Sunday, June 10, 2018

....א חתונה אין בריסק

It looks like grandiose weddings are becoming the norm even in reclusive families like Brisk. Well, that's how it looks in the pictures, anyway. I don't know if it was grandiose in the sense that they had a choice of beef or chicken and a smorgasbord. But it's a nice hall in Talpiot with a lot of people in attendance. They did, it seems however, follow the תקנות of yesteryear not to have full כלי זמר,  only a drummer=פויקער. The wedding here took place last week in Yerushalayim. Velvel Soloveitchik ben Reb Dovid is married to Reb Berel Povarsky's daughter. His son now married the daughter of Reb Peretz Meyerson, son-in-law of Reb Refoel Soloveitchik, Reb Dovid's younger brother. Keeping it in the family, just like the Rebbes and leHavdil royalty. (At least until recently that's what royalty did.) So, I guess whoever didn't come for Reb Dovid came for Reb Berel.

My personal favorite: The מחותן: רבי נתנאל פרץ מאירזון חתן רבי רפאל סאלאווייטשיק. If I was a Brisker I'd likely look like him. Maybe I should become one.


  1. This is the cremé de la cremé that the yeshiva world has to offer. If ever there was a poster for mental illness these would be the subjects I'd use.

    Hershel, you would make a good Brisker.

    1. hirshel look wonder of wonder this NAB is actually the יציר כפיו של הקב"ה can you believe that? he is talking on people who are ממית עצמן כל ימיו באהלי של תורה is this what we are coming to?

    2. Who granted them this title? Most products of the yeshiva world ignore them.

    3. Brisket: "a poster for mental illness"?

      emet le'amito: - cremé de la cremé BS ⬇

      QUOTE: "i oppose BDS and their fellow-travellers and satmar and their fellow-travellers. Evil is an exception; satmar is evil, the torah commands hibadlu mitoch haedah hazot.....". END OF QUOTE

      -emet le'amito shimona days ago.

    4. "Evil is what Evil does"

      Kasztner’s Crime, is a chilling account of one man’s "descent into evil" during the genocide of his own people

    5. Harry Moraless Is it good for the Jews?

      "Michael Kadar an Israeli-American teenager was found guilty in Israel on Thursday of making about 2,000 hoax bomb threats against Jewish and other institutions in the United States and elsewhere".

      "Michael Kadar, who holds dual U.S.-Israeli citizenship and whose name is barred from publication in Israel, was convicted Thursday in Tel Aviv District Court on several counts including extortion, conspiracy to commit a crime, money laundering and assaulting a police officer."

      .מהרסיך ומחריביך ממך יצאו

  2. this whole dialogue maybe interesting between you and your buba, and its not a mitzvah to talk lushon hura even on litvaks, finally I doubt you can become like him, honestly I have never seen a nose like his and I have seen a few.

  3. שייף עייל שייף נפיקMonday, June 11, 2018 2:24:00 PM

    כנראה אין קפידה בבריסק על רגל הכוס ריזשען. אדם ניכר בכוסו

    דערציילט מען.. ער האט זיך אמאל געטראפען מיטן וויזניצער רבי פון מאנסי רבי מאטעלע, און די בעכער צום וויין טרינקן האט געהאט א פיסל כמנהג וויזניץ.

    רופט זיך אן בעלזער רב צום וויזניצער: ביי אונז איינגעפירט אז נאכן אנרירן די פיס וואשט מען זיך די הענט..

    וויזניצער רבי (וואס קען אויך די מלאכה) האט גע'ענטפערט: נו מיר וואשן זיך טאקע די הענט נאך קידוש..

  4. This wedding can be summed up as ...
    Riveting, completely engrossing & compelling ...

  5. פארוואס וואלסטו אויסגעקוקט ווי מר מאירזוהן? ביסט אויך א גביריש קינד? ביסט אויך אן אונגארישער?

  6. בשם כל בני הגולהTuesday, June 12, 2018 10:48:00 AM

    מזל טוב! שמח תשמח רעים אהובים

  7. Yankel
    א ן אונגארישער יא. א גביריש קינד, נאך נישט
    אפשר ווייסט אי רצו זאגען נאך וועגן מאירזון? פון וואנעט האט ער אויסגעשפראצט?

  8. ער קומט פון לאנדאן. זיין טאטע איז געווען אן עושר. זיין מאמע, אלס אלמנה, האט געוואוינט אין בתי וואלפסאן דמתקרי וואלפסאן טאוערס. ער האט א ברודער אין אנטוורפן א גערער חסיד.

    1. ווער האט גירשנ'ט די ירושה די אלמנה צי די קינדער? צי אפשר גאר די גערער ברודער

  9. Meirzohn has a brother who has a yeshiva klal chasidy in yerushalayim he is a gerrer, but, could be that he is not so hot with the current ger administration. Father in law was r efroyim chevroni,ram in chevroner yeshiva ben r moshe, rosh yeshiva dechevron,and mekurov by the beis yisroel, eydem by r' arey leib grosnas from the london beis din

  10. NotAbris: "If ever there was a poster for mental illness these 'brisker' would be the subjects I'd use." Amito: "satmar is evil, the torah commands hibadlu"

    Anti-Orthodox Is The New Anti-Semitism

    It is apparently socially acceptable to be an open and unabashed anti-Semite — so long as the vitriol is directed at the right kind of Jew.

  11. "My personal favorite: The מחותן: רבי נתנאל פרץ מאירזון חתן רבי רפאל סאלאווייטשיק. If I was a Brisker I'd likely look like him. Maybe I should become one."



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