Wednesday, February 1, 2006


(Photo:REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun)
Yesterday Gush Katif
Today Amonah
Tomorrow Beitar, Kiryat Sefer, Emanuel, and Neve Yaakov.
Then the Charedim will scream, but it'll be too late.
Don't say we didn't warn you.
Shades of last summer, courtesy of Yahoo.


  1. HT

    I see you're in the Shleimos Ho'Oretz mood today. Very good. I hope you're wrong.

  2. avremel dont fool yourself this is systematic the only hope theere may be is if america drops palestine because of chamas or olmert and a few of his buddies chappen a misa meshune

  3. Avremel, thanks for the ok.

    Chabadsker, why should that change anything? You see what happened with Sharon, he's as good as dead right now and his successor stuck his finger in the wind and decided to do the same thing and then some.

  4. hirshl
    or olmert "and a few of his buddies" chappen a misa meshune

  5. there's always someone else that would sell out his country far a pohr daler.


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