Monday, March 20, 2006

In his debut role....


  1. In 5766, what is the difference between a misnagid and a poilisher "chusid"? Do either subscribe to Teires HaBesh"t? What is the difference between Twerski books and Rabbi Frand or Rabbi Pliskin books?

  2. and what is the connection between a chabad chossid in 5766 to 5676 or even to 5698 or even to 5715 or even to 5738 (besides their collective tzad hashovoh of deriding and dismissing all other jews)? how does the chabad chossid of 5766 retain any semblnace of chassidus or "chossid" of those of the times of all the rebbeim besides laughing at other people's book's? and what is the meshichism of "chabad" or the closet meshichism of the "anti's" have to do with real chassidus and genuine ahavas yisroel of toras habal shem tov? how is the bombastic self agggrandizment of present chabad in all of it's official levels resemble the plain poshut bittul of a chossid 100, 50 or 30 years ago?

  3. and what is the connection between a chabad chossid in 5766 to 5676 or even to 5698 or even to 5715 or even to 5738 (besides their collective tzad hashovoh of deriding and dismissing all other jews)? how does the chabad chossid of 5766 retain any semblnace of chassidus or "chossid" of those of the times of all the rebbeim besides laughing at other people's book's? and what is the meshichism of "chabad" or the closet meshichism of the "anti's" have to do with real chassidus and genuine ahavas yisroel of toras habal shem tov? how is the bombastic self agggrandizment of present chabad in all of it's official levels resemble the plain poshut bittul of a chossid 100, 50 or 30 years ago?


    self-aggrandizement? even its greatest adversaries will tell you that it's not "self" it's Rebbe.

  5. What is this video ?
    Twerski looks great.
    Years ago I nominated him online for a certain vacant position.

  6. Rabbi Twerski stars as himself in the "Jewish-Child-Detective" series Agent Emes. The producers and actors are from Pittsburgh, hence the Twerski role.

  7. Tony . . . even n'niach that neither learns toras habesht, a 'chussid' still has a certain eidel (no-snag, whatever) aspect that only chassidus can instill

  8. Read his books. Tell me anything he says that is uniquely representative of Teires HaBesh"t. His books are full of musar and enilightened misanthropy.

  9. the greatest "Adversaries" and "friends" do not distinguish: for it's "heynooh hach"; kind like they will say that when you decry their "selfaggrandizemnet" they would say "kovod hatorah" would laugh at that...

    the real fact is that any objective listener to what frinds have to say is: that all the self aggrandizment is nauseating...

  10. Maybe by a Lubavitcher he is not a Chussid but others consider him one,he is definitely no snag,wake up guys,Purim is over.

  11. As someone that grew up in Pittsburgh, around Rabbi T., let me tell you that he is about as close to Lubavitch as they come. In any case, what defines a Lubavitcher?

  12. Lubavitch cannot be 'soivel' any competition.The Rebbe is everything.Dead or alive, hence the jealousy and hate

  13. C'mon . . .
    His books do not suffer from they same yeshus found in others.

  14. Hey, hey, hey... easy there! I did not say that Twerski is a shvantz, ch"v. He is a mentch. And you're right, his books aren't full of the same crap as the ArtScroll gedolim. I am just saying that his books are not chasidus or based on chasidus. The larger point to be made is that in today's day and age, call me chauvinistic if you will, Teires HaBesh"t as a limud and a derech is only by Chabad. You want to debate the fact, bring it on.

  15. Twerski spent most of his career at a Catholic hospital in Pittsburgh dealing with alchoholic priests. As a frum person he had a good insight in the issues associated with priests. As such he was at the cutting edge of this field .
    I first saw one of his therapy books in 1974 "Love yourself etc "and recognized him as a memebr of the Milwaukee clan. TIME magazine had an article about him witha photo in the early 1950's.IN the 1970's the NY Times had a nice piece about the whole clan.
    In that book Twerski never mentioned Judaism.But the book was helphul in giving me more confidence in relationships.
    Only when he retired did he enter the Jewsih "wars". I think he is sensible and a common sense person. His "maase books "about his dad are very warm. His book about the Hornespiepler zaida lacks any heimishkeyt and can only serve Americans not the Heimishe crowd.
    In general Twerski is a lot more sophisticated than his Orthodox colleagues. Its a shame few rebbes have his insight in the inner human condition.
    Who really caresif he belongs to the Chabad political party.
    He is an eynikel of the Mittler rebbe and a nephew of the Bobover rebbe Reb Shlomo Halberstam.
    But above all he is an accomplished scientist, professional and common sense man with credentials more than some zeytel from a 3rd rate yeshiva.

  16. One thing's for certain, somebody out there was "looking out" for the Twerskis. I doubt that any other family that attended catholic Schools and Universities would've come out like they did. What they were thinking at the time is another story, because you definitely cannot be sure of things turning out that way.

  17. tzemach head to head with anti tzemach!

    all the talk about rabbi twersky, what about little agent emes?!

  18. Well, what was the Rebbe thinking....?
    ..And you are right, you can never know, look what happened to Leibel, who attended university, noch in Russia.

  19. Tzemach, we know you read this blog often, so take this:

    You ask about "the point"? You who regurgitates comments of readers over and over again? How many times are we supposed to hear about the Rebbe's brother Leibel, and Barry being Rebbe? What about that "loony" Deutsch, is writing about him over and over again making a point?

    By the way: I asked your "Rebbe" Zelig Levin about you, he doesn't know who you are! how's that for a Rebbe-Chossid relationship?

  20. Ezra, join the list of morons here. The Rebbe decided on his own, his father did not send him. Twerski sent his kids. Farshteist?

  21. "teyres habesh"t as a limud and a derech only by chabad...":

    as a limud maybe; as a "derech" it is worse than all others: at least all others acknowledge that they have to "reform"; Chabad is the only one who claims such high credentials and practices the opposite of it's derech.

    In addition: to the non application of the abstract elements of the study in it's derech currently; they lost touch with the basic practical application of the basic elementary premises and derech habesh"t. The mere fact that you cannot see the tayerkayt and maalos of other yidden (other than the 5th ave. Jews and those who subscribe to the praises of chabad) of all stripes is already antithetical to the teachings of the besh"T which saw fit to see the maalos of the poshuter yidden and all yidden.

    You paint all the world: Lubavitch and those who sing it's praises (they are supposedly the poshuter yidden in the besh"t times) versus all frumme yudden (those who do not sing the praises of chabad); they are carachterized to belong to the group of "snags" the followers of the "vile" lomdim in the times of the besh"t.

    It's archaic, not realistic to the picture at the present time at best and their haughtiness is antitethical to the basic teachings of the besh"t, tosee the qualties of all jews . It's chassidus upside down. and it's actually used as a tool to practice the opposite of the intentions and the teachings and practices of the Besh"t.

  22. Anonymous (0f 9:30am)

    What you are doing is perpetuating a stereotype that is nothing short of a lie.

    Yes, Chabad has become consumed with "5th Avenue Jews", but no less than a collector becomes "consumed" with rich people and a RoshYeshiva "consumed" with Lomdim, it's part of the job. It also would help if some people showed some more respect to Chabad and its Rebbe.

  23. Avremel
    You got a problem with people not respecting Chabad enough, right?
    SMALL secret I'm letting you on to....Respect is EARNED!!!!
    (apparently many people don't think Chabad deserve respect,try using your head and figure out why.Maybe it has something to do with people like yourself...?)

  24. it may be part of the job; but when the "job" "consumes" you with lecking 5th ave. jews and at the same time the "Job" "consumes" you with deriding frumme yidden then it has got nothing to do with besht but some corrupted new derech that "nishtalshelo mehem".

  25. stop the press

    mentalblog founder invents technology behind google video!

  26. Anonymous

    1) "deriding" Frum Jews does not come from "lecking" 5th Ave Jews.

    2) 5th Ave Jews, so taught the Besht, are as dear to Hashem as Frum Jews.

  27. 1) sometimes it comes (for sometimes we become so infatuated that nothing else exists but those who identify with us and especially if he prasies us thaeverything else poshut does not exist).

    2) Of course the besh says that 5th avenue jews are as dear (and maybe more) as frum jews; but equally are frum jews as dear as (and maybe more) as 5th ave jews.

  28. Long time no see. You're still healthy though, BH.

    I think the point would be: Twerski's nonconforming background was not taken to the streets. Their public persona has been allowed to be created by them, and this arrangement has benefited Klal Yisroel. Perhaps let sleeping dogs lie? Or perhaps, let lying dogs sleep?


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