Tuesday, June 6, 2006


Trying to portray all חוזרים בתשובה as total loonies. Some people make their job quite easy.


  1. Man, dig that crazy ride...

    At least they are blocking traffic in order to dance rather than throw rocks at Shabbos desecrators.

  2. please, dont be stupid, first, this guys are actors
    whay do u have against breslev?

  3. I saw that well before I posted. I still think my observation is germane.

  4. I'd say this is really just a parody of those who are total loonies, namely the Na Nachs.

  5. Unfortunately I saw some of the Na - Nach morons actually arrive on the scene of a terrorist attack and starting to dance around there.They were ,rightly so, chased away by Saka members.Baruch Hashem they are as Breslov as the yellow flag bearers are Chabad.


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