Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Kudos to the Agudah

At least they seem to care. I don't know if the Israeli Agudah does, after all, the missles have yet to hit Bnei Brak or Yerushalayim, היל"ת

Strange to see that none of the "Gedolim" actually put their name to it.........

From Yeshiva World


  1. what happens if gedolim put their names on it? please flesh it out.

  2. Shtika kehodaa dami.. There are no gedolim in the US today.
    Whose signature means anything in the US.
    In Israel at least there are rabbis like Reb Chaim Kanievsky, Vozner, Elyashov, Berel Povorsky,Gerer rebbe who have some relationship to gadlus.



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