Sunday, March 18, 2018

Government Intervention for Chassidic squabbles


First, let me say how happy I am that you're kind of back to doing what you do best.

The most recent עלי זכרון has a good piece. If you don't see it regularly you should. They take pieces from the old Hungarian newspapers and translate it. Here they have a news clip that the Munkach/Belz rift was so harsh that even the government could not take it anymore. Looks like it's from the  Zsidó Újság = Jewish Newspaper. They coordinated a peace summit in the city of טשאפ between both sides. The government criticized the holy Munkacher Rov (could be a Belzer drelnak is behind the report?) It seems that afterwards there was peace in the land.  Some 2 months later RYD of Belz passed away and Reb Ahrele Belzer took over. Things were a bit different with him. But it seems nobody can take much credit and receive the Rabbi Sruel Hager Peace Prize, since it was government enforced. This is an important piece of info.


  1. a lot of water went under the bridge since..

  2. "This is an important piece of info."

    why is this so important? How about how about the klush war, city records (available on line) shows that Rav halberstam was behind the arrest of Rav Klazner, any importance to that?

  3. can you post that info, it would be very interesting

    1. No I can't. I have once read something like an indictment or Judgment official protocol from the city police or whatever and its very un flattering, however I regret mentioning it. sorry.

  4. very heimish in Lubavitch, first "they" had incarcerated the Bal H'tanya than the 'yevsakyeis' "they" also went to the Government..

  5. I looked at the link
    don"t see no arrest of rav Glassner thru reb Zalmen Lieb Halbestam
    As far as I know rabbi halberstam was not out to fight rav glassner

  6. דער כח פון צדיקי אמת, דער מנחת אלעזר ז"ל, איז שוין נסתלק גיווארן א שטאק מיט יארן, ער איז נאך חי וקים אין יודישע הערצער ממש כיום אתמול כי יעבור


  8. H: "it's from the Zsidó Újság = Jewish Newspaper"

    ורדו בכם שנאיכם ונסתם "ואין רדף אתכם"!? הש"י

    ורדו בכם שנאיכם - (בת"כ) שאיני מעמיד שונאים אלא מכם ובכם שבשעה שאומות העולם ע"א עומדים על ישראל אינם מבקשים אלא מה שבגלוי שנאמר --- אבל בשעה שאעמיד עליכם מכם ובכם הם מחפשים "אחר המטמוניות שלכם" וכן הוא אומר (מיכה ג) ואשר אכלו שאר עמי ועורם מעליהם הפשיטו וגו' רח"ל

  9. tzig: "(could be a Belzer drelnak is behind the report?)"

    NYC Mayor Koch wrote a letter from 'city hall' to UTA rabbi leibush lefkowits, in essence; that the Belzer drelyak is coming to NY and he should curb his yeshiva "boys" not to disturb the peace in the city while the 'rebbe' is here visiting. did the Belzers rat again on chasidim? who knows.

    ps: Koch was biased, his father was a real BelzerFinAmool, and Koch considered "himself" a Belzer too.

  10. תפילה עושה מחצהTuesday, April 03, 2018 9:12:00 AM

    "Government Intervention for Chassidic squabbles" !?

    הדרמה התחוללה בין חצרות האדמו"רים סאטמר, סקווירא ובאבוב, לאחר שמושל ניו יורק לא הצליח לשכנע את האדמו"ר מסאטמר לוותר על ההתנגדות שלו להעברת התקציב. המושל ביקש מהאדמו"רים באבוב וסקווירא שישפיעו על האדמו"ר מסאטמר, אך המהר"א עמד כחומה בצורה ולא התפשר, האדמו"ר המהר"א הלך בתחילת השבוע ובכה על קברי אבותיו מסאטמר, כמתברר התפילות עזרו, וברגע האחרון התקציב עבר

    1. what did he knew when he was crying on the matzav.. and when did he knew about the well planned and executed 'political stunt' Felder will deliver with sucess..

    2. in fact he warned of the danger coming publicly on many occasions.

  11. כן יאבדו כל אויביך דTuesday, April 03, 2018 10:11:00 AM

    "You would think that Judaism itself was under attack in this great country of ours. Hearkening back to the days of Czarist Russia whose government persecuted Jews openly. And "with the help of some Reform Jewish leaders" tried to eradicate Orthodox Judaism under the pretext of improving their education." -Harry Moraless

    emet le'amito-Moraless:
    "nothing preserves a dynasty as well as sycophants as followers. keeping them ignorant and dependent on the community and its rebbelach is a time honored way of keeping control. iz git to zahn a rebbe. the chareidi communities who foster such behavior in the US and Israel are a massive chillul haShem; but nothing to see here. ask shafran and gordimer, only the OO are a threat to orthodoxy. chillul hashem in defense of orthodoxy has become a mitzvah."

    איתא בתו״כ פ׳ במקותי פ״ד ורדו בכם שנאכם, שאיני מעמיד עליכם אלא מכם ובכם ...


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