Thursday, May 24, 2018

Memories of old Pupa


I saw this yesterday in a Satmar shul. This is a book published by a Jew Ortner; (originally from Galicia) its in back of his sefer of sermons. He can quote from Reb Chatzkel Sarna to Rav Amiel, and everything in between. Looks like a cool jew who davened in meor hagolah Montreal by the Reb Shaye Yakov thé son of the Skulener, who gives a haskoma.  These 3 pages I send you say a whole lot. He and his brothers learned in Pupa. They were from Preshov, by the Galicia border. 280 boys learned there.  They had a list who goes to mikvah, and you didn't get hot soup if u did not go. Pupa Ruv gave שיריים then already, lit Chanukah licht like a real Rebbe, meaning very late, 2.5 hours after the z'man, with a few hundred boys looking on - more than he had in NY. Not before he went to an icy lake to toyvel beforehand. It seems that Ortner had no personal relationship with the Pupa Rebbe, Look at the schedule: 4:45am wakeup time. 5:30am by the גמרא already שוין נאך די מקוה. I don't see why they woke up the boys so early; The learning was not so great and important that they needed so many hours.  In Poland Jews were already almost all exterminated r"l, and in the Hungarian Yeshivos they served chicken and sometimes beef with shmaltz.   Not bad. The old Badansky bachi looked like a generous person, gave good food. Hungarian women may have been holy, but spoke no yiddish. But we knew that. All in all it seems like in the holy town of Pupa they emphasized chasidus more than Torah.

Click to enlarge. Read and enjoy!


  1. note: my father and grand father where from Hungary rarely and barely spoke Hungarian, so was my mother and grandmother from Hungary, never spoke to us Hungarian. In regards pupa ruv z"l, well he was my mohel..

  2. moop: "This is a book published by a Jew Ortner"

    Dear Author,

    Ortner's syndrome is a rare cardiovocal syndrome and refers to recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy from cardiovascular.

  3. the pages did not post.

  4. בס"ד
    א גוטען ערב שבת פון שיקאגו
    מען זעהט גארנישט
    ביטע פאסט נאך א מאל
    יישר כוחכם

    1. שיקגו - הדלקת נרות בהעלותך

      20 דקות קודם השקיעה  

      7:59 בערב

  5. Why not be sentimental about Galitziya! "I left my heart,in the Kloiz of Chortkov..."


      .שן תשבר - ועברית תדבר

    2. pony, my father's mother a"h was the daughter of the erlower dayan in oberland The Lukita Yitzchak Ben Avrum, that's my roots. in a later day became chasidim, the erlower rav in Israel himself became a 'rebbe' to, so did the 'Wiener Rav Shlita' some became Belz or Square chasidim why not Chortkov to try it 'Ashkenuzi' you may like it.

    3. hey Kafka, are you sure your name is "kaff" ¿

  6. Chortkov uber alles

  7. Paupers: "They had a list who goes to mikvah, and you didn't get 'hot soup' if u did not go. "

    NYU langone Hospital Accuses Hasidic Group Of ‘Counterproductive’ Role With Patients!

    Blima Marcus, a registered nurse at NYU Langone said;
    They should not be advocating. They should be "delivering chicken soup" and leave.

    1. Blima the bikur cholim does their work for over 50 years, with the highest regards from medical professionals all over, what changed? who is profiting from this scandal, are the trio of government-insurance-hospital behind this dead squads, acting as judges jurors and lynching, are the conservatives concerns for the unborn only, while letting hospitals for profit decide who is still profitable to keep him alive still?..

  8. Hesh,

    Did you ever post a defense for the 7 Noahite campaign?

    1. גדול האיני מצווים ועושים.. והבן

    2. אוויא איך גידענק איז דא אנ איינציגע דרשה וויא דער דבר"י ז"ל איז מעורר "וועגן רעדן בשעת התפלה" זאגט ער אזוי כפי זכרוני הדל: לא תהא כהנת כפונדקת, ביי זיי בב"ת שלהם קען מען הערן אפילו א נאדעל אראפאלן בשעת ווען זיי (דיכענען) דארט, פארוואס זאל ביי אונז נישט שטיל זיין בשעת התפלה!?, תומ"י האט אבער גיזאגט; הגם משם אינו ראיה; ווייל דער זעלבער יצה"ר וואס וויל אז מיר זאלן רעדן בשעה"ת, דער זעלבער וויל אז דארט זאל שטיל זיין .. וד"ל

    3. non: Did you ever..

      btw, as a child I used to daven friday night in pupa shul after a while later we stopped, I heard my my father saying once he stopped going 'because he is becoming a rebbe'..

    4. ..not to bore you more, leaving pupa we went to the newly minted but a "real rebbe" our next door neighbor The kaliver Rebbe! for the next 10 years Friday night... (with Rippler, Shemtov and Berger)..

      כבוד קדושת הרב הגאון הצדיק חסידא ופרישא, אור מופלא, המקובל רבי מנחם שלמה טויב זצ״ל - האדמו״ר מקאלוב

    5. Ant: "Did you ever post a defense for the 7 Noahite campaign?"

      Lubavitcher will scream Infringement!

  9. R Sender Ortner, a respected Balbos and Talmid Chocom, was a treasure trove of divrey Torah and stories of gedolim, Nitra Rov, Minchas Elozar and more. In his heyday he was a great speaker at Sheva Brochos and other occassions mixing a gut vort and wit. In addition to this Sefer his son Zvi put out the tshuvos of Rav Hillel Kolomayer.
    Feivish Smoke


    1. o: "Not before he went to an icy 'lake' to toyvel beforehand"¿


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