Friday, January 13, 2006

Futerfas Family Reunion

(l-r, Reb Avremel Shemtov, Reb Mendel Futerfas, HaRav Yaakov Kamenecki)

In Monsey, probably around 5742-4. Reb Yaakov and Reb Mendel were cousins, RYK's mother or grandmother was a Futerfas. Avremel Shemtov's mother was also a Futerfas, RMF's sister.



  1. Tzig

    you forgo to mention that although they were cousins RYK's zeide forbade his father from speaking to his uncles because they were Lubavitchers! and we're speaking 100 years ago here! and what happened to his einiklech (Kamenecki's) they "Fried out"! Maybe if he'd allow them to become Lubavitchers volt epes geblibben fun zei....

  2. If they wudda became Habadskers they wudda surely stayed frum? what a joke,tell that to all of the Lubavitch eineklech, incl. the Shneersons who went off the derech.

  3. They appear to be getting along quite well in the picture. The machloykes within the family seems like such a waste. How did Reb Yaakov's mother felt about this divide?

  4. emes:

    I said efsher, but who cares, right?

    There's no mention on how she felt, at least I don't remember any.

  5. but emes is emes. Emes, You have a point.

  6. הירשל מיר דאנקן דיך אין אונזער מוטער שפראך פאר דיין שווערע הארוואניע אונז צו מהנה זיין יעדן טאג אין דיין בלאג

  7. וויקיפעדיע

    !אזא כבוד מיר צו געבן
    איך דיינק אייך זייער

  8. emes

    Make a cheshbon and let's see who from all the Rabbonim and Tzaddikim of Lita left frum children. I don't mean the recent ones like the Soloveitchiks and the Finkels, although they too have plenty of skeletons, I mean the Rabbonim of old.

  9. I am not sichon melech cheshbon. You want to be melech cheshbon?I didn't make a survey.But if your going to be melech cheshbon already you can make a cheshbon and figure out why there are so few Lubavitchers today that go back doirois in Lubavitch,considering that is a Chassidus of over 200 years old,one of the oldest Chassidesen.And don't say that Stalin and Hitler ymsh killed them all because that isn't true.The answer is that a very large amount of children of anash left the Chabad derech.Way before (but not only before) Hitler and Stalin.

  10. emes

    you are moleh sheker.

    how come there are so few Karliner, Tchernobler, Ruzhiner other than the ones that left to Israel years before Hitler and Stalin? There are 5 times as much Chabad families from Doyres back. Other than that Hitler and Stalin took care of a large portion too. Read a little before you shoot yourmouth off.

  11. I will let the emes speak for itself. People can do the math and decide for themselves.

  12. well, then what "math" would that be? is it as clear as 2 plus 2?

  13. How many Lubavitchers went off is one cheshbon. But the fact is that the Futerfasses remained.

    I never made a census of how many old Lubavitcher families there are, but I know that mine goes all the way back to the Alter Rebbe's time.

    By the way, RYK and R Ruderman of Ner Israel were first cousins, and as I understand it R Ruderman was a big anti-Lubavitch kano'i who was given the task of making sure that his cousin R Yaakov shouldn't "chas veshalom" go off looking for his Lubavitch roots.

    The two families recently came together when R Ruderman's great-grandson married R Mendel's great-great-niece.

  14. Milhouse

    I believe they were second cousins, but I could be wrong. Who were the married einiklach/niece?

  15. About 7 or 8 years ago, SMP Weisbord, a great-grandson of R Ruderman, married Lia Nossbaum, a great-granddaughter of R Mendel Futerfas's sister Bracha. They live in Baltimore and have 2 children.

  16. who was Brachah Futerfas married to? what does SMP Weisbrod stand for?

  17. There were four Futerfas siblings: Hendel Lieberman, Golda Szemtow, Bracha Serebryanski, and Mendel Futerfas.

    I think SMP is Sholom Meir Pesach, or perhaps Shmuel Meir Pesach.

  18. You Lubobs are nuts. Rav Yakov Kamentsky was significantly older than this cousian Rav Ruderman. In fact, he even remebered the real name Rav Ruderman was givein at his bris


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