Monday, November 7, 2005

It really shouldn't bother me......

........But it does.

How is it that an unlearned, angry, depressed character like him can be sprouting opinions and formulating policy about our holy Rebbeim?

Why should I "loz op't", like Berl says, and let him run rampant, totally unchecked?

Does his mental and emotional status absolve him from any criticism?

Let him ramble on about Art and Architecture, but leave Yiddishkeit and Chassidus alone!

I am trying to be positive rather than just attack, attack, but some issues must be taken on directly. I do not act as an investigative reporter and try to expose Roshei Yeshiva etc, all I do is discuss, and let everybody speak freely.

I knew you'd understand.


  1. Tzig, It seems like the man's got your number.... although I must admit the man's a, oh never mind that.

  2. beryl and tzemach are each other's alter ego's. They feed off each other. If tzemach didn't exist, what forum would berel have to espouse his boich svoros.

  3. It's always amusing to listen to people that shoot their mouth of without knowing Berl or Tzemach.
    Surely, there are more ptoductive uses for your time.

  4. I didn't mean to single out Berl, it was answer to him for telling to leave him alone. They're not alter-egos, please.

  5. nogeah bedovor,
    I hope you are using a matlis ovoh.

  6. and it's not 'beryl' or 'berel' - its 'berl'OK?

  7. tzig, you can disagree with TA, but:
    1. Comparing him to that Y"SH from Minnesota is not fair at all.
    2. As TA put it in one of his posts, he has a love-hate relationship with Lubavitch. He is probably not alone in this. And to be perfectly honest, I detect some of that in your posts as well (like calling for a ‘moratorium’ on teaching chassidus to newcomers).
    3. While he sometimes speaks of the Rebbe in a tone not becoming a chossid, it is never with less respect and deference you can expect from stam a fume yid. So saying he disparages the Rebbe is not exactly true.
    So I say again, loz op’t.

  8. Berl, he feeds off the Minnesotan, brings stories from him, and highlights his website as a great place to visit. It's sort of like the mob bosses who send their capos to do their dirty work for them. I do agree that he's like him.

    I do detect love-hate, but the hate overwhelms the love, by far. He never misses a chance to attack and criticize.

    You're right that I have some issues, who doesn't, but it's not the Rebbe I have "issues" with.

    The moratorium is just for thus reason, we need to reasess who we teach Chassidus and Rebbe to, it seems like not everybody is understanding of it. Or maybe we're doing a bad job teaching it?

  9. I don't know what Leo had in mind, but the off-color remark above (to "nogeah bedavar")is probably what he meant.

  10. Kat leitzonim einom mekablim pnei hashchina

  11. Perhaps Lubav went wrong when it tried to bring in new people and turn them into full fledged Chassidim in two years or less. Perhaps a wiser tact would have been not to make turning them in Lubavs the goal but rather, just making them frum (kashrus, Shabbos, shule, mikvah) etc. But maybe our ego got caught up in it all and we felt that we needed to fill out our ranks with more black hats as a sign that we were succeeding. But in the end this may have caused alot of problems for us since we created an generation filled with half-baked Lubavs and their children are at risk. And the entire movement is now burderend with them.

  12. Baal
    I think the problem may have been exaserbated by the fact that Lubavitch's true goal was spreading Chassidus. The whole idea of Chabad houses reaching out to non-affiliated Jews was really secondary, due to the fact that no other groups were actively doing it.

    It has now become completely secondary, spreading Chassidus that is, so much so that you'll have a difficult time convincing people to give money to institutions like Heichel Menachem and others whose goal it is to spread Chassidus amongst Bnei HaYeshivos and frum Jews.


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