Friday, June 16, 2006

Whatta guy!

Gates to cede Software reins

He's going to take time to devote himself to his foundation!

It must be tough for him, a guy that has no reaon to live by the time he's 40, he's already done it all.


  1. > a guy that has no reaon to live by the time he's 40

    He's 51, Hirshel. Regardless, running the Gates Foundation is going to be a full time job in and of itself; just think of how much trouble YOU would have in equitably distributing $20 billion.

    There's plenty for him to do in his remaining 69 years on this world.

  2. camp

    I should really be a fortune-teller, a professional gambler, or better yet, trade stocks. I know EXACTLY what people are gonna say.

    What I meant was that he had done it all by the time he was 40, not that he's 40 now. OK? cut me some slack here. please.

  3. > What I meant was that he had done it all by the time he was 40

    And I'm saying that, rather than "[having] no reaon to live" he still has plenty more to do between now and 120. Which was the bulk of my earlier comment (and you seem to not care about).

  4. Indeed, are acts of charity and goodwill by Umos ha'Olam not worthy of acknowledgement? Does The Creator not appreciate them?

  5. Heaven forbid! I didn't mean to ignore your comment. It just seems like he's bored of his life as it is, and would like to "make the world a better place."

    His idea of improving the world is giving everybody a free computer so that Steve Jobs not get to them first.

    He's not the greatest philanthropist, far from it, and I don't expect that to change much either, even if he devotes more time to it.

  6. > His idea of improving the world is giving everybody a free computer so that Steve Jobs not get to them first.

    As well as working to improve global health and support local communities in housing, community activism and education.

    > He's not the greatest philanthropist, far from it

    He is new at the game and has much to learn. I'll prefer to reserve judgement on that point.

    FWIW, I do not own any MSFT stock nor am I otherwise associated with Bill in any way (I think Windoze is a lousy OS).

  7. He's not the greatest philanthropist, far from it, and I don't expect that to change much either, even if he devotes more time to it.

    According to Wikipedia (that bastion of accuracy), The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation would have to give One Billion Dollars a year in order to remain a charitable organization. While he may not be "the greatest philanthropist", that's nothing to sneeze at.

    Here is the Wikipedia Article
    Here is the foundation's fact sheet, claiming that the foundation has given a total of $10.5 billion worth of grant commitments since its inception.

    I'm not a big fan of Microsoft, but give the man his due.


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