Friday, June 16, 2006


They insulted Reb Nachman


  1. Any info in the historical relationship between Chabad and Breslov?

  2. boruch der ayzel, to answer your question there is a great historical relation to the two, The Brisker Rov Zt"l said that "The cherem of the Gaon ZT"L still applies today on these two sects, Chabad and Breslev"

  3. The Brisker Rov didn't come to the Pyates of a Lubavitcher or Breslever Mechalel Shabbos.

    עפרא לפומי'ה

  4. i'm relieved that this very public chasidem-misnagdem folly doesn't include lubavitch .....

  5. I'm מוחה ON THE בזוי תלמיד חכם POSTED HERE

  6. to the Anonymous commenter daring me to post his comments:

    Write like a mentsh and you may have a chance, like this you don't.

  7. Tzig thanks for posting that comment anony#2 made about "afreh lepumah" that "the brisker rov did not come to the pyaters of a breslaver or lubavitcher mechalel shabbos"
    its great to see how foolish these lubabs sound, posts like that just shows what kind of illiterate fools we are dealing with!

  8. no

    Davke because they're more literate than a fool who learned in Torah Temimah do they say what they say. If the BR said what you say he said קומט זיך אים to have such a statement made about him.


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