Friday, December 30, 2005

Gap Closing?

No, don't panic, it's not The Gap that's closing, you'll be able to shop there as long as you wish. It's this Chasidic-Misnagdic gap that's closing, at least according to David Of Lakewood. He must be a real teddy bear.


  1. do you agree with the fellow?

  2. HT,
    The photo you put here is a bit unsettling, maybe you can change it?

  3. I do, I'm just not too excited about it for the simple reason that the root of this phenomenon is an inferiority complex amongst Chassidim.

  4. I gotta do something at work, don't I? Afterall, you voted for me and I wouldn't want to let you down.

  5. Got anything to say about the Chasidic - Misnagdic gap, Mr. President?

  6. Not really...I am just a goy afterall. I will have some of my people listen in ...oh I meant look into.

  7. Mr. President,
    Yes, that would be a better picture.
    And i'm glad to see that you are keeping on top of jewish issues at hirshel's site.
    I'll have you know that Hirshel conviced a large protion of his community to support you - so please keep that in mind next time you ant to offer some terrorists a piece of land...

  8. Hirshel,
    Do you really agree with the suggestion that the gap has shunk between chassidim and misnagdem?
    It often seems to me that in the last 10 years or so that the gap is growing.

  9. אוואו איך וואוין? פארוואס ווילסטו וויסען, דו ווילסט מיר קומען באזוכען?

  10. Zezmir:

    I am glad you liked that one.

    Now here is a little secret, just between you and me and Hirshel:

    There is really no difference between me and the Democrats when it comes to Israel. We both do whatever is politically expedient; whatever will keep the large Jewish donors sending us the big checks (tzedakah, I think you people call it).

    Some Jews told me to keep Gaza and some to tell Israel to give it away. How am I supposed to know what the Jewish people want if you can't even tell me? Hey, at least I did what SOME Jews wanted, right?

  11. Gee prez,
    That sounds a lot like FDR...

  12. Zezmir: So what is your point? Its the truth.

    Its funny how all you Jews fall for it when we Presidents say we are "big supporters" of Israel. You guys fall for it every four years! (whoops, did I just write that, or think it??)

  13. Eli

    I think the way to sum it up is that the gap between all Jews, even Chassidim, and Chassidus has grown by leaos and bounds, with the Levush being the only remnant od Chassidus in most cases. In places like Yerushalayim where farbrente Misnagdim look like American Chassidim the inferiority complex is far greater.

  14. Mr. Prez,
    I think that we can never expect the holder of your office to be more pro-Isrel than Jews or Israel itself is.
    I also see that an anti-semitic president (Nixon) may ultimately turn out to be one of the most pro-Israel in policy - while a president that may be personally more pro-Israel, may end up being bad for Israel on a policy level.
    As usual, we are our own enemy, and if we would show a little unity I am sure that the politicians would be more helpful.
    BTW, What's your feeling on the J. Pollard case?

  15. Zezmir: You are 100% right. You people need to get your story straight before you start lobbying me.

    On Pollard, here are my thoughts: He should sit in jail for the rest of his life. should all people who commit espionage. All these people are lucky we don't execute them. Before they were given access to classified material they signed an agreement that said they would protect it. If they failed to do so, they knew they would be going to prison.

    Thats all for now. I apologize to my good friend Hirshel for hijacking his posting. Have a good Shabbos!

  16. Apology accepted, Prez. now can we please get back to the subject at hand?

  17. Interesting to note:Tzig attacked Lakewood for sending the roshei yeshiva on a fundraising mission and acting 'chasidish'.Now he claims the only reason the supposed gulf between chassidim and misnagdim is narrowing is because the chasidim have an 'inferiority complex' .
    Dude, learn your history.For many years there have been no machloikessen between chasidim and misnagdim.Gdoilei yisroel have gotten along fine since R'Chaim Valozhiner.The new 'machloikes' started out with your 'dor hashishi' and got worse under your dor 'hashvi'i' This machloikes has basically involved ONLY LUBAVITCH.Why??
    Let's hope that Lubabs will get some seichel, will loz op from their dimyoines and appoint a 'dor shmini' who will be an ohev sholom

  18. Lakewood has hundreds of chasiddishe bochurim and yungerlait.
    How many, non Lubavitcher chasidim attend Lubavitcher yeshivas(institutions of 'higher learning, aka kolel don't/hardly exist there, so I'm not going to even ask).About zero.Wow!
    Aren't they 'closer'?
    Another myth laid to rest.
    Tzig, you can now continue............

  19. Hey Prez,
    Actually, about the Pollard case, I agree with you.

  20. VML,
    Dont you ever get bord of repeating the same drivel like a broken record?
    I'm sure there are more useful uses for your time... Unless, well, maybe you just need to get your fix of vomiting hatred to feel good about yourself.

  21. I'm responding to Tzig and co.'s insinuations.Trying to shine the light of day on them. you care to address my points?
    Why do regular non Lubavitch chasidim want any part of todays 'rich' Lubab legacy, despite all those missionaries aka shliach leBoro Park, shliach lehotzenplotz etc.Where are the hundreds of chasidim in the 'only' mamshichim of the Besh'ts' yeshivas.
    Answer that!

  22. vml,
    you are a moron – the majority of today's lubavitchers zainen tzugekumener (un ich mein nish di baalei teshuvoh) - zei shtamen fun andere kraizen. So where are the “other Chassidim” in Lubavitch? IN LUBAVITCH.

  23. it suuuure sounds like him...

  24. Thaks for showing up Berl!


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