Monday, May 8, 2017

Yeshivas Pressburg - the original YU (At least in the eyes of the אונטערלאנדער)

Shnayer Z. Leiman translates an article of the writer Greenwald, the story of his leaving Chust to go to Pressburgh, and stopping on the Rombach street to meet  the Meshumad/apikores Goldtzhier who was an idol of his. You may wanna Google his name. He describes his meeting with that professor as - you might say - a Gerer chusid describes meeting the Gerrer Rebbe, Reb Avhrom Mordechai, trembling legs..... דא לדא נקשן. He was harassed everywhere in Unterland for going to the "impure"  Pressburgh, It seems that in the holy yeshivah של מרן בעל הערוגת הבושם in Chust where only "mid-size" (younger bochurim - HT) boys attended, some boys were reading the הצפירה and writing letters (not emails on smartphones) to the editor ...... I guess Greenwald (being a real Unterlander) could not understand his Rebbe's newfound accent upon his arrival to he did not hear the פתיחה that reading treifene books is a Neveira....



  1. It seems that Yiddishkeit always was on the move sometimes up! and than it went down and flourished elsewhere again. in our times there is a whole new phenomenon, the very essences of what Yiddishkeit is, is on the siege and threatened.

  2. Who was this Yekusiel Yehuda Gruenwald to the Arugas Habosem? Brother? Nephew? Cousin?


    1. The ethical will of Rabbi Yekusiel Yehuda Grunwald, son of the renowned Arugas HaBosem!


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