Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The Zune

I've been itching for an IPod for the longest time, especially since every guy on the train has one. I'd like to upload all those Niggunim, Shiurim and Farbrengens onto it. Do I spring for the Zune instead?


  1. It depends what you need it for . . . If you just want audio, then perhaps get and older gen. iPod . . .
    My friend did his research and ended up getting the Cowon iAudio

    Make your choice

  2. Audio should be enough, although there all those Rebbe farbrengen videos on video would be nice.....



  3. Ah Tzigaleh, Let me tell you I one one of these things ina Tzedokoh auction last year. My life has really taken on new meaning. Spinning down my nano I see hundreds of sichos and maamorim from the Rebbe from many years, I have Daf Yomi shiurim that I download daily from Rav Elefant from the OU (he is great) I have shiurim from Harav J.B. Solevechik and many other wonderful lectures and shiurim. I never get bored anymore. Anytime I do I plug into a world of information . I also have hundreds of hours of Jewish music as well. You got to get one of these

  4. Just a guy:

    well, which one do I get? how many Gigs do they have these days, and how much do I need?

  5. and are most of the shiurim and lectures to be had אומזיסט? בחנם? gratis?

    I know Aish charges for anything you wanna listen to!

  6. There can be no Hafotzas HaMaayonos via the Sitra Achra. Microsoft is like the Misnaged who wants to discover outreach a few years after it became popular.

    Stick to the real thing. Apple iPod.

    Don't get an old one, get the latest and greatest. You will fill it quicker than you can say Moshiach.

  7. I use a regular mp3 player - all I use it for is to listen to (Jewish) music on long subway rides or long walks. If you want to be able to see videos of the Rebbe's farbrengens, then a video unit is a good idea - go to a big retailer like J and R or the Buzz and try them out before you buy.

  8. I am interested to see what you decide upon because I too have been thinking about getting one. Right now, I am just using a CD player that can play .mp3s. I use this to listen to shiurim on Likutey Moharan.

  9. No No! Don't go over to the dark side.

    You might check out The Apple Store for refurbished models. I got an iPod shuffle from there.

  10. Tziggaleh , I have over one hundred gig worth of stuff which I will gladly give you, give me your email and I will email you

  11. EMail me

    It's also in my profile page as well as in the top left corner of the blog front page.

    Thanks a bunch!

  12. I've been itching for an IPod for the longest time, especially since every guy on the train has one.

    what a weird reason. i know its not your main one, and its probably not even a REAL reason...but its funny that that would influence your decision at all-'that everyone has one'...

  13. it's not the only reason, you know. It's just MeOrer the Tshukeh.


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