Wednesday, May 24, 2006

No Kipah? No Problem!

(Mivtzoyim, in an unnamed Israeli Army base)

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  1. I remember about 20 years ago, when I was a camper, the bochurim would often cover their heads with their arm to say a brocha. Someone asked R' Osdoba if this counted as a covering and he said, only if they tear off their arm first.
    It looks like these guys got it right...

  2. I have seen Satmarer yungeleit covering their head with their sleeve over their kappel as a second head covering when saying a brocha. (This is when their hats are not available)
    I presume thats fine.

  3. Kurenitzer

    funy that you say that saw Satmarer Yungeleit.

    The arm is only a כיסוי if it's covered, at least that's the way I've always understood it. The Rebbe Rashab does mention this in the Maamar of ת"ר נר חנוכה תרמ"ג , the fact that אין עצם מסתיר על עצם Which basically means you can't cover yourself. The soldiers here had no sleeves so they used each others' hands instead.


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