Sunday, October 22, 2006

New Blogger version in Beta

Did anybody try it yet? Is it worth switching to?

While we're on the subject; Has anybody tried IE 7.0?


  1. i have ie7 so far so good. but i think it's not beta anymore

  2. Thanks tzib. the Beta question was about the new version of blogger, not about IE.

  3. BTW one of the main features is "tabbed browsing".

  4. IE7 - so far so good.

    Blogger beta - not too good from what I have seen on some of the blogs on my blogroll.

  5. IE7 -just use Firefox ;-)
    Blogger Beta -at some point they plan to switch all of us over, so I'd just wait.

  6. Again with the Firefox? I'm diametrically opposed to FF. I'm just not sure why. It seems like some vast left-wing conspiracy.

  7. Hirshel: Once again you prove to be a very intelligent man. Firefox is indeed a left-wing conspiracy.

    Stay the course!

  8. Mr. President, SIR!

    so nice to hear from you.

    Regards to Laura, and G-d bless.

  9. I finally downloaded IE7.0. It's pretty nice, it just takes some getting used to.


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