Monday, January 30, 2006

So impatient?

A story quoted in Sefer HaTzetzoyim p.160

The Rebbe MaHaRash attended the Levaya of the Rebbe Reb Mordechai Menachem of Vorke, who passed away at a young age. Immediately after that, some of the Chassidim wanted to accept the RM as their new Rebbe, The Rebbe refused to accept them. He reprimanded them, saying: When the Yidden in the Midbar saw that Moshe Rabbeinu was one day late according to their calculation they went and made .......

The Rebbe concluded; I saw on your Rebbe's bed that according to the Simonim I was Mekabel from my father who was Mekabel from the Alter Rebbe, he was מנוטרי הברית! (aka Shomer HaB...)


  1. who's the source in the SH?

  2. The source is the current Alexander Rebbe from Israel who's an einikel of the AR and the Vurker Rebbe.

  3. 12 Years is also too impatient?

  4. Been asking for a while, no one listening.

  5. I don't quite enjoy being kicked out of the Beis Medrash.

  6. which Bais Medrish would that be? and just for mentioning the thought?!


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