Monday, July 10, 2006


Lazar's buddy Putin kills Shamil

Ironic, isn't it?

They say in the name of the Rebbe Rashab that after the Czar abdicted the throne and was later killed he was to say:
?פון וואנעט וועט מען איצטער נעמען א משל אויף מלכות
since the Czar was the Gashmiyus'dige "metaphor" used to imagine that concept. So too with Shamil, who will be the Shamil of our children?

Not to worry though, Shamil, from what I understand, is a VERY common name in those parts.


  1. BEAVOD RESHOIM RINO! I lived in Moscow from 1992 until last year and I know what Basayev and his behemas were all about. Yehi ratzon that Osama, Ahmadijendeh and a few Hamas lice join him as he meets his friend Arafat YMS tiff tiff in der erd!

  2. To quote Wikipedia:
    "Shamil continues to be revered in the Caucasus for his resistance to the Russians, and is held up as a role-model by those leading the current fight against Russian control of the region. The Chechen warlord Shamil Basayev was named after him."

  3. Aren't you talking about Shamil Basayev of the Chechen rebels? What does Mottel mean about Basayev being named after him? And what are you talking about anyway, who will be the Shamil of our children?

  4. Basayev was named after the Original Shamil, a Chechen who fought the Czar's armies and was imprisoned. The Rebbe taught a Nigun sung by Shamil while sitting in prison to Chassidim on Simchas Torah.

  5. stam lehoir, i have never seen that quote in the name of the Rebbe Rashab, rather in the name of "chasidim"


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