Thursday, October 5, 2006

A S J: Guest Posting From Chabakuk Elisha

What have they done to Uman?!

Why is the main Shul for Ashkenazim only? (or at least that's how they want it to be)

Why is Reb Lozer Kenig taking Pidyon Nefesh? Is he a Rebbe?

Why does a Lubavitcher say Tikun HaKloli? What does he hope to accomplish?

What will Uman look like in 5 years from now? Will Yerushalmim cease to come at all?


  1. 1. Nusach hatefilo
    2. All Manhigei Breslov take Pidyon
    3. Its 10 kapitlach tehilim, you have a problem wit that?
    4. Moahiach Now!

  2. 1)Don't all Breslovers daven Nusach sefard?

    2) Why do all Breslovers take Pidyonos? Isn't that reserved for rebbes?

    3) 10 Kapitlech, yes, but why those in that order?

    4) Are you saying that only Moshiach can prevent the upcoming disaster?

  3. 1. No. Sefardim daven like Sefardim. Ashkenazim daven either Sfard or Ashkenaz.

    2. I think that really the pidyon is made by R' Nachman, they are just the intermediaries. If you really care, I'll find out for ya.

    3. Do you have a problem with it? R' Nachman said that these 10 kapitlach (I dont think the order is significant at all) have a special ability of tikkun. Is there a reson not to do it?

    4. Who said disaster?

  4. "is there a reason not to do it?"
    CE, other than considerations of כיבוד אב , why would you do it?
    Do you not thing that this can possibly beפוגע אין התקשרות ח"ו
    א פרייליכ'ן יום טוב

  5. Honestly, I dont think it's פוגע...

    Un a freilichen Y"T dir!

  6. Leshitosi, es iz nitda kein zach vos ken pogeia zein a hiskashrus atzmi. Un eib mir reden nit af aza darga, ich halt sai vi az a gutte zach, vos get tzu in Yiddishkeit, iz eich keinmol nit peigeia – vos iz YA peigea? Efsher sinas chinam, milui tayvos nefesh habahamis, ukedeime…

    Ubur, vegen di shayloh, "farvos ich bin gegangen lechatchila" - eihr zent takeh gerecht az der eintziger cheshbon iz geven kibud av.

  7. -"2) Why do all Breslovers take Pidyonos? Isn't that reserved for rebbes?"
    From A Yid's comment on A Simple Jew
    "While in Breslov even though there were no new Rebbe, there were always outstanding and unique talmidim who had inner Breslover mesoyro and who fulfilled many functions that alive Rebe does (taking pidyoynos, tikuney neshomo and so on), while not being a Rebe! (It is stated how the Rebe explicitly transferred to his different talmidim different responsibilities like tikunim, pidyoynoys etc.) This is unique to Breslov I think."

  8. "פוגע אין התקשרות ח"ו"

    Gimmee a break!

    CE stole my thunder, but i'm still fuming. Crown heights is going to He- in a hand basket, & all you worry about is CE's hiskashrus!!!!?????????

  9. All I know is that Reb Lazer Kenig is considered legitimate and pretty much non-controversial unlike one manhig who is said to be a cult type leader and another who is disdained by some for his Kahane type political opinions.

    Gut moed to all!

  10. Pretty interesting. I've heared bsheym the Slonimer Rebe, that he said to his hasidim that they can go to Uman, but they shouldn't say the tikun. Whatever was his reasoning, the Stoliner Rebe was in Uman personally with lots of his chasidim, and they all said the tikun out loud in a stoliner fasion.

    Hatzlocho rabo!

  11. Reb Elozer Kenig can rightfully take pidyoynoys. He has a straight mesoyro regarding it, coming from his father - Reb Gedalya Kenig ztz"l, who received it from Reb Avrohom Shternhartz ztz"l, who received his mesoyro from talmidim of Reb Noson ztz"l, primarily from Reb Nachman miTherin ztz"l. From all people in Breslov today, there is barely anyone who can compare to him in the knowledge of inner Breslover mesoyro (I don't mean minhogim and etc. I mean rozin derozin if you understand), which is not exposed much to the outside world.

    Reb Avrohom Shternhartz ztz"l was a goen in nigle (he was the rov of Krementchug) and nistar, having an astonishing knowledge of Kabolo and Chasidus. He knew many Sifrey Chasidus beal pe (not only Breslov), and Breslover sforim he knew so well and lived them, that he was called a living "Likutey Moharan". In Krementchug there was a big Lubavitcher kehilo, together with the Breslover one. Since Reb Avrohom was the rov of the town, he was used to give a shiur in a big shul (shiur in Chasidus). A lot of Lubavitchers used to come to his shiur, (Breslovers of course were there). Being so, Reb Avrohom was bringing a lot from maymorim of the Baal haTania, together with Breslover maymorim from Likutey Halochoys during his shiur. Lubavitcher chasidim of Krementchug liked his shiurim a lot because they were very inspiring.

    Once an older chabadnik visited Krementchug, who wasn't used at all to such hanhogo of the rov. He considered it bizarre, that non-Lubavitcher would give a shiur in Chasidus to such a big crowd of chabadnikes! He spoke very sharply againts it, not realizing probably, that he was really speaking derogatory against the rov of the town, who by the way a tzadik in his own right. Leaving the building that chabadnik tripped on the steps, and hurt himself very seriously. Realizing that this was the result of his derogatory speech, he asked to bring him to Reb Avrohom to ask for a mechilo, which Reb Avrohom gave to him. Afterwards he got better and never spoke derogatory about the shiur any more.

  12. CE:
    > vos get tzu in Yiddishkeit, iz eich keinmol nit peigeia –
    > vos iz YA peigea? Efsher sinas chinam, milui tayvos nefesh habahamis,
    > ukedeime…

    מיין חבר (ער איז געווען פון באיאנערס און יעצט ער לערנט ביי ר' מאטל זילבער פון סטוטשין) האט געזאגט א מאל אז היינטיקע "מתנגדים" לערנען נישט קיין ליקוטי מוהר"ן אבער צו "לערנען" ניו יארק טיימס האבם זיי קיין פראבלעם נישט

  13. breslovers claim that the late lubavitch
    Rebbe ztz"l was taught kabblah from a breslover by the name of R' Tzvi Aryeh Rosenfeld z"l who was a talmid of Reb Avrohom Shternhartz ztz"l. Please do your own research to verify.

  14. Anon,
    Incorrect. It was Likkutei Mohoran that the Lubavitcher Rebbe learned with R' T"A Rosenfeld - (I think it was) in the 1940's.

  15. Now I'm not so sure - it might have been in the 50's, but the 40's seems to make more sense to me.
    And although he was a talmid of R' Avrohom, R' Rosenfeld (1922-1978) only stared learning with R' Avrohom in 1947, meeting for the first time in 1949.

  16. btw -
    the L'R' contacted Bairach Rubinson
    an old Breslov Chosid about how the breslovers in Uman did hishtatchus on the Tzion.

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  19. אני חושב שלא כל אתה מסכים עם זה .. אבל אני חייב לומר

    an arab ... learn the languge :d


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