Monday, January 8, 2007

Green Chareidim?

This just in:

A new environmental group aims to enlist Haredim
(Matthew Wagner, THE JERUSALEM POST Jan. 7, 2007)

Global warming, the thinning ozone layer and the greenhouse effect
are not presently at the top of the haredi community's priority list, but
an organization known as Haredim Le'sviva (Haredim for the
Environment) wants to change that. Not only desecration of Shabbat by El Al or the sale of immodest clothing in Bnei Brak and Jerusalem will be at the forefront of haredi interests if Haredim Le'sviva has its way, but also educating against littering and encouraging recycling.

In the first conference of its kind, haredi MKs and a dozen local
government politicians together with Tel Aviv Chief Rabbi Meir Lau,
will meet Monday in Bnei Brak to discuss recycling, air and noise
pollution and the adverse effects of cellular phone antennas.Environment Minister Gideon Ezra will also attend the conference. McCann Erickson, an ad agency with a haredi department, will be sponsoring the gathering.

So far none of the major haredi halachic authorities has come out
publicly in support of the move and without their support it is doubtful
that Haredim Le'sviva's initiative will gain momentum. However, according to Yehudah Ganut, a young haredi educator from Petah Tikva who founded the organization several years ago, two prominent rabbis are backing his organization. Rabbi Yitzhak Zilberstein, an expert in medicine and halacha, and Rabbi Shmuel Eliezer Stern, a member of Rabbi Shmuel Halevi Vozner's rabbinic
court, both support increasing haredi awareness to environmental

Akiva Briland, a member of Haredim Le'sviva, told The Jerusalem
Post that there were many classical Jewish sources supporting
environmental protection. "For instance, Jewish law states that a tree must be planted 50 amot (25 meters) from the city out of consideration for the landscape and
the Midrash [homiletic rabbinic commentary] warns man to be careful
not to destroy the world," said Briland. Briland and Ganut say that haredim realize the importance of protecting the environment, but they have yet to be mobilized.

According to a survey conducted by Mutagim, a leading pollster, 94%
of haredim surveyed said that protecting the environment was
important. Some 72% said they were bothered by air pollution and the
same amount said they wanted to live in a green setting.

In a related development, the government set in motion Sunday a
recycling bill that would include as refundable 1.5 to 2 liter plastic
bottles. The government set up a committee that is supposed to
prepare the legislation within a month. The Sephardi haredi Shas party
has opposed the bill, arguing that it would hurt large families. Shas
said that including the bigger bottles as eligible for a deposit refund
would raise the price by half a shekel.

"We do not have enough refund outlets for the bottles," MK Amnon
Cohen (Shas). "So haredi families will pay the extra price without
getting their money back." Haredim Le'sviva recommended allowing non-profit organizations to collect the bottles, thus encouraging citizens to recycle them.
Briland said that in Bnei Brak last year, four million bottles were returned for refunds.

Read it at


  1. Wow! This is a lot of information.

  2. The above thread was started by my buddy Mekushor, but he was too humble to take the credit for it. I don't get very excited about "Green Charedim."

  3. I guess that old chinese couple that shleps around Boro Park with about 12 millions cans and bottles, and goes through every trash can in the city does it to help save the environment, eh? and here I thought it was those refunds they were after.....

  4. Hirshel,

    Recycling is a red herring. Oil is destroying the earth, and is imperiling the world generally and Israel specifically. How do you think Iran can fund all of her enemies? Why do you think no matter who is the U.S. president we are friends with the Saudis?

    What do you think is funding Tehran's nuclear programs? What funded Bin Laden?

  5. What do REAL chareidim know about science or the environment? they are either BTs with an environmental wacko agenda, or naive FFBs.

  6. I just heard from a chaver that the Stoliner Rebbe disagreed with the "heimisher" about protesting El Al's flying on Shabbos, as well as the rabbonim who supported public protests against the
    hashchosah parade in Yerushalayim. He also endorses parts of the environmentalist agenda, especially cleaning up garbage, which left unattended is a chilul Hashem.
    It seems that he really is somewhat of a radical.

  7. I always knew that the Stoliner had leftist leanings!

  8. DK

    I totally lost you there: what's oil got to do with recycling?

    I also learned that not having garbage all over your front lawn and keeping a clean appearance makes you an environmentalist!

    I also learned that being a "environmentalist" like that makes you a leftist!

    oh well...


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