Friday, September 29, 2006

Trailer for Paul Mazursky's "YIPEE".

(a.k.a. אומן ר"ה)

Famed Hollywood director (Not that I ever heard of him, but what do I know? - HT) Paul Mazursky traveled to Uman, Ukraine to make his first feature-length documentary, YIPPEE.

Paul is there as 25,000 Hasidic Jews from around the world come to celebrate Rosh Hashanah as the grave of Rabbi Nachmann. (25,000 already? not too shabby - HT)

(Paul also makes time for some real pleasure, with his usual crowd, although I'm not sure if that happens on Rosh Hashonoh as well. I mean the beer drinking and dancing with non-Chassidim. - HT)

Those that care will notice lots of Lubavitcher Taleisim in the footage, I find that quite compelling. - HT.


  1. The white robes, the chanting? they remind me of -Lehavdil- Mecca.

  2. It's sad really; everyone has this stupid superficial idea of Breslov being a bunch of fools in costumes jumping around smiling & singing all day. If I was a Breslover I would be pretty annoyed by now...

  3. Tzig
    You find the many Lubavitcher taleisim 'compelling'
    Compelling of what?
    Me thinks you don't know what 'compelling' means.

  4. Yes I do:

    Compelling - to have a powerful and irresistible effect, influence, etc.

  5. There was a Lubavitch minyan in Uman troughout RH.


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