Thursday, May 18, 2006

עס געזונט אין קארט סטריט

Kwik Kosher in Downtown Brooklyn

Man, that English is awful, and to think he was born right here!

Thanks for the link, friend.


  1. He does an honest days work. The lack of English shows he and his community are not as assimilated as us. What's wrong with that?

  2. Boruch

    It was an observation, nothing more.

    if you think speaking Yiddish only is a guarantee against "assimilation", pleasant dreams to you. Ever hear of Yiddishisten? Bundisten? Tziyonisten? (some) they all spoke Yiddish or Hebrew, a lotta good it did them.

    I'm as big a "fan" of Yiddish as they come, but it guarantees nothing. You see these "logos" hanging out in the streets speaking Yiddish only, the Yiras Shomayim is not there.

    His work ethic is to be appreciated, yes.

  3. tzig,
    lighten up! you find the darkness in a sunny day. THe guy seems like an aidel, hardworking fellow. He could have answered the hebrew national question with negativety, but instead stressed a positive...his english is heavily accented, what crime is this, why is it even noticed? I'm sorry that I'm compelled to make a diagnosis on a blog but it seems that your glasses to the world warp everything jewish into an inferiority complex.

  4. Hirsh,

    >Man, that English is awful, and
    >to think he was born right here!

    BY's accent sounds very Israeli. I would hold the sanctimoniousness until further notice.

    OTOH, the chassidische looking guy that had trouble with the correct Yiddish phrase...I don't know, not 100%.

  5. I DID NOT COMMENT ON THE MAN'S "איידלקייט" nor did I comment on whether or not he's hard working. All I DID say was that I was surprised that living and being born in America, and working for a living, that people could still sound like they just got off the boat. I should've known better, I only grew up in Boro Park!

    Is that called being sanctimonious?

  6. >I DID NOT COMMENT ON THE MAN'S "איידלקייט"

    Neither did I.

    Living in America, yes. I did not hear him say that he was born here, however. That was why I commented on his very Israeli-sounding accent. Also, his use of English phrases are very characteristic of Israelis I have met who are starting to learn English. It is entirely likely that he was NOT born in the US and may have come later in life.

    FWIW, anyone who comes to the US and can "make it" gets nothing but respect from me.

  7. Ya gotta hand it to those Satmar types. They are not afraid to get out there and make a go of it. Halevai we had more hard workers in CH - and they would have less time for their meshugaasim and destructive activities.
    As for Yiddish, can you imagine had the rebbe been around today - the vast majority of his chasidim and chasidos wouldn't understand his Torah.

    The Algemeiner which doesn't really offer much to read is already half English (and has a circulation of only 2-3000) while the Satmar types have at least 3 weekly paperswith sometimes 200 page editions and half a dozen monthly mags - all in Yiddish. Sur eit doesn't guarantee frumkeit - but it sure is a lot better than watching TV and spending all that time on the internet

  8. just what we need, more Lubavitchers with inferiority complexes.

    Most shleppers in CH are foreigners who probably are running from the authorities or cannot do any type of work. The go-getters in Williamsburg cause enough Chilul Hashem too, so let's get so excited here. In this case this man deserves kudos for the fact that he's doing a job that's deemed unrespectable, and that פאסט נישט

    I was commenting in the fact that he lives in this country, and I would assume was born here, and has such a hard time with the language. There's plenty of Yiddish language garbage, i.e. profanity, on the internet, so not speaking English doesn't keep you from entering those sites.

    Instead of bemoaning the situation get off your you-know-what and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

  9. Tzig said: 'just what we need, more Lubavitchers with inferiority complexes.'

    n says: zalmen's post says over simple facts that reflect positively on satmar and independant facts that reflect lousy on lubavitch...for this he has a comlpex? rather, if you can't validate presented facts perhaps you have the complex....also don't attack the man, but rather his thoughts.

    Tzig said: Most shleppers in CH are foreigners who probably are running from the authorities or cannot do any type of work.

    I don't know exactly what you mean by shlepers, but you are foolish to access that any 'non desirable' group, ie, shleppers, derive from something other than the mainstream. The mainstream is producing everything, including those who are flying off the derech outside of yiddishkeit,and those flying off the derech within yiddishkeit. Lets not be delusional.

    tzig said: "The go-getters in Williamsburg cause enough Chilul Hashem too, so let's not get so excited here."

    Zalmen was contrasting 'go getters' (business men) in williamsburg with lubavitch mayhem makers. It is true that both lubav and satmar have mayhem makers, but why do you attack 'go-getters' as chilul hashem machines. The business guys that I know in satmar on the whole and that includes pishers to established people are for the most part a very respectable crowd. I've learned many positives beyond business from these guys.

    Tziggy said: "There's plenty of Yiddish language garbage, i.e. profanity, on the internet, so not speaking English doesn't keep you from entering those sites."

    N says: Are you responding to zalmen here? if so you are essentially nulifying the accomplishment of satmar maintaining a literate yiddish speaking society because a few oddball satmars are blogging and saying from profane things."
    are you so blinded/hurt about lubavitch not mearsuring up in this respect that you need to denigrate any other group that succeeds?

    Instead of bemoaning the situation get off your you-know-what and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

    we should all do something more productive than what we are doing now...


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