Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Duvid'l Weisz

Rabbi Dr. Weisz-HaLivni as a young lad of 11 years old in Marmures with his Mother Feige, Aunt Ettel, Zeide Reb Shaye, and sister Chana Yitte.

(Photo credit - Columbia, sent by AMSHINOVER)

Mamesh Moleh Chein!

One of the worst tragedies of the Holocaust was that children were exposed to the greatest horrors and later lived for decades without being able to express their emotions. I had 4 grandparents who survived the camps, and the most I heard was names of places, nothing about experiences.


  1. Not everyone could take the experience in order to use it for something. For example the Bluzhever Rebe ztz"l did. Many not only couldn't - it broke them completely, and they lost Yiddishkayt because of it, Rachmono letzlan...

  2. I also speak of frum people who didn't lose their Yiddishkeit, they too spoke nothing of what they experienced. Would it hurt their Yiddishkeit even 40-50 years later?

  3. why do you speak of halivni as if he is frie and dead?

  4. Frei maybe, but dead? where do you see that?

    if Slifkin is a heretic then Halivni is too.

  5. Halivni is too confusing and too much of a (real or pseudo) intellectual to be classified as a real heretic.

    For the frei students at Columbia, he was too frum. They used to hock him a chainik about womens' issues after class. My fellow frum students took his course to get an easy A and hardly paid attention to what he had to say. He once argued with me about a dvar torah I gave after Shabbos davening because I used medrash as a source. First he corrected an omission that I indeed had made and then he said the medrash was contrived and therefore so was my dvar torah. Instead he felt I should have stuck to the literal meaning of the text and tried to figure out what the translation should have been.

    At that point I realized he was out to make Torah into any other subject in the university while still somehow retaining his belief in Torah Mesinai, and I chalked it up to his hard early life followed by the upheaval of the Shoah.

    His main claim to fame is probably that he is the model for one of Chaim Potok's characters in The Chosen (Professor Malter??). Otherwise, he will be forgotten in due time.

  6. i went through a personal tradegy on gimmel tammuz, & that challenged my WHOLE belief system. We can not begin to understand, let alone judge anyone who went through the holocaust. so i guess your example tzig isn't valid.

  7. Anonymous

    You want more examples? I have more. And who's to say that the Haskoloh, Communism, Zionism, and G-d knows what else are not also valid excuses?

  8. sorry tzig, can't lump holo with all the rest

  9. correction, communism may be comparable

  10. this is not dovid weiss from NK, is it?!


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