Thursday, September 15, 2005

Reggie, Rodman, and the Rabbi

Talk about straaaange bedfellows.....


The Rabbi, Reuven Mintz, is in the middle. They've joined together to raise money for UCLA Parkinson's Disease research and for Katrina victims.

Let the attacks begin....

Pipik, you're up.


  1. I expected rabbi Shmuely Boteach 9Or as they mis-pronounced his name on the BBC interview... Smelly Buttock).

  2. What I meant to say is that I expected the Rabbi in that picture to be Shmuely Boteach, who usually jumps at the chance to join pop stars in photo-op's. I don't know who this Rabbi is, but I was refering to the BBC interview with Boteach, ehere they actually mispronounced his name as I wrote above. True stoty!

  3. oh.
    the difference is that Shmuley does it just for the photo-op, Mintz is doing it for a good cause.

    I wonder who got these guys together?

  4. Tzig save us the googling:Who is this Mintz?If he is featured here it's safe to surmise that he is a chabasker.

  5. a Shliach, "simple Yungerman", who instead of making א פאר דאלאר decided to bring Jews back to Yiddishkeit. He's in Newport Beach, California.

  6. in regards to your ill stated remarks on me blog about rabbi wein

    "Chossid-hating Litvak. big time"

    SHEKER I spent 7 years with him and other than quasi disparriging remarks about hunk chassidm on 1 occasion,he never spoke ill of chassedem farget he called it the only good revolution in yahadus
    oh and he is a great grand nephew to rav tzodok(which he gives shuir in every week for 25 years)

  7. What has the above to do with anything?

  8. SAY what you want, Amshi, but I've heard him make quite disparaging about the Besht. That's not "Hunk Chassidim".

  9. You know, Reggie found G-d after his miraculous survival in a pretty serious car crash last year. He is on a mission from G-d nowadays.

  10. quite disparaging about the Besht like???????????????????

    You surely know that Rodman is also known as the "Worm" - and we know that Jews are compared to a worm as in Tolaas Yaakov...

  12. Amshi, let's put it this way: Do you have his history tapes? find the one on the Besht, listen to the part where he speaks about his youth, then get back to me.

  13. רחמנא ליצלן! Is this what we've become? we're discussing the worst elements!


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