Monday, April 2, 2018

למעלה מן השמש - ראיון יחיד במינו עם כ"ק האדמו"ר מאמשינוב שליט"א


  1. BSD
    As an Amshinover Chossid, this was not an interview .Shilat spoke to the Rebbe afterwards he ask if he could share. The Rebbe was dissapointed that his "sharing" was publicizing. The דמיונות of this Klein is amazing .Of course we believe that the Rebbe has amazing כוחות. For sure the colored side stories will upset the Rebbe. חבל.

    1. BSD, can optically been read as BDS. that's bad no?

      BH, that's taken over by B&H. watch out for infringement.

      maybe צ"י standing for צור ישראל, במגילת עצמות that's available i guess, or maybe the IDF already uses it? IDK but I'm still thinking..

  2. the goyim have periodicals of their idols, l'havdel are we copying them but substitute it with our "pop gedolim" ?

  3. looking on this nice man, may I share this although of subject an odd episode, walking the same stretch from shul to home, it happened to me twice in many year's while walking a nasty bird landing in top of my 'shtreimel' (trying to snatch, a ready made "designer" nest I think..) first I didn't realize it's a bird trying to snatch my shtreimel.. I grabbed my head and start screaming "shigetz" einer! When I realized it's a bird! coming for a second landing.. well what u think I did?

    once in the same area on a weekday, a bird aimed to my beard, but that's another story.

  4. בס"ד
    "Just popped", you should have a drop more דרך ארץ

  5. is this the mashinover, who didn't let his chasidim listen to any haspidim on hagoen HaRav Auerbach z"l. ?


  6. " just popped said...
    the goyim have periodicals of their idols, l'havdel are we copying them but substitute it with our "pop gedolim" ?""
    the Goyim have seforim too of their idols
    should we stop doing seforim?
    what a idiotic statement...

  7. Brusker said...
    "is this the mashinover, who didn't let his chasidim listen to any haspidim on hagoen HaRav Auerbach z"l. ?"
    I see the sick hapeles guys have a new Loshun hora on the holy Amshinover, can u please give us all simchas yom tov,, by spilling your pain..

  8. Are the Netanyahus[Milikovsky] related to the Amshinover[Milikovsky]?

  9. רב יעקב אריה ישעיה מיליקובסקי (נולד בארצות הברית? ב-9 באוגוסט 1947; כ"ג באב תש"ז), הוא האדמו"ר מאמשינוב

    נולד בארצות הברית לרב *חיים מיליקובסקי,"ליטאי מתלמידי ישיבת מיר" שהיה לימים ראש ישיבת אמשינוב בירושלים, ולחיה נחמה, בתו של האדמו"ר רבי ירחמיאל יהודה מאיר קאליש מאמשינוב. השידוך החריג בין תלמיד הישיבה הליטאי לבת האדמו"ר נערך בתקופת מלחמת העולם השנייה?, בעת שהותם בשנחאי שבסין

    הדף* הזה עוד לא נוצר

  10. The Rebbe was a talmid Mivhak of R' Shmuel and walked all the way there and back from R' Shmuel's Levaye (as it was still shabbos for him) so it's EXTREMELY difficult to believe he didn't let his chassidim listen to the hespeidim.


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