Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Where the Real Artscroll Money goes

I guess we Yiddelech think that the Schottenstein Family is totally dedicated to the cause of Torah. They've sponsored the greatest Torah project in history in The Schottenstein Talmud and are to be commended for it. What most people don't know is that a greater project that they've bankrolled is far, far from the realm of Torah. Look at where the REAL money goes:

Yes, in their hometown of Columbus, OH.

Upcoming events at the Jerome Schottenstein Center at OSU

Mannheim Steamroller?! with Shas Gelt? Oy Vey!


Dec 11th 7:30 PM The Who

Dec 16th 12:00 PM OSU Women's Basketball

Jan 26th 7:00 PM Winter Jam Tour 2007

Are we to stand by and allow this manipulation of Torah to happen? Are we to be silent when the learning of Hundreds of Thousands of Torah Jews is tainted with money that funds heresy, promiscuity, Prikas Ol, and worse? Can we allow ourselves to be influenced by money that is spent in such a way?!

Where are the Gedolim to stand up against this travesty?

!מי לה' אלי! כולנו למערכה

The next time you open that Sefer remember where else that money has been, Maybe you'll have a change of heart and revert back to the original means of learning Talmud.

(This post has been sponsored by the Steinsaltz Talmud and Shas Eyz V'Hodor)


  1. tzig how about this story?

  2. Its not where the Artscroll money goes - it's where the Artscroll money comes from...

  3. I usually agree with your posts. This time, I think you are off the mark. Supporting other causes does not detract from the Shottenstein's zchusim. This post is an example of the kind of single minded ethnocentric thinking that keeps the Torah world in the dark ages morally and this type of thinking is the reason why there is such a wide gap between parents/teachers and today's children/generation. As a matter of fact, this is the reason why many of us come to blogs, to hear true objective opinions that are free from groupthink and an additude of exclusivity. Shame on you, Tzig.

  4. it is a shame that some people can't appreciate a bit of parody.

    take the blinkers off!

  5. you are WAY off with this post. Rethink and apologize!

  6. Has anyone checked through all the activities Mr Rohr supports?

  7. shhh, what we don't know can't hurt us....

  8. Even though this was apparently meant to be "light-hearted", I see nothing funny in this and its pure Lashon Hara and Leitzonus.

  9. Even though this is put in a way that the author can claim that he was only joking, I think it's out of order.

    Re the Schottenstein arena at OSU -they contributed to the arena - that doesn't mean they sponsor every event there. They don't own the place or control everything in it.

  10. nobody can take a little humor anymore

  11. I appreciate all those who commented, but please, next time you go shopping get yourselff a sense of humor.

  12. tzig, this is a bit baby'ish. you know good & well that many shluchim get their funds from similar sources. & no, i don't think you were trying to be funny with this one, you are trying to save face.

  13. Lets not mention all the views that the author of the Steinsaltz talmud has put forth.

  14. Tzibaleh

    I'm terribly sorry you feel that way, really. But wat you seem to miss is the fact that the Rebbe and Shluchim are the ones condemning Chabad fundraising tactics, I'm just here to fight back. And what greater way to do that than to condemn the source of all the critique.

  15. Yeah, I know, it's tongue in cheek. But what have you got against Mannheim Steamroller? I like Mannheim Steamroller. I can't see any objection to anything that goes on at the Schottenstein Center, but if this sort of thing will shock the Artscroll audience, then go ahead, expose this dark and horrible secret to them...

  16. off topic:

  17. Milhouse

    I have nothing against them, as a matter of fact they're Rush's favorite band. That's where I know of them. They're just a Kratzmich band, that's all.

    A full-blown expose' is what this is, man!

  18. Berl

    I saw it in Shturem and in B'chadrei Charedim, it's just very unclear as to what the extent of the "Issur" of HaRav Kook actually was.

    1) No Talmidim may go to the Chasuneh at all

    2) Talmidim, Chaverim of the Chossen can go but not eat anything

    3) They can go and eat but he won't be Mesader Kidushin because the Hechsher in the hall is HaRav Landa!

    So, in the name of journalism I refrained from writing about the story.

  19. if you read the comments there virually no bachurim from his yeshiva came, so it would seem clear that there was a clear instruction not to come to the wedding...

  20. I was just perusing my volume of the Schottenstein Talmud tractate Ketubot and was astonished to find hundreds of names of mostly Frei people contributing to this monumental work. Way to go!

  21. I am confused about this post. Was it a joke or are you being serious? If you look at the history of this center, they explain how they got the money and why they named it after Shottenstein. He was a local in the community and wanted to help build a nice facility for the local college. I don't see the problem with it. His foundation has no control over the events or programs of the school. It was a one time donation. The amount of money that was given was much less then the the total amount given to Jewish causes and one has the right to give their money away as they please. My issue with Artscroll is the amount of money they make per sefer and how wealthy the owners of Artscroll Mesorah are. Thats a reason why I try not to buy their seforim. I use the Daf Yomi edition of their Gemara because of my backround and without it I would not be able to learn as much as I do.

  22. FWQ:

    It was written in jest to illustrate this point: Don't poke your nose into where Chabad gets its money, because you'll get burned too.

  23. In response to people "screaming" about the idea that Chabad Shluchin get their money from non-Frum Jews.

  24. Several points
    1. a few miles away from the arena is the Schottenstein Chabad House, so Chabad gets money from this source
    2. the name "Jerome Schottenstein" is disassociated from this builiding on Shabbos and not mentioned on live TV during sports games
    3. current chief Schottenstein is shomer shabbos and formed a second modern orthodox shul years ago as a breakaway from no mechitz shul

  25. ok, i guess i didn't notice your tongue hiding there in your cheek.
    Sorry tzig.

  26. Apologies accepted. I really need to learn about the readers here, they sure take a while to catch on.

  27. Anonymous (6:53pm)

    We all about his Chabad connection, but Chabad has always taken money from irreligious and those that fund other activities as well. It's the ones that scream Chai VeKayom about Chabad's policies that this is addressed to.

  28. but jerome schottnestein was a shomer shabbes yid and so is jay schottenstein who runs the show, your whole premise is skewed


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