Wednesday, June 7, 2006

"Itzhak Frey & Son"

A heartwarming "interview" with an elderly אויבערלענדישע איד אין מאה שערים

Includes nice footage of present-day Meah Sheorim

Dovid Frey introduces the documentarian to his elderly father, "the oldest cashier in the Middle East". R' Yitzchok Frey was the son HaRav Meir Yehuda Frei, Rov of Surany (שוראן), Hungary. He passed away on 6 Shvat of this year. He tells the interviewer his opinion about everything from President Roosevelt to the current lack of world knowledge on the part of young people, and was not afraid to tell the interviewer his opinion about the people of his native Switzerland.

He reminds me of my Zeide.

Available for viewing in Russian, Hungarian and German as well.


  1. Wow, Berl. For some reason I misjudged you. I didn't think you'd appreciate that. I guess I was wrong. Forgive me.

  2. I finally found a rebbe, where is this guy located and does he take kvitlech. This man is pashtus , honesty erlichkayt, all I have been looking for . Yasher kayach Wow ! Mereydik!Bigger than the hige gedeylim in Flatbush and lakewood.

  3. Let me clarify then. “Beautiful” was a reference to the old guy (not his clownish son and other weird guys walking the streets. And come on, I have over the years spoken to many an old guy – this guy IS “Unikum”! Don’t you think? Besides, nothing speaks more to my heart than an authentic old-world East-European Jew (yes, even the Hungarian kind). It sure is a virtually vanished type, sadly.

  4. HT, thanks for the video, and thanks for the opportunity to thank you for something!!

  5. Kurenitzer

    I just realized this bit of info from the German-language version of the film:

    R' Yitzchok the זקן was the son of Rav Meir Yehuda Frei, the Rov of שוראן Hungary. He left this world on ו' שבט תשס"ו

  6. Berl

    Ich bin kein Unikum!

    Notice how in all his piety about not getting his photo taken he quickly forgets when the reporter askd about him, or if he can show off his knowledge.

  7. Berl: "not his clownish son and other weird guys walking the streets."

    Why did you need to add that?

  8. boruch, i agree with you, said it but ht censored me....

  9. I needed to add that so that Tzig does not freak out completely and think that my short comment "beautiful" was כולל these morons as well. תלמוד לומר דלא

  10. Berl, the commment tell us more about you than about them.

  11. ברוך, דער כינוי דיינע האסט' כשר פארדינט

  12. בעסר אן אייזעל ווי א שונא ישראל


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