Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Blogs Recently Added

To my sidebar that is. Some against my better judgement, but I do read them so I need to have them handy. I wish the bloggers mentioned here would be so kind as to add Ani KaKoton's to their respective sites. If you'd like to be added drop me a line and I'll IY"H oblige you. תודה מראש

On The Main Line
Seforim Blog
Emes Ve'Emunah (Harry Maryles)
Dry Bones Blog
Existential Angst
Frum With Questions
Hirhurim - Musings
On the Contrary


  1. So, Berl, thousands of years of "Ani HaQoton" has been proven to be incorrect? Based on what do you say that, and is that Mukhrakh?

  2. אני הקטן הוספתי
    אבל: תסיפו גם אותי הקטן

    אני הנני רואה ורואים אותי

  3. I understand about the אני רואה ורואים אותי but you wouldn't answer the door by saying אותי so why would you say אותי הקטן? Although at Krias HaTeyreh, Lemoshol the Gabbai does say ואת אותי

  4. The ursine sheigetz is a rosho. It is not 'tzugepast' for you to link to him.

  5. ursine
    a. pertaining to or like a bear. ursiform, a. bear-shaped. ursoid, a. like a bear.

    I just want to have a quick link to him, is that not ok? If you really think so, and others agree, I'll remove it.

  6. Only his name is ursine. His blog is assinine (and even though I know that the mekor of assinine is ass meaning a donkey, I would use the word tuchesdige when describing his blog in Yiddish!)

  7. I understand about the אני רואה ורואים אותי but you wouldn't answer the door by saying אותי so why would you say אותי הקטן?

    This was not worth a whole exchange, but since you still ask, my only point was that your sentence should have read: "I wish the bloggers mentioned here would be so kind as to add אותי הקטן to their respective sites".

  8. I'm aware of that. That still does not answer my question though.

  9. What is it about some bloggers that they have a problem reciprocating a professional courtesy? Why can't they add your link when they know yo've already done it?

  10. The courtesy of a link tells me that a blogger considers another blog to be a positive contributor to the blogging process. The guy is an oisvorf who has no tachlis but leitzonus of the most destructive kind. This is a man who called Rabbi Adlerstein a kapo. Links just encourage him... His blog deserves the same end as TR's famous bear.

  11. Um, excuse my ignorance, but who's Rabbi Adlerstein, and what has he done to deserve such a title?

    Also, who's TR?

  12. Excuse me? You make a cryptic comment, now please decipher it for us!

  13. For heavens' sake, I'm not referring to Chochmas Nistar. His oisvorf-keit is on his blog for all to see! Google it.

    As for TR, google Teddy Roosevelt and bear hunting.

  14. Why would you answer the door with אותי? In modern English we do say "it's me", but that's just an איינגעחזר'טער גרייז, made standard only by the force of usage; hypercorrect English speakers still say "it is I". Hebrew has not yet fallen into the same error, so the standard usage is still אני.

  15. Milhouse

    that's my point. if you wouldn't answer the door with אותי why would you say אותי הקטן? but I think Berl is right. You would say אותי הקטן'ס blog.

  16. Who is the owner of the It seems that in many controversies he prefers the position of maskilim.


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