדת "המן" היה ביום ל"ג בעומר (ט"ו אייר), וראויה לעשות לזה "זכר טוב". (על הנס דמן). -חתם סופר, שו"ת ב רל"ג

  14. Rabbi Frankel principalSunday, May 14, 2017 2:59:00 PM

    em: "that they were educating their children in religious schools, not under the heretics" !!!

    Unfortunately this is the truth, since Lubavitch changed course of their stringent anti-zionist to political-zionisim and nationalism which became apparent after the six day war, there Miftza propaganda took off too, let them try proclaiming their core anti Zionism as their last 3 rebbe's stated in abandoned, their tefilin BT's which is coupled with "Nationalism" will crumble.

    PS: since the American liberal Jews started to be "less" supportive of Israel more of them assimilated deeper into the culture, and since Lubavitch became "more" supportive of Israel more "liberals" jews come to them, Nationalism is the "bond" that holds the un Orthodox Jews togheter, American liberal Jews shying away from Israeli natiolisim so they loose the bond, Lubavitch (and other's) offer Israeli nationalism! and they attract.

  15. Satmar rebbe is right,the Lubavitcher rebbe said he did all he could to bring moshiach now its up to the chasidim ,the chasidim didn't bring moshiach yet they claim we didn't do enough like tzedaka or teffilin,but they don't say bec of negative sins first sor maira then asei tov.

    1. sinning is in the eyes of the beholder.

  16. ! נצחו אראלים את המצוקים

    "wedding of JJ Hecht of Crown Heights and Hadassah Halpernof Toronto brought an unusual sight to NY's famed Times Square: a traditional Chuppah."

    1. "There was a moment during the chupah where I looked up and I saw a black girl, who must have been around 15 years old, taking a picture of a Chasidic wedding as people were swaying to the Alter Rebbe’s nigun,” said Rabbi Hecht.

      nadir this meshumud:

    2. ! דער העכט שטינקט פון קאפ


  17. Lenin said: "The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them".

    Witness China and Russia of today. China sell us "our money" and our "knowledge". and we sold the Russians the "rope-a-dope" Trump regime.

    We conquered Communism without a "shot".
    are they conquering us now without a shot?


    1. על דאטפת אטפוך, וסוף מטיפיך יטופון. ועלו מושעים בהר ציון לשפט את הר עשו והיתה לה' המלוכה ובלצגבב"א

  18. Would the Shinover Rebbe be mesader kedushin ?

    JJ Hect's grand father reb Tzvi Elimelech was sent from Galicia by the Shinover Rebbe to America to be a meshulach, a fundraiser. He became the manager of the local mikvah on Prospect Place in Brownsville, where he met the Freirdiker Rebbe. the rest is history.

    In 1937 Reb Tzvi Elimelech was murdered by someone trying to rob him while doing his mikva duties. הי"ד

  19. Steve I hope you see this:
    Sorry I missed it! It looks like it was a lovely Ceremony. But I did get to speak with a very kind man about his Chinese-Jewish family and I'll never forget that experience. 美丽

  20. Why would something not be measured by its effect? If Kiruv were a mitzva in the Torah, we would not care whether it was effective. But Kiruv is not a Mitzva on its own, it is merely a part of a Mitzva which is being מרבה כבוד שמים, which is only done if it is effective.

    I don't know if the מבצע התפילין was effective or not, but I have long wondered whether the Chabad Kiruv is efficient enough. With so much work being invested, perhaps they could use more seichel and targeted Kiruv. When a Shaliach manages to do major Chanuka parties and hamentash tastings, with shofar blowings during Elul etc., none of which have intrinsic value, their success can only be measured by how many people actually keep mitzvos due to these mivtzoim. If a huge Chanuka party was celebrated with 150 attendees, and two of them return for a Shiur in Judaism, the success is not the 150 attendees, rather the two that returned.
    With that mindset, what is Chabad's success rate and could it be done better?

    1. Is this a thesis or a dissertation? or just a cat in a bag kicking around.

  21. Rabbi frankel

    "PS: since the American liberal Jews started to be "less" supportive of Israel more of them assimilated deeper into the culture, and since Lubavitch became "more" supportive of Israel more "liberals" jews come to them, Nationalism is the "bond" that holds the un Orthodox Jews togheter, American liberal Jews shying away from Israeli natiolisim so they loose the bond, Lubavitch (and other's) offer Israeli nationalism! and they attract"
    You need a 5 gallon bucket of adhesive for the above paragraph to mold together
    the liberals do come or dont come? if they are anti then why are they coming.....

    1. Rabbi Frankel principalTuesday, May 16, 2017 2:54:00 PM

      Please mail a SAE with a five dollar contribution for the full version of my antithesis on this topic, mean time read the short cryptic version of it and try to figure out the heads and tails of it, if you can't than the message weren't meant for you, that's why it's in written in cryptic.

    2. Liberia's = frei yiden, those who became alienated from "Israel's Nationalism" wich was their bond to "Yiddishkeit" many of those are becoming more assimilated and shy away from Judaism completely. (because "their" liberal institutions don't support Israel's nationalism anymore).

      But some of those which do want still their meager Yiddishkeit they turn to chabad wich still offers both some Yiddishkeit with buckets of Tar in the form of Zionist Nationalism. unlike the majority of the "American Jewish liberal institutions" which are not enthusiastic about Israel anymore.

      By this arrangement Israel and Lubavitch support each other its a win win for both, which some say a match made in..

    3. B: "liberals do come or dont come"

      Liberals Come and Go.

      May 16th. UM student Elizabeth Goldenberg dies after graduation.

      In a recent profile on the university’s College of Arts & Sciences website, she expressed her love for her involvement in "Emet Israel" and "UChabad", a Jewish student organization at UM.

  22. יואל בראנדערTuesday, May 16, 2017 3:04:00 PM

    ידישער פאריז 1947

    עס האט מיר פארציילט א יוד פון אנטווערפן (מיין גיבורט שטאט) אז ער איז גיווען דערביי ביי א סעודת מצוה בשנת תש"ח און "פאריז" ביי ר' איציקל פשווארסקער ז"ל, אין מוטן די סעודה קומט אריין א יוד זאגן די בשורה, רבותי! מ'האמער א מדינה! עס האט זיך אנגיהובין א וויכח צי דאס איז א בשורה טובה או רעה? איינער האט זיך פארופן אויף דעם רבין און א צווייטער אויף יענעם צדיק, איינער אז ער האט יעצט גיהערט דער סאטמאר רב אין אמעריקא איז שארף דערקעגן!, איינער א חכם האט זיך אנגערופן כבר היה כזה אז צדיקים קריגען זיך אין האבן חילוקי דיעות אויף אזאלעכע עניינים כמו המחלוקה בין הצדיקים וועלעכע מדינה זאל מנצח זיין רוסלאנד צי נאפאליען'ס פראנקרייך וכדומה, יא יא זאגט א צווייטער אבער יעצט אז די מדינה איז א "מציאות" מיז דאך איינער האבן א "טעות" נישט שייך דערביי צי זאגן אלו ואלו דא"ח, אויף דעם האט זיך ר' איציקל ז"ל אנגערופן: "איך קאן דעם סאטמאר רב, ער מאכט נישט קיין טעות!. ע"כ המעשה מפי השמועה

    1. איש חסיד היהSunday, May 21, 2017 11:33:00 AM

      וגם אני שמעתי הסיפור הנ"ל מפ"ק של הרה"צ ר' ישעי' יעקב שטויבער שליט"א מאנטווערפן, ומותיקי חסידי פשווארסק, ר"מ בישיבת מהרי"ט נ.י. אצל סעודת ברי"מ של נכדי היקר נ"י

      נ"ב: בס' אביר הרועים (האחרון) מהרב שלמה יעקב געלבמאן ע"ה, מובא המעשה בקצת נוסח אחרינא מפי השמועה הרה"ח הישיש ר' הערשל פאלקאוויטש נ"י שהיה דר אז בפאריז, ושהה טובא אצל ר' איציקל ז"ל

  23. Yoel Brander
    "אויף דעם האט זיך ר' איציקל ז"ל אנגערופן: "איך קאן דעם סאטמאר רב, ער מאכט נישט קיין טעות!. ע"כ המעשה מפי השמועה"
    I guess both tzadikim made mistakes, we can live with rambams that we dont understand so we can go on with tough satmar ruvs....


  24. Litvak
    " But Kiruv is not a Mitzva on its own, "
    Kiruv is mitzvas eseh of talmid torah
    We have a mitzva of Lilmoid uLelamed....

    1. ליטוואק פון בודאפעסטMonday, May 22, 2017 6:36:00 PM

      Ok, a shiur of Torah is a mitzva, hamentash tasting ceremonies are not. Success is measured by the shiur, not the hamentashen

  25. Litvak of Budapest

    "But Kiruv is not a Mitzva on its own,"
    Kiruv is part of Tochoche, Hocehach Tochiach...

  26. Rosh Hakohel of Oi PestTuesday, May 16, 2017 4:15:00 PM

    Litvak Of Budapest
    "If a huge Chanuka party was celebrated with 150 attendees"
    if 150 bnie kiel chai were not sinning for a hour then we have 150 Jewish souls doing a Mitzvah... u have an idea the tanug of the shechina seeing some lost souls get connected to ein soif....
    Yoshav Veloi uvar Avira notal schar keulie uso mitzva (kidushin 39-2)

    1. you're infringing into the domain of the pester rebbe shlita in name and theology.

    2. rosh: "u have an idea the tanug of the shechina"

      No i don't please elaborate.


    3. .כזרע "גד לבן" וטעמו כצפיחת בדבש

  27. Rabbinical Seminary of BudaTuesday, May 16, 2017 5:16:00 PM

    ,Litvak of Budapest

    "none of which have intrinsic value,"
    whoever learns torah with a son of a Am Uretz,(ignoramus ) even if hashem ordered a decree, he ( meaning the chabad shaliach who teaches yidishe kinder shofar,thru shofar factory purim thru hamentashen and pesach thru matzoh bakery etc,,,, to the ben am ureyz) will dissolve the decree ... (Bava Metziah 85 -1)

    I dont know if you, the great rational litvak, will get influenced by fuzzy sounding chazals,that are good for ein yakov groups, but there are still other good yidelech that are not so checks and balances minded, a chazal is good enough for them

    1. ליטוואק פון בודאפעסטMonday, May 22, 2017 6:37:00 PM

      A chanuka party is not Torah, sorey to inform you. How many actually learnt Torah is the question, not hpw many allowed the shaliach to bless their cat.

  28. I see in the quoted sefer that the satmar ruv writes that the devil (sitra achra) has the strength to create images and hallucinations of balie teshuvah....
    Who are they?
    Can everyone see them?
    Are they still around?

    1. look in your bathroom mirror precisely 3am he will be waiting for you.

  29. שארפע חסידישע יידTuesday, May 16, 2017 5:52:00 PM

    The satmarer Ruv is not talking about the success of מבצע תפילין, but rather of the influence of the "miracles" in getting people to do תשובה, stopping to eat נבילות וטריפות etc. (if you'll just read what he writes)
    What the writer quotes from על הגאולה is kind of similar to RASHAB'S attitude to the התעוררות of some assimilated jews to wear תפילין at the beggining of zionism. He writes that since it doesn't come from a good mekor so the התעוררות won't last etc. see the introduction to קונטרס ומעין.

  30. H: "We did not hear that -- they were educating their children in religious schools, not under the heretics"

    לשון קדשו רבי שלום דובער מליבאוויטש ז"ל המהרש"ב אין אגרות קודש, קעגן דעם 'ישיבה גדולה' וואס ריינעס האט מיסד געווען ללמוד לימודי קודש ולימודי עברית וכו

    שמעתי אשר החליטה הכתה הנ"ל ליסד ישיבה גדולה הנה בהישיבה הזאת כוונתם ליחד תורה עם למודיות והיא תהי' סעמינאר ממש ואם ח"ו תפיק מחשבתה הרעה הזאת תעשה ח"ו שמות בהיהדות כולה ומה שלא עלה בידי הח' מפיצי השכלה לפעול בכמה עשיריות שנים תפעול ח"ו הכתה הזאת בזמן קצר ולדעתי חובה היא על הרבנים הגדולים גאוני זמנינו לצאת נגדה במחאה גלוי' ולפרסם רעתה ברבים למען לא יכשלו בה, ונשען על מארז"ל אבות פ"ד מ"ד ע"פ פרש"י ועוד מפ'. תקותי חזקה אשר תתגלה רעתה וידעו הכל ענינה ואתם אחינו היריאים החפצים באמת בקיום נפשם אליכם אקרא סורו נא מאהליהם ואל תגעו בכל אשר להם אל תבקשו לכם חדשות ואל תדמו להיטיב מצבכם הרוחני והגשמי בחדשות כאלה השנואים ליוצרינו לכו בדרך אבותיכם אשר היו נאמנים לה' ולתורתו בלי התחכמות יתירות ואור התורה הי' נר לרגלם בכל עניניהם הפנימיים לבקש עצות רק ע"פ התורה לבד והשי"ת הי' בעזרם וככה יעזור לכם. ע"כ

  31. י. וירצברגר, לאנדאןTuesday, May 16, 2017 8:24:00 PM

    הרב מסאטמאר כפי זכרוני כותב במכתב: ישיחו בי יושבי "קרנות" אם אני בדעה צלולה, ויודע מה שאני מדבר.. ע"כ. היושבי חושך וצלמות בגיא רשת-התחתון מפלפלים כדי להסתיר דבריו כמאז עד עתה


  33. שארפע חסידישע יידWednesday, May 17, 2017 10:21:00 AM

    Sorry, after looking up in קונטרס ומעין I realized that what I wrote in the previous comment about RASHAB was a mistake. I was writing from memory and he writes something totally different, but I think that my first point is still right ונפלה היסוד נפלה הבנין, but who cares anyway. אבי you could write something negative about satmerer ruv.

    1. barditch'ever of lakewoodWednesday, May 24, 2017 1:12:00 PM

      "since it doesn't come from a good mekor so the התעוררות won't last etc"

      you didn't have to attribute it to the RSHAB every chasidish sefer will tell you the same in almost every chapter, it gets even worst than that, each mitzvah they do is in fact a sin! see forward on sefer "derech pikidacu" from the bnei yisuscor, so whatever fell fell its roadkill, But the "foundation" of what said is as strong as ever.

  34. יואל בראנדער

    וער איז דער בעל המעשה

    איך בין א' פשעווארסקער מיר איז אינטרסאנט דער נאמען פון דער בעל המעשה

    כל טוב סלה

    איך וואין אויף דער אוסטון סטראט אונטער דער בריק אקעעקען איבער דער ביהמ"ד


    1. וגם אני שמעתי הסיפור הנ"ל מפ"ק של הרה"צ ר' ישעי' יעקב שטויבער שליט"א מאנטווערפן, ומותיקי חסידי פשווארסק, ר"מ בישיבת מהרי"ט נ.י. אצל סעודת ברי"מ של נכדי היקר נ"י

      נ"ב: בס' אביר הרועים (האחרון) מהרב שלמה יעקב געלבמאן ע"ה, מובא המעשה בקצת נוסח אחרינא מפי השמועה הרה"ח הישיש ר' הערשל פאלקאוויטש נ"י שהיה דר אז בפאריז, ושהה טובא אצל ר' איציקל ז"ל


    2. . מז"ט איך בין גיבוירן אויף די יאקאב-יאקאב גאס

  35. R Ahron and R Zalman Leib Issue Joint Proclamation Regarding the Giyus!

  36. satmar vs lubavitch? It's a different ball game!

    LR: had a masters degree..

    SR: Could not write or speak any foreign languages, he didn't know how to write or read the A-B-C .

  37. "The satmarer Ruv is not talking about the success of מבצע תפילין, but rather of the influence of the "miracles" in getting people to do תשובה, stopping to eat נבילות וטריפות etc. (if you'll just read what he writes)"

    You're imposing your own moderate views into the fanatical words of the SR. The SR ignored the traditional understanding of כתובות קיא when he wrote ויאול משה. There's not a single major commentator who actually writes what the SR claims. His unique extreme chiddush is based on conflations, speculations and half-quotes. In על הגאולה he goes further, engaging in conspiracy theory, מוציא שם רע and a bizarre negation of akk rabbonim, whether anti-Zionist or not, who would believe that there miracles in '67.
    You may be anti-Zionist yourself, but I doubt you're a hater like the SR. Otherwise you would affirm his opinions rather than deny them.

    1. Newcomers,
      read before shvious:

    2. "but I doubt you're a hater like the SR"

      Dumb is what dumb says.

      I sure don't doubt that you're an ignoramus dumbbell, The SR from his birth to dead, gave his time, his wisdom, and life only for others, he was the master fund raiser for "tzadaka" that ever was, only for "others". he lived and existed only from his ahavat yisruel !!! .

  38. joe
    "he didn't know how to write or read the A-B-C ."
    the satmars claim that the satmar ruv was reading the NYT in the bathroom
    He quoted the NYT

    1. you must mean siget-satmar if true.

    2. there is a "signature" on some gov document he signed "Joel teitelbaum" some one asked him once on it, he said his mother teached him how to do it because he might have to do it once. but he signed it as "scrolled art" not as spelled letters, so I heard.

    3. someone must of tell him that the NYT is anti-zionist so he read every line of it that fits to print, I'm sure.


  39. מחצית השקל: רע עלי המעשה אותן המגדלים בלוריתיהן, מלבד כי הוא דרך שחץ וגאוה... יש בו "איסור" בהנחת תפילין, כיון שגדולין הרבה

  40. גלגל החוזריםMonday, May 22, 2017 6:27:00 AM

    "לטהר טמאים ולטמא טהורים, באומר קדוש" 

    Survey: Only 46% of Next Generation National "Religious" Israelis Keep the Faith. May 16, 2017.

  41. Rabbinical Seminary of BudaTuesday, May 23, 2017 1:45:00 PM

    Anonymous ליטוואק פון בודאפעסט said...
    "A chanuka party is not Torah"
    At 100% of these parties , some yisddishkiet was proselytized on this kids and adults ant you know it
    if the kids make a Berocha its torah.....

  42. Rabbinical Seminary of BudaTuesday, May 23, 2017 1:47:00 PM

    Litvak of Budapest
    " How many actually learnt Torah is the question,"
    if they hear some torah concepts it is real torah as listening to a shiur of rav Markovitz of Ponevezh...

  43. Rabbinical Seminary of BudaTuesday, May 23, 2017 1:50:00 PM

    "not hpw many allowed the shaliach to bless their cat."
    you try to be very dramatic, but oits no difference then the peasent came to bless his cows etc.. to the great sanzer ruv...
    if the cat makes a yid happy then give a yid a little happiness

  44. Rabbinical Seminary of BudaTuesday, May 23, 2017 2:33:00 PM

    Litvak of Budapest
    "hamentash tasting ceremonies are not. Success is measured by the shiur, not the hamentashen"
    I am repeating now what everyone knows that the Hamentashen events, are a opportunity to get Jewish kids to hear about Purim and its halachas....

  45. This buda is starting to make some sense here, I'm off to Tibet adios.


  46. עלית למרום שבית שבי די תורה איז בשביה, ו"המכשלה" הזאת תחת ידך די בלאט גמרא איז גיווארן דער "פראבלעם" אין א מכשול צום דור. ואכמ"ל

  47. That's called real Kiruv! No Israeli Diaspora programs, No blat gemorah, No money, Just pure l'esham shumayim!

    Around that time the Freirdiker Rebbe was informed that there is a governmental law sanctioning release time for Jewish children from public schools to study their faith. The Freirdiker Rebbe called upon the Rebbe and Rabbi Hodakov to implement this. A program started under the organizational name Shalah, a Hebrew word with the acronym, Shiurei Limudei HaDas, classes for religious training.

    In 1945, he was appointed the official director of the National Committee for the Furtherance of Jewish Education, NCFJ organization. Rabbi Hecht expanded the Shalah program to incorporate many other programs including anti- missionary work and "Lag B'Omer parades".

    Rebbetzin Hecht worked for Release Time even before she met Rabbi Hecht. She recalls running a group in Rabbi Nissan Telushkin’s shul in East New York. On an average Wednesday afternoon she "took out 200 girls from public school" to attend the release time program! There were simultaneous programs for boys as well. Thousands of Jewish children were touched in a most Jewish way.

    1. "One of the dirty little secrets of Der Alter Heim was the fact that most kids in Poland, Hungary and Rumania went to Public School."

  48. That is wonderful.

    The question is, if that same effort would have been placed into making a Yeshiva where 20 bochurim would have learnt all day, is that a smaller benefit? Do we measure success by the amount of minutes learnt? Because if so, 20 all day and 200 a couple of hours a week should balance on the side of the 20 all day.

    I cannot give the answer, just that the question should be asked. Unfortunately, it has become an axiom that Lubavitch does Kiruv, so whatever Lubavitch does is the benchmark of Kiruv. Perhaps the same amount of benefit could be reached with a different approach. The bochur who spends a day putting tefillin on tourists, could spend a day learning with someone Torah. Which is better? How do we measure?

    1. LFB: "could spend a day learning with someone Torah." for-free!

      .קריינא דאיגרתא - איהו ליהוי פרוונקא. כלומר, עשה זאת בעצמך

  49. chabad has their 5 balie teshuvah yeshivas, they have the JLI program for a shiurie torah in most of the centers, plus the centers thru the years have send thousands of bucherim to yeshivas, mostly to non chabad and some to chabad,
    I hope you will sleep now better,
    But the inyan is to talk to the Jewish soul, to save it from extermination, trying the outmost that the kedushas usgeluas hamitzva should get the dried out sole connected to Hashem Yisborech, if someone has a slight feeling of shechinta beguloso has a feeling for that and a bren to try the outmost...
    For a pragmatic Letz like you and your ilk its only fodder for more lietzunas, but boruch hashem Loi Alman Yisroel we have holy yidelech who have no hispalous for the shenigans of the yoshvai keronas and dothe holy work with the outmost bitul

    1. Was this part of your commencement speech, where you suppose to thank your parents (for paying tuition on time), and the schools faculty (for not trowing you out in middle of a semester) just curious?

    2. Bee: "For a pragmatic Letz like you and your ilk"


      "There was a moment during the chupah where I looked up and I saw a black girl, who must have been around 15 years old, taking a picture of a Chasidic wedding as people were swaying to the Alter Rebbe’s nigun,” said Rabbi Hecht.


    3. sarcasm is hidden anger, comedy is a coping mechanism.

    4. B Talmud: "if someone has a slight feeling of shechinta beguloso". Sell that to the Eskimo's!

      . נהירין לי שבילי דרקיעא כשבילי דנהר'דעה

  50. When the Satmar ruv was doing his annual or bi annual protests against Israel to proclaim that gentile universe should know that Modern Israel are not representing the world Jewry, which that was was the real goal of his protest as his inner chamber of disciple are telling us
    The list of issues as desecration cemeteries or mixed swimming, that was attached, were just a cover up ploy that normative Jews should not brush them off as Neturai Karta.
    also as big as his camp of followers was, he still was desperate that other rabonim should be on the dais, like the old Tzelemer rav and his nephew the rav of Pupa who were not on satmar payroll.

    So after all the years
    Did he check the polls if it had a effect? Only tefilin on a Jew has to be known the facts and the effect?
    Did he check all the gentiles in Manhattan that heard his so called torah, if there body is clean of soil?
    Maybe a gentile can learn torah with a soiled body, I dont know the halacha....

    1. lezer r u going public now with your smear campaign of the SR ?

    2. נוהגים לומר קודם שנכנס לבית הכסא "התכבדו מכובדים וכו'". וכיום עדיף שלא לאומרו, אחר שמרן השלחן ערוך כתב שיש בזה משום יוהרא. [ולדעת האר"י ז"ל גם כיום אפשר לאומרו, שעל ידי אמירת התכבדו מכובדים אדם ניצול שלא להרהר בדברי תורה בבית הכסא]. ועל כל פנים ביום הכפורים שאנו דומים למלאכים, רשאים לומר התכבדו מכובדים קודם הכניסה לבית הכסא


    3. וזה הנוסח: התכבדו מכובדים קדושים משרתי עליון, שמרוני שמרוני, עזרוני עזרוני, המתינו לי עד שאכנס ואצא, כי כן דרכם של בני אדם. וכן יאמר בכל פעם שיכנס. - טור

      בכף החיים כתב שיש לאומרו גם בזמן הזה בכל עת שנכנס, והביא גם את הנוסח המלא

  51. barditch'ever of lakewood said...
    "since it doesn't come from a good mekor so the התעוררות won't last etc"

    you didn't have to attribute it to the RSHAB every chasidish sefer will tell you the same in almost every chapter, it gets even worst than that, each mitzvah they do is in fact a sin! see forward on sefer "derech pikidacu" from the bnei yisuscor, so whatever fell fell its roadkill, But the "foundation" of what said is as strong as ever.

    all chasidic seforim discuss it(even satmar ruv who was not so chasidic discusses it in VM) at length, but all conclude that you should do all mitzvhas even if you are smeared in sin
    so the bottom line is that it is a mitzvah

    1. Yes sir! All Aboard 📢

      על הכרוז פדה עמך מעזים - צאנך מיד גוזזים, שמעתי בס"ג מהדבר"י ז"ל בשם ר' זרח איידליץ זצ"ל שאמר הפירוש הוא כך, המנהג הוא להשקות הצאן עם מים מלוחים כדי להגדיל הצמר עליהם, אבל המכון הוא כדי אחר כך לגוזזם!, ועל זה אנו מבקשים פדה עמך..צאנך מיד גוזזים, משום כמה פעמים הבעל דבר ,"מסייע לנו לעשות מצות" כדי לקצצם אח"כ ממנו (והדבר ידוע ליודעים), וע"ז אנו מתפללים "פדה עמך מעזים - כמו הצאן מיד "הגוזזים" הגוזלים את הצמר מהם, דהיינ הבע"ד. והבן כי קצרתי. מסתמא הענין כבר נדפס

    2. Alter: "all conclude that you should do all mitzvhas"

      And you should "specify" first to whom your mitzvah is directed! if not "delivered" as addressed Please return to sender!

      לשם יחוד קב"ה ושכינתיה בדחילו ורחימו ליחדא שם יוד קה בואו קה ביחודא שלים ע"י ההוא טמיר ונעלם בשם כל

  52. Rosh Hakohel of Oi PestFriday, May 26, 2017 9:59:00 AM

    barditch'ever of lakewood said...
    "since it doesn't come from a good mekor so the התעוררות won't last etc"

    you didn't have to attribute it to the RSHAB every chasidish sefer will tell you the same in almost every chapter, it gets even worst than that, each mitzvah they do is in fact a sin! see forward on sefer "derech pikidacu" from the bnei yisuscor, so whatever fell fell its roadkill, But the "foundation" of what said is as strong as ever.

    Its famous( and shocking that he changed a minhag) that the Chasam sofer did not say Shulem Aliechem Friday night at the seudah
    Since we dont say the Huschabdi Mechobodim today.....


    1. יש שמדלגים רק הכרוז "צאתכם לשלום" מלאכי השלו' ויש מרבותינו שהיה נוהגים לאומרו, מפני הקידוש "יום השישי ויכלו השמים" הוא יוחד קב"ה ושכינתי' לבד! ובשמחתם אל תתערב שום, ושני המלאכים שהתלוה אותנו לביתינו אנו מלוים הם עכשיו קודם קידוש בצאתכם לשלום. גיט שבת! כך קבלתי

    2. יודל הערסטו דע ווישניצע הער איך, אז זיי זאגן בכלל גארנישט פאר קידוש טייל זאגן שלום עליכם אויפן וועג אהיים פון שול, תיכף כשבא לביתם זאגן זיי יום השישי! מנהג סערעט און פאקשאן ווייס איך נישט

  53. Ephraim: "The SR ignored the traditional understanding of כתובות קיא when he wrote ויאול משה. "

    כתב הגר"א שלפעמים העור קרוע ואז נראה הבשר מתוכו ואם קרוע גם הבשר הרי מיד נראין הגידים והעצמות. כן הוא לפעמים באגדות הש"ס שאין להם כל פשט אלא הפשט שלהם הוא הדרש או הרמז והסוד

  54. its written in his ohr lyeshorim
    every bar bie rav dechad yoma knows it from there

  55. Ephraim: "There's not a single major commentator who actually writes what the SR claims." !

    !!! אנו מושבעין שלא ימרדו במלכיות

    וזלש"ק של מרן הגה"ק מקאמארנע זצלה"ה זי"ע, נפטר י' אייר תרל"ד. בספרו אוצר החיים פי' לתרי"ג מצות, נדפס בהיכל הברכה, ובספרו הק' נתיב מצותיך.

    מ"ע לרשת א"י ולא לעזבה ביד גוים ולא להניחה שממה שנאמר והורשתם את יושבי הארץ וישבתם בה כי לכם נתתי את הארץ לרשת אותה וכן מצוה לדורות לשבת בא"י עד היום בזמן הגלות. (עד ולא עד בכלל, המעתיק)

    וזהו אף שהיא מצוה גמורה לא יבוא במנין באין פנים שלא יבוא למנין שום מצוה אלא מה שיש כח ביד אנושי לקיים, אבל מצוה שצריך עזר א' ונבואה לא יבוא למנין ולא מצינו מצוה שיהיה אדם נביא או בעל רוח הקודש אף שהנבואה שורש גדול בדת ישראל והיאך יצוה לנו האל ב"ה מצוה שאין בידינו לקיים אותה אם לא בעזר א' ובאותת ובמופתים כנראה ממלחמות יהושע שהיה כמה אותת ומופתים בשמים ובארץ וכן בכל המלחמות.

    ומצוה כזאת לא יבוא למנין באין פנים ואסור לנו לעשות שום מלחמה וכיבוש אם לא עפ"י הנביא ומצוה התלויים בנבואה לא יבוא למנין אלא שכל פסוקים האלה הם לשעתן לזמן יהושע שהנביא צוה להם עפ"י השם ב"ה שילכו למלחמה ויכבשו את הארץ והבטיח אותם שיצליחו בכל מעשיהם וכל זה לזמן יהושע.

    ואדרבה "אנו מושבעין שלא ימרדו במלכיות" אלא נקבל באהבה עד בוא יבוא משיח צדקנו, וזה לא יהיה בדרך הטבע אלא בכמה אותות ומופתים משונים ונפלאות, וזה לא יבוא במנין המצות כי המצות נתנו לבשר ודם ולא לנביאים המשנים הטבע אלא לכל ישראל בשוה וכן הסכימו התוספות. עכלשה"ק

  56. Ephriam: "You're imposing your own moderate views into the fanatical words of the SR"

    You're taking your opinion of the SR z"l from the liberal Jewish media who tried to silence him since his birth to his dead and afterward, I'M NOT.

    SR RAV Z"L WAS A "MODERATE ON MOST OF HIS HALACHIC OPINIONS, CERTAINLY NOT "FANATICAL" not even on Zionism, hence the NK activities and others.. yes he was strongly convicted on his opinions that's not fanatical that's Leadership and he expressed his opinion's strongly and forcefully as a Leader!

  57. "We did not hear that there were some people abstaining from eating treife food"

    One person who stands out as a direct result of the Lubavitch'er מבצע "Release Time" is Rabbi Sender, Kashrus Administrator of the Chof K organization.

    There is nothing wrong with Lubavitch, that can't be cured with what is right in Lubavitch, I hope.

  58. Frimet Goldberger said...
    "eMail blood bleed, Did Schwartzie became more Zionist or less, since his "redemption" ."
    Schwartzie was no zionist
    he just had a lot of ahavas hashem and loads of ahavas yisroel

  59. Shliach’s Birthday Gift Comes with Lots of Wrapping

    When Rabbi Yossie Shemtov turned 60, community members didn’t give him a tie or a gift certificate. Instead, nearly 60 men surprised him on his Hebrew birthday, each one wearing tefillin.

    It all began when the synagogue president, Jeremy Lite, sent out an email a few days before with the following message: “Rabbi Shemtov is celebrating his 60th birthday this Monday, and we’d like to surprise him. The idea is for 60 men to come to shul and put on tefillin. It will be followed by a delicious breakfast. Can you make it?”

    It turns out that many could.

    In addition to serving as executive director of Chabad of Tucson, Ariz., Shemtov is also senior rabbi of Young Israel of Tucson, where the surprise took place.

    As person after person trickled into the sanctuary for 6:30 a.m. prayers, it dawned on the rabbi that something was afoot. Even as services were underway, the rabbi and his son-in-law, associate rabbi Yehuda Ceitlin, were busy helping men into tefillin and tallit. While about 50 men showed up that morning, another 10 put on tefillin later that day at visits with Shemtov.

    Keya Tehrani, owner of the Coffee Exchange shops who collaborated this year with Chabad Tucson to host “Chanukah Night Out” at his nightspot, Club XS, said “it was very creative to get everyone here to celebrate such an occasion. This initiative has an additional impact, at least for me.”

    Tehrani has attended morning services more often since then. “I start working early in the morning, so I usually only come on Shabbat. Coming on that Monday morning for the rabbi’s birthday made me think that I can do this more regularly and still make it on time to work.”

    Trial lawyer Douglas Levy, who was notified by a friend the night before about the surprise prayer, acknowledges “not deriving much enjoyment out of getting older and older.”

    But he said he gained a different perspective after Ceitlin told him: “When we reach another birth date, it is G‑d’s way of telling us that He still needs us in the world.”

    The birthday surprise comes as Jewish communities worldwide mark 50 years since the Lubavitcher Rebbe—Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson of righteous memory—launched the Tefillin Campaign just prior to the outbreak of the Six-Day War.

    “You saved me a trip,” the rabbi joked to the crowd before they all headed off to breakfast. “I was planning on visiting each of you and asking you to put on tefillin in honor of my birthday, but now I don’t need to.”

    To keep the momentum going, Shemtov has announced the establishment of the Chabad of Tucson Tefillin Fund. “The goal is to subsidize a pair of authentic tefillin for Jewish men committed to putting them on regularly,” he said. Chabad will cover part of each pair of tefillin for those who make the commitment.

    “My hope,” said the newly 60-year-old, “is that this fund will unite Jews across the spectrum of our community around prayer and blessings.”

    What will the satmar lietzim naysayers say on the 60 jews who put on tefilin
    did the 60 have a guf nuki????
    the Jew that believes that words of chazal is toras emes
    would say
    its mitzva gorreres mitzvah, it will bring closer to full torah umitzvas....

  60. JO,

    Ironic. You guys take a hyoer-literal view, brick by brick, like an engenier, vedal. no "איכות" in the Navy yard, והבן כי קצרתי.


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ביטע נוצן עפעס א צונאמען כדי דער שמועס זאל קענען אנגיין אויף א נארמאלן שטייגער

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