Saturday, October 13, 2018

Anybody else notice how the Artscroll book on Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz was almost twice as thick as the one on the Chasam Sofer?

Just a simplistic observation from a גארנישט.


  1. Did you notice that the books on the rebbe RMM is 'thicker' than the ones of the bal haTanya. ?

  2. Perhaps because there more people alive who know RMZ than the CS.

    Just a limud zechus.

  3. He was a Sofer but didn't do Scrolls.

  4. I second the other comment here. The books on the Rebbe MMS are waaaaaay thicker and plentiful than books on the Alter Rebbe. Maybe it's because ArtScroll had more material to work with to gather information on Rav Zlotowitz, quite unlike the Chasam Sofer. I mean, the people at ArtScroll worked with Rav Zlotowitz. They didn't work with the Chasam Sofer. So naturally they're going to know more about him.

    I doubt there's tons of things and eyewitness accounts written about the Chasam Sofer anyway.

    1. Chasam Sofer vs Zlotowitz..

      רבן שמעון בן גמליאל אומר אין עושין נפשות לצדיקים "דבריהם" הם הם זכרונם. -ירושלמי, שקלים, פרק ב', הלכה ה

  5. Because the author worked over every story and detail for authenticity and relevance, and it wasnt simple, whereas with RMZ, the stories were easy to corroborate. Also, there are many pictures of the Zlotowitz family and gedolim and personalities mentioned. Also, you can do better than that Hirshel, sorry- love, The Author of Both Books.

  6. Biographies in general have become very thick lately. The books on relatively obscure personalities, as esteemed as they may have been, are five times bigger than the R Moshe Fienstien biography.

  7. הכסף יענה את הכלFriday, October 19, 2018 11:33:00 AM

    It is also ratger appalling that to glet some $ gvirim they lowered tge standard for pictures to be published with their imprimatur.

    1. רש"י: "והכסף יענה את הכל" - אם אין כסף אין סעודה לפיכך לא יתעצל אדם מן המלאכה כדי שיהא לו מה להוציא

  8. Hirshel -

    Let's add another work of YB's to the discussion/analysis.

    Chasam Sofer bio - 250 pages (source: Artscroll)

    Reb Shayele (Kerestirer) - 407 pages (source: Amazon)

    Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz - 416 pages (source: Artscroll)

  9. Artscroll in the segulah business now?Friday, October 19, 2018 3:58:00 PM

    What is going on at Artscroll?

    Have they now gone into the segulah business?

    Have you seen the ads for their Zera Shimshon promoting it as a segulah? I don't recall Artscroll segulah hawking like that in the past. Would R. Meir Zlotowitz have done such a thing?

    You can get an idea about it from

    See the newspaper ads they are running for it now for even more.

  10. In their chumash, anyone's commentary (at least anyone they care to quote) is all equal. rishonim, achronim, tachtonim

  11. Du darfst whats app delete fur alles for this post Tziggy

  12. לייביל פעלדמאן. מאנסיWednesday, October 24, 2018 11:39:00 AM

    "Just a simplistic observation from a גארנישט." ?

    ולמכיר נתתי את הגלעד, למכיר בוראו נתתי את הגלעד זה אליהו

    ר' יהושע דסכנין בשר"ל אמרי, לשעבר היה אדם עושה מצוה והנביאים כותבין מצוה, עכשיו שאין "הנביאים" מי כותב?, אליהו ומלך המשיח, והקב"ה על ידיהם, שנאמר; אז "נדברו" יראי ה' איש את רעהו ויקשב ה' וישמע "ויכתב ספר זכרון" לפניו ליראי ה' ולחשבי שמו. מלאכי ג טז. -ילקוט המיכרי, על ספר תהלים


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