Friday, January 20, 2006

"Just Jew it"


a little too stereotypical for me, with everybody being Jewish in the ski resort. Either that or we're to be excited that all the non-Jews started to light Menayres too.

Also, for only $540.00 you can have somebody say Kaddish for your dearly departed. A little steep, no?


  1. WHAT!

    they're advocating lighting a Menayreh in front of all those X-mas decorations and trees? don't they know that it worthless and counter-productive? why couldn't they just light in their room?

  2. reb hirshel a groyise shkoyach on this site-- it's 'mamash geshmak' to see unabashed straight up chassidishe.. case in point 'chassidishe chinuch,part 1' keep it coming and side note: it's more geshmak when the bitul haminaged is not bderech milchomah but when mitzad der gilui he's not tofes makom bichlal

  3. Those snags r unbelievable.$540 for a year of Kaddish? Wow. Kaddish for 12 months,3x a day, that's over 1000 tefillos, each tefilla has a number of kadeshim. You got over 2000 kadeshim there and maybe alot more than that.The chutzpah of those snags.25 cents a kaddish?Man,those snags.How can a snag kaddish a snag yihei shmei rabba be worth 25 cents?For that money they should hire Lubavitchers. Lubavitchers say alot more kadeshim than snags and they throw in viyatzmach purkanei too.Those snags, for that price you might think they would throw in viyatzmach too? 4getaboutit! Those snags r unbelievable!

  4. snag

    Don't get carried away, please. What happens if only 10 people decide to pay for this service, which is presumably done by the same person, then it goes up to $2.50 a Kaddish, and if 100 people $25, and if 1,000 people $250, and that's not too much for the premier "KIRUV" organization in the world, is it?

  5. Reb yid,you have kashas on the kaddish zogging business bichlal,shouldn't be focused so much on Aish davka.

  6. ashreinu ma tov chelkainu is all I can say about that.

  7. how much does Lubavitch charge for kaddish?

  8. I had the impression the going rate was about $300 for this kind of thing. At least, that's what my former supervisor paid for his aunt's kaddish. Then his mother died, and he started saying it for real.

  9. from

    Aish's educational philosophy is that Judaism is not all or nothing; it is a journey where every step counts, to be pursued according to one's own pace and interest. Mitzvot (commandments) are not rituals, but opportunities for personal growth, to be studied and understood. We learn the Torah’s wisdom to enrich our own lives, and to share these ideas with all humanity.

    The gall of these people to complain about Chabad is unmitigated!


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