Tuesday, January 3, 2006

"Rabbi Marulies walking home in Bucharest"

That's the caption of the photo by Yale Strom in 1985. Anybody know any more about the man? He's holding a "Divrei Yoel", so he seems like the "Head Meshilech" in Bucharest or maybe the whole of Romania? and no, there's no fun intended here, just a nice photo of a פארצייטישער איד און רב

Tell me more if you know something abut the man.


  1. The name PROBABLY should be Margulies with a G.

  2. This rav was Rav Itzchak Meir Marillues a Bnan shel kedoshim who lived in Moldavia. After the war he served bemesiars nefesh be poel mamash as a rav in various towns in Rumania (In the Moldavian part of Rumania). After almost all rabbonim left Rumania by 1965 leaving 100,000 Jews with 3-4 orthodox rabbis (Rosen, Marillues, rabbi Scwartz in Oradea, Rabbi halpert in Satmar) and 2 Neolog rabbis in Timisoara, Rabbi Dr. Rosen called rav Marillus to assist him as the rosh beth din in Bucharest in about 1964.As such hew as the communal rav i Bucharest.
    There he was the rav of the city supervising kashruth , gittin etc. Dr. Rosen the chief rabbi was not a posek and spent part of the year in Israel and travelling.
    Rav Marillus was an eynikel of Reb Shimon of Yeroslav in Galicia whose name was Marillus too. Rav Marillus was related to the major rebbes in the US and Israel. He died in the late 1980's leaving children in the Holy land.
    I congratulate you for this blog. Here we have a rav who unlike others took the Rebbe's advice(I doubt he ever saw or wrote the rebbe) and stayed as captain of his ship till the end. Others took a boat to Israel and Williamsburg and joined thousands of other rabbis in Israel and the US leaving 100,000 Jews in Rumania (as of 1965 with 5 rabbis and a dozen shochetim)
    Zekher zaddik Livrocha.
    By the way I used to read his chudushim in the Rumanian Revista Cultului Mosaic a bi weekly put out by Ravbbi Rosen I gleamed many of the biographical data from those pithy little mamorim.
    Thats all I recall at this moment.

  3. Yasher Keyach, Kurenitzer. I knew you'd come through for me!

  4. Let me add that R. Marillus' seat in Bucharest was the famous malbim shul. Prior to Bucharest I think he was rav in Bacau, Moldavia.
    There was a select group of men in the Communist bloc countries who remained in their posts until the end. Some names come to mind besides Rabbis Marillus, Dr. Rosen, Rav Elias Katz (Bratislava)Rabbi Marton (Moshe) Weisz and rabbi Jeno Schuck the Orthodox rabbis of Budapest, Rabbi Zadok Dannon in Belgrade.
    Even more there were many such men in the USSR who are nameless but kept Yiddishkeyt going there.
    In Russia many of these men were obvioulsy Chassidim of a CERTAIN stripe .They get no kavod from artscroll, but rest assured there is a bigger kavod than that too.
    I enjoyed an article i KFAR CHABAD about the Moscow rav R. Yuda Leib levin and his trip to the USA in 1967.

  5. Kurentizer:You missed out a feiner yid from Romania by the name of Rabbi Wasserman, I believe(1990,maybe).He stayed on for a long time.At a certain rime he wanted to join his kids but could not get authorization to leave

  6. re: Rumainer Rabbonim. Were these Rabbonim allowed to do as they please under the Communist regimes? or were they kept as "proof" that there's "freedon of religion"?

  7. VML. I heard about R, Pinchos wasserman he was the shochet of Dorohoi for many years. He wanted to go to israel, but Chief rabbi Rosen refused to let him go unless his kids in Israel found another shochet from israel who would serve in Dorohoi. His jkids started attacking Dr. Rosen , for what not allowing 5,000 Jews to remain without kashruth! In the end Reb Pinchos was allowed out.
    Being a parnas is a oL as Chazal tell us.

  8. In Rumania from about 1962- now there was ameasue of religious liberty one had many shuls, Chedorim, shechitah Old age homes, a few kosher eateries etc. But Shabbos was a serious isue that was the make bepatish a s shemiras shabbos was impossible for anyone not employed by the Jewish community. the rabbonim were real rabbis who were like traditional rabbonim. Politics etc was the domain of the chief rabbi Dr. Moses D. Rosen.
    Today an Isareli modern rabbi Menachem Hacohen serves as the chief rabbi of Rumania .


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