Thursday, February 9, 2006

New Corn-Dog in Cyberspace

Yehuda Shain has long had a bone to pick with Rubashkin. My sources say this is due to him being canned from his Hashgochoh job with them. He considers himself the foremost expert on Kashrus matters and people buy his racket, lock, stock and barrel. His main beef seems to be with Rubashkin being a Meikil, all the Machshirim there notwithstanding, and he even brings the PETA video as proof of "problems" down in Postville, Iowa.

He too has started a blog, appropriately named YudelStake (get it?) to go along with his website.

I guess when you "stand up" to Lubavitch people listen. We wish him nothing but, ----- oh never mind.

Sorry about the puns.


  1. I believe he's Rabbi Shein the Mohel's brother. Maybe they didn't get along.

  2. is he from monsey by any chance? once had conv. with him, does NOT like Lubavitch. But honestly Hirshel, he might have a point, unless you know otherwise.

  3. he may have a point if has certain problems, which is the case with all hashgoches, but this guy always has problems with Chabad and Rubashkin, like a red tichel to a bull, hence the absence of trust in him.

  4. After he came out with his multi-page issur on all Rubashkin products, I began an email dialoge with him about the issues he felt made all their products treif.

    When all was said & done, he told me "Did you know that they have Lubavitcher shochtim!"

    I asked him if that was a reason to make the food less than kosher? And he told me, "R' Elyashiv paskend that one cannot eat their shechita."

    Iasked him for a mare makom, and he stopped answering me.

  5. thanks for that info, CE. Is it true that he was fired from Rubashkin and this is his way of getting back at them?

  6. HT,
    I have heard that rumor as well, but I don't know if there is any truth to it or not.
    Honestly, I don't care what his motives are - if he has real halachic problems to back him up than I would take him seriously; but when I questioned him on the facts, he didn't have anything substantive to say.
    That's the reason I discounted his accusations.
    He has an anti-Rubashkin (Lubavitch) agenda, not halacha in mind. Why does he feel that way? I don't know and don't really care...

  7. I wonder if CE is twisting Shain's words a wee bit i.e Was Rav Elyoshiv speaking about messianic Lubavitcher shochtim or any Lubavitcher shochet and Shains' claim was that Rubashkin do not see messianic shochtim as being problematic, especially in light of at least one Rubashkin son being messianic.(I don't know Rav Elyoshivs position regarding messianic Lubavitchers, but have heard rumours)
    In an interesting 'twist' Lubavitchers themselves are careful to only eat 'shechitas Lubavitch'and not rely on other non Lubavitch shochtim so it's a bit dishonest to get all riled up about others who practice a similar policy,that excludes Lubavitch.Remember the saying 'people who live in glass houses should not throw stones'?

  8. Stupid Monkey

    Lubavitchers don't pasel anybody's shechitah, they prefer, some not all, their own, that's fair. Foe a Peysek to pasel somebody's shechitah from 7,000 miles away, based on hearsay is irresponsible at best.

  9. For the record:
    Rabbi Shain was talking about stam Lubavitcher shechita, since ALL Lubavitchers are b'chekzas Moshiachist - and one cannot eat from any Lubavitcher shechita for that reason.


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