Thursday, June 16, 2005

Pick a name, any name

I'd like to henceforth disallow anonymous posting, it's annoying. You needn't worry, I won't know who you are just from a made-up screenname, so choose a name and stick with it, please, it makes it a better blog for all of us. For those of you who revel in anonymity feel free to continue, there's nothing I can do save for to make you
log in every time you want to comment.


  1. You know... the Anti-Tzemach is sounding a lot more like the origional Tzemach.

  2. Indeed it is quite hard to follow a conversation with a moving target. D'ya know the Dr Seuss story about the lady who named all her kids "Dave"?

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. please don't use real names,

  5. I must agree with the first comment. One of the differences is that when Tzemach deletes a comment, you don't see it. Here, you do. למען ישמעו וייראו.

  6. 770 you're wrong. "The post was deleted by the author" means the one who wrote it, I'm the administrator.


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ביטע טראכטן פאר'ן קאמענטירן, און שרייבן בכבוד'דיג, ווי עס פאסט פאר אידן יראי השם

ביטע נוצן עפעס א צונאמען כדי דער שמועס זאל קענען אנגיין אויף א נארמאלן שטייגער

Please, no anonymous comments!!