Thursday, December 1, 2005


Look at the picture, click on it for a larger image, and see who stands out a bit.

See if you can figure it who it is.

Hint: he's not wearing a Shtreimel.

Are you surprised?

Discussion to follow, iy"h.


  1. I see what looks like a Chasidishe Rebbe, or at least the descendant of one. I would guess that it's the Skulener Rebbe, who lived in CH at the time?

  2. The point, which I'm sure you're all waiting to hear, is as follows:

    Many Chassidishe Rabbeyim who had a strong connection to Chabad and who were helped by them came to America and were re-educated by the haters. They would come to the Rebbe because they saw what he had done for "his people" and what his people had done for Yiddishkeit in the FSU.

    However, they were soon taught that אמעריקא איז יא אנדערש! and in America you need to walk lock-step with certain groups and do as they say. Otherwise you too will be ostracized.

    So they never came back.

    It's a crying shame.

  3. First of all, I came across this site and I am very impressed with it. Glad to have found you. Second, is that really the Skulener? Doesn't look like him. maybe its his father?

  4. it is his father, the Previous Skulener Rebbe, zt"l.

    Thanks for the compliment.

  5. which one are you referring to exactly?

  6. anonymous

    I ask that you choose a screenname and tick with it, otherwise you will not be addressed simply because we don't know who we're talking to!

    I am referring to the OLD Skulener Rebbe, Reb Eliezer Zusia Portugal, zt"l.

  7. The previous Skulener was the only Rebbe that wouldn't leave CH until the Lubavitcher Rebbe gave him his brocha - which he did after the Skulener had no minyan anymore.
    I heard from a Skulener Chossid that the old Skulener on occasion would ask to be taken to 770 for Farbengenishen (19 Kislev, etc.) - but the gabboim didn't approve of this, so they would dive him around for hours and never get to 770...

  8. Tzig, with the usual cheap propoganda.
    The truth is Lubavitch would not even support the Skulener by sending him some people to support his minyan.Basically he was forced to move.

  9. Zezmir, remind me the last the Rebbe shlit'a showed up at any other rabbi/rebbe?Who did not allow, the gabboim?
    Practice what you preach or shut up.

  10. Vaiter

    This is the discussion I had in mind. Instead of believing stories that actually happened and that can be easily verified, you choose to ignore them because they don't fit your agenda.

    I have a better idea: Why not disassociate yourelf with any Rebbe or Rosh Yeshiva that EVER had any connection with the Rebbe? That way you'll have a clear conscience and sleep peacefully at night!

  11. Tzig speaking about agendas!
    Your agenda is to force us, the rational heimishe oilem to accept someone as 'manhig hador' 'nossi hador, moshiach etc who we have never felt comfortable with, BEORE this false moshiach mess.Get it???
    Do you want us to accept it now, when those 'fremdeh' concepts have given birth to a whole cult, that pushes the deceased Rebbe as alive forever and ever, at best or as 'Boreinu' chas vesholom?
    You so called 'normal' Chabadskers have your own problems and don't want/know how to deal with it so you 'project' your nonsense on us.We don't hate you, we have rachmonus.Get up, kick the crazies out of your midst, realize the Rebbe screwed up a bit, but that does not take away from the great things he achieved

  12. But that again is somewhat beside the point;

    We're speaking of the pressure applied by the "askonim" to explian to the "gedolim" that what they'd like to do isn't becoming behavior. This goes to for the Skulener Rebbe, the Ribnitzer Rebbe, and even to Reb Nochum Percovitz! Reb Lazer Yudel's own son-in-law (I believe) who stepped out of line, came to Yechidus of with the Rebbe, sat at the Farbrengen with the Rebbe, and was rewarded by the man from Vaboilnik by not having him attend his Levaya for this grave transgression.....
    see my pattern?

  13. Bpunbound,
    Did you READ my post?
    I wrote that we, the heimishe oilem were always uncomfortable with the Rebbe,before this latest SEWAGE as you call it?
    Not surprised that you did not make it in a 'learning' yeshiva and had to change to 770, your maggid shiur must've gone nuts teaching you basic Talmud

  14. Uncomfortable? but of course. He was out of the blase league of the American Roshei Yeshiva, yes even after WW2, and was a conformist when it came to the (hungarian)Rabbonim. That proves what?

  15. VML

    oh, and also, please refrain from making personal, offensive comments about a poster's ability, or lack thereof, to navigate a page of Talmud.

  16. May I make a few factual remarks about the Skulener rebbe father and son..
    Firstly the rebbe was NOT of Rebbische stock. The old Skulener was the RAV not rebbe of Skulen . He together with some men who would later on become chashuvim (the Ribnitzer rebbe , and the legendary Reb MOshe Gabbe of New Skver) were Chassidm of Rav Avrohom Matisyahu Friedman the rebbe of Stefaneshti a grandson of the Rizhiner.He passed away in the mid 1930's leaving no successor as rebbe.
    Next the Skulener rebbe was not a Hungarian rav. Skulen is in EASTERN Rumania part of M oldavia bordering on Bukowina. the Yiddishkait there resembled Ukranian Judaism not Hungarian. The Skulener had no Messorah of Kaanoiuth , rather as a Rizhiner Chasid he had a great deal of respect for Chaside chabad and their leaders.
    This last point helps explain his closeness to Chabad and the Lubavitcher rebbe.
    Of course over the years Skulen too has become infected by the Hungarian "virus" and by the Rebbische lifestyle and politics. Although people tell me the Rebbe shlit'a is a gor erlicher Yid.

  17. Kurenitzer

    concise and to the point, as always. גוט געזאגט

    What is it about these Rebbes that they feel inferior to the Hungarians and need to "become" one of them?

  18. Which one was it, the father or the son, that the Rebbe got out of Romanian Prison?


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