Sunday, December 3, 2006

Query "Helfgott" in Google Video

This is the only result. Can anybody tell me why?


  1. i'm sure you meant to insert this video

  2. It's the only one that I found on youtube.

  3. If I am not mistaken this is from the movie/documentary "Shine" which is about the life of (Australian Jewish) pianist David Helfgott.
    This is an amazing story of a musical prodigy who suffered a nervous breakdown as a young man but whose talents were discovered many years later. Some of the scenes were filmed in the Adelaide Hebrew Congregation.

    For info about the film:

    For an interview with David Helfgott:

    I think you meant to search for Chazan Helfgot (one "t").

  4. Thank you, AussieEcho! (and the others for trying)

    What happens at the end, when his glasses fall, is that the nervous breakdown you speak of?

    And is the shtikkel he plays from Rachmaninov?

  5. Were you at the concert last night? His voice was sore, and people were unimpressed during the first half. But he rallied during the second half.

  6. I was not.

    In the begining when I heard about it I was very excited, but then I was distracted and didn't buy. I felt bad last night.

    What do you call sore? And how do you become "unsore" so quickly?

    How were the crowds?


  8. depends on how you spell helfgot, one t 2 t's etc, with the helf of g-t you will find the helfgot you seek

  9. Tzig-
    the oylam zugt that he had a cortizone shot-- i don't what that is, but there was clear difference, (other than a small change in the microphone arrangement).


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